"These sticks are almost like this." Zhao Minghao said:

"That's what I came across when I was reading."

"But one by one in their TV series..." ye still flashed his big eyes.

"It was carefully selected. Our idols are the same Zhao Minghao said with a smile:

"What's more, Bonzi's plastic surgery is very famous. Not only women, but also many men go for plastic surgery. "

"Brother Hao, do you want to make medicine?" "Ye still asked:" or I and Ann Nuo elder sister go back first

"No, my customized scabbard is coming." Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "I'll wait for the express delivery."

Arnold and ye are still here. Wait a minute. Zhao Minghao went to the kitchen to make pills. It took half an hour to refine a furnace of Qi refining pills.

When he comes out, ye and anno are still playing with a sword sheath.

"Well, well done." Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

Here, Zhao Minghao and ye still hold the flying sword in their scabbard. It felt really good.

"Come on, let's go back. They're all back in the moon. " "It's almost eight o'clock," ye said

Zhao Minghao has just pulled up the rolling door. A taxi stopped here. Lu Haishan and Zhang Yun came down from the car.

Lu Haishan's face was pale and a little weak. Zhang Yun was very angry.

Zhang Yun is really angry. Just now someone invited this Lu Haishan to come here without calling her. You know, Zhang Yun is a girl in her heart. I like watching Bonzi's TV series best.

Now I'm going to eat the authentic stick meal without calling her. How can we not make Zhang Yun angry.

What's more, Lu Haishan injured his trachea. This is a wonderful work!

Zhang Yun and Lu Haishan came here not only because their car was left at the gate of the five elements hall. Another thing is that Lu Haishan was injured when eating with Zhao Minghao.

Especially after hearing how much money Zhao Minghao made. This makes Zhang Yun feel that if she misses such an opportunity, heaven will not forgive her.

Zhang Yun's idea of coming here this time is to ask Zhao Minghao to take out some money no matter what. It's no problem to give one hundred and eighty thousand. This is a piece of cake for Zhao Minghao. It's as easy as eating a melon seed.

As for the reason, it's easy to find. That's Zhao Minghao's treat, and Lu Haishan, Zhao Minghao's slap. Otherwise, how could Lu Haishan get hurt! Now you can't speak loudly. How can you go to class?

"How about Professor Lu?" Zhao Minghao asked with a smile.

Before Lu Haishan spoke, Zhang Yun said hastily:

"What else. It takes at least a week off to get to work. Professor Zhao, why don't you say something? "

"What do you want me to say?" he asked

"What do you want to say? Now that my man is like this, do you have any responsibility? " Zhang Yun's unruly way.

"Wait, he ordered his own octopus and ate his own food. Why am I responsible? " Zhao Minghao looks surprised.

"If it hadn't been for your treat, it wouldn't have happened." Zhang Yun said: "you are responsible for this matter!"

"Tut Tut, there is such a reason! Don't say I didn't invite him. It's just that he had the cheek to go with the past. Even if we invite him, it has nothing to do with us! " Ye still said angrily:

"He's not a three-year-old! He needs to be taken care of to eat! "

"Tell me how to be responsible." Anno's calm way.

"The cost of losing money, missing work and mental loss add up to 100000 yuan." Cried Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun thought in her heart, even if she can't knock 100000 yuan, she can get 50000 yuan or 60000 yuan. Zhao Minghao paid for the clothes he wanted.

"Well, you're asking for money. That's no problem. It's 100000 yuan. " Zhao Minghao is very insipid.

"Ah, you agreed. That's good. Call me the money quickly... "Zhang Yun said with surprise.

She never thought that Zhao Minghao would not even agree to the price. It's easy for Zhao Minghao to make money!

Zhang Yun has some regrets now. Why don't you ask for more just now? Maybe 200000 is no problem.

"I can't call you now. You go to court and sue me. I'll give you as much as the court decides. Don't say 100000, even if the court decides 1.10 million. "

Zhang Yun a listen to muddle force for a while, angry way: "you are playing rascal!"

"Go away, I don't know who's playing the rascal!" The leaf still one face disdains a way.

"If you don't give me money, I will..." Zhang Yun wants to play a rogue.

"Professor Lu, you are a university professor. Don't throw your face on the floor, OK? " Zhao Minghao's secluded way.

"Let's go, let's go." Lu Haishan's voice is hoarse and low. Pull Zhang Yun to leave, make Zhang Yun a face not happy.

Just now, Lu Haishan didn't say anything. Just want to see how many dates Zhang Yun can knock down with one stroke. He was also surprised when he heard 100000 yuan. I didn't expect to be happy!

"Why are you pulling me away?" Zhang Yun said angrily. They were in the car at this time. Zhang Yun is going to drive away.

"They don't care if you're in trouble. So you think going to court will win? It's just a shame, and what can you do if you let it go. If the police come... "

Hear Lu Haishan hoarse say these words. Zhang Yun also said helplessly:

"That's what you're talking about, too. Now the police seldom make peace with each other. If it had been before, the police would have come. So what? I'm going to make tens of thousands. It's nothing to Zhao Minghao. "

"There are still such people!"

Ye still said angrily: "these two people just want to blackmail. If we were softer, they would hold on. I want to smash their car. "

While ye is still talking, Zhang Yun is starting the car. The buzzing sound reminds Ye of one thing.

Ye is still wearing a pair of flying butterflies with a silver chain on his wrist. Now with a gentle shake of the jade wrist, the pair of flying butterflies flew out.

The two flying butterflies fly out like two butterflies. That speed looks very slow, but it seems to have crossed the void again. In a flash, he came to the side of the car more than ten meters away.

Shuangfei butterfly gently rubbed the left and right tires on the back of the car and flew back. Fall back in the leaf is still on the wrist, also gently collide with each other, issued a crisp Ding.

"What sound?" Zhang Yun heard a strange sound. Lu Haishan also heard it. Then the car gives an alarm, and the two tires behind are under pressure.

They both felt that the back was much shorter. Get out of the car in a hurry. You see two flat tires.

"How is that possible?" Zhang Yun is silly.

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