"As a doctor, you treat me..." Lindel said eagerly.

Lindel still believes Zhao Minghao can cure him. Because there's no need to lie like that. What's more, Lindel, who wants to live, believes Zhao Minghao's words.

"Go away, I'll treat you? Can you afford it? It seems that you are not only moonlight clan, but also owe money? " Zhao Minghao's disdainful way:

"What do you say when you have no money?"

"Money? I have money. I have money. I have a real estate for sale in baitouying Lindel said in a hurry: "you can sell more than 300000 green coins with one hand."

"How much do you say? More than 300000 green coins. What a big sum of money. " Zhao Minghao sneered

"It's only two million yuan to change it into soft money. If you want me to do it, you can't do it without a hundred million. "

"100 million?" Lindel's eyes are about to pop out.

But it's going to be a dead face. How can he get this hundred million. Even if he goes back to the white headed eagle country for treatment and prolongs his life, his more than 300000 is just a drop in the bucket.

"Dr. Zhao, you can't see death without help, can you?" Jocel spoke at this time.

He thinks that Zhao Minghao's secret recipe is really attractive. Don't say this cure for AIDS. If you can get acupuncture anesthesia, you will have fame and fortune in your life.

"You've learned morality, too. But from a foreigner, how can it be funny? " Zhao Minghao sneered

"Well, that's it. Director Ji, director Wang, I have to go back... "

"Don't go. We'll have two drinks together tonight. It's my treat Premier Ji is in a hurry. He still has a lot to ask Zhao Minghao.

"Well, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow evening. My girlfriend is cooking and waiting at home. This... "Zhao Minghao told the truth.

"Tut Tut, I'll leave everything behind and go back quickly." Ji Yuanchang said with a smile: "the girlfriend is bigger than the sky before marriage!"

Zhao Minghao nodded and left with a smile. I've just called. Now I'll call back. He didn't want to move the Bentley, so he had better take a taxi.

Back in front of the four units of Jinxiu apartment, I saw Ye Tianyun's van parked here.

As you pass by, you can see ye Tianyun and Lu Ping sitting in the government driving position. Ye Zhigang sat in the back with an impatient face.

"HAOGE HAOGE, you just came back?" Ye is still running behind.

Zhao Minghao stops to see that ye is still carrying a big bag in his hand. He said with a smile, "are you still shopping?"

"Yes, I don't think you like yellow throat. I went and bought some back. " Ye still said with a charming face:

"Sister anno is ready."

Leaf is still passing by the side of the van when a look of disgust. See this three popular will not play a!

"Come on. Sister Ann is still waiting. " Zhao Minghao light way.

At this time, ye Ziyu came in a hurry. Ye Tianyun and Lu Ping got off the car.

"What are you doing, Ziyu. I'm not calling to tell you to wait here. You kept us waiting so long? " Lu Ping said angrily.

"What are you waiting for me for?" Ye Ziyu frowned: "I have nothing to do? I'll be back when you call? "

Zhao Minghao and ye are still standing in the lobby watching. Originally Zhao Minghao wanted to go up, but ye still took Zhao Minghao's hand to watch the excitement here.

"Well, well, let's not talk about that. Help your mother with her luggage. I'll push your brother up. "

Ye Tianyun pushes Ye Zhiqiang off the car. Ye Zhiqiang is in a wheelchair.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Ye Ziyu looks surprised.

"What do you mean, we were kicked out of the house. Fortunately, we still have your house. " Ye Tianyun said.

"Ah, you want to live in my house." Ye Ziyu understood. "It's impossible," he said with a cold face

"Impossible? Why not? " Ye Tianyun feels incredible“ The house you bought... "

"You know the house I bought? I don't want you to live in it. " Ye Ziyu said simply: "as for why I don't want to say. Just to remind you that the house is mine, mine! "

"You..." Ye Tian was speechless.

"Ye Ziyu, we have no place to live. You can't watch us wandering in the street, can you Cried Ye Zhiqiang.

"That's your business. Not all the street people have a place to live. Don't tell me that. I have no obligation to provide you with accommodation. " Ye Ziyu said:

"I don't want to be with you anymore."

Ye Ziyu said and left in a hurry. I didn't pay any attention to Ye Tianyun.

"Step on the horse, I will..." Ye Tianyun called.

"What else can you do?" Lu Ping said.

Ye Tianyun was stunned. Yeah, what else can I do?

"What are we going to do? We have to find a place to live. " Ye Tianyun said with a sad face.

"It's cheaper to rent a house in the fringe." Lu Ping said.

"I'm not used to that place. If you want to rent a house, rent it here. " Ye Zhiqiang called.

"Let's rent one room and one living room here. My son lives in the living room. " Ye Tianyun said.

"We'll pay half of the money each!" Lu Ping is in a hurry.

Zhao Minghao and an nuoye still went back to the five elements hall to refine pills after dinner. When it was more than ten o'clock, he came out of the five elements hall.

Just arrived at the gate of Jinxiu apartment, I saw Zhang Mingyue and four of them.

"Professor Zhao has just finished his work?" Zhang Mingyue asked.

"Well, what are you doing?" Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

"We've just finished filing. I'm a little hungry. Come out and see what you have to eat. " Wu Yingying said with a smile.

"Well, I'll treat you to a snack." Zhao Minghao said with a smile. Of course, such scenes should include:

"Just go to the opposite Hotel and come back..."

"That's enough. Let's go to the food stall and have some... "Xu Wenqian said.

"We don't need to save money for Professor Zhao, we'll go and come again." Wu Yingying said in a hurry: "it's right to listen to the boss's arrangement."

"Why don't you call sister Ann Nuo and still?" Zhang Mingyue said.

"No, they eat enough at night." Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

Just take a seat in the lobby. I didn't order many dishes, just a bowl of Buddha jumping over the wall. There are also some vegetables and so on.

In the lobby at night, there is a man on a small stage, playing a guitar and singing. A shawl of long hair with melancholy eyes and hesitant songs. Let this man of twenty-five or six have a lot of flavor.

"Why, I know him!" Bai Xu's eyes widened at this time.

"Do you know him?" Wu Yingying asked curiously.

"Yes, yes. He found my wallet, gave it back to me and left in a hurry. I don't even have a chance to thank you. " Bai Xu is a little excited.

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