"Let's go. Dr. Zhao, I'll find you a house tomorrow. We have such a facade in the hands of Optimus. "

Arnold is not lying. She disdains to lie in any situation.

"Gee, Optimus?" The short fat man immediately thought of something“ Are you Mr. an? I've seen you from a distance before. I'm Han Lisan, Han Lisan of Li sanmuye... "

"Mr. Han, let's get down to business. How about nine million?"

Xiao Yuyao asked. I wanted to show my ability to help Zhao Minghao. I don't know. It's like anno's acting on you.

"OK, look at the face of general manager an..." the short fat man said.

"Well, don't say it. How about going through the formalities tomorrow? "

Xiao Yuyao interrupted the short fat man's words. She was really annoyed. But there is no outlet.

"OK, in the face of president an, it's nine million. Tomorrow and this one? " Han pangzi still says it in the face of general manager an.

"Zhao Minghao, go to the real estate at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon..." Zhao Minghao nodded and agreed.

"I'll see you tomorrow. This is the key. The house will be back to Mr. Zhao from now on. "

Han chubby left with the key. He wanted to curry favor with anno, but he knew it was not the right time. What's more, knowing that Arnold also lives here, there will be plenty of opportunities after that.

"This fat man is worth nine million and wants to be human."

Xiao Yuyao was a little angry. Today's events make her very uncomfortable.

"Well, the price is for you two to talk about." Zhao Minghao said with a smile:

"Saved a million. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow. "

"Please have dinner. Give us some presents. " Xiao Yuyao said in a delicate voice. This has forgotten the unhappiness just now.

"No problem." Zhao Minghao thought of what to do.

There's no jade from little devils. Just make a bracelet for both of them. No matter how much it's worth, it's made by myself.

Back on the 22nd floor, Zhao went back to his house. Back in front of her room, Xiao Yuyao sighed.

"What's the matter with you?" Anno said with a smile. She's a little knowingly asking.

"Come in, I want to share my grievances with someone."

Xiao Yuyao opened the door and was about to go to La anno. This let Ann Nuo quickly avoid after way: "don't start, I come in to listen to Xiao Xiaomei you want to say."

"Why can't I summon up the courage to make it clear to Dr. Zhao?" Xiao Yuyao is very depressed.

"Maybe Dr. Zhao didn't show his favor to you. You have no bottom in your heart Arnold gave the reason.

"That's true. Is a beauty like me not in Dr. Zhao's eyes? My family background is not bad. Dr. Zhao knows that. "

Xiao Yuyao really can't understand. I'm worried about making a mess of my short hair.

"Well, it may be so." An Nuo's delicate hand made a gesture“ Zhao Xiaodi is a doctor. There must be a lot of reading, which is more introverted. "

"You are also a scholar, so you know what he is like." Xiao Yuyao pouted her lips and said, "I'm the only one who studies less."

"Don't you come back from studying abroad?" You must be good at reading, too.

"I paid for it when I graduated from high school. I have been playing outside for several years, and I still play with those who go out at home. As a result, the language of opium cattle is only used in daily conversation. You know that

Xiao Yuyao was embarrassed when she said this. Looking at anno, he blinked his eyes and made a embarrassed look.

"Well, I see."

Arnold nodded and really understood. Xiao Xiaomei is only a high school student. No, according to her personality, maybe high school is mixed.

"Don't laugh at me!" Xiao Yuyao waved her fist.

"You don't read much, but you have a broad vision. You have a lot of courage and means to do things. I can't learn this from reading. "

Anno is comforting Xiao Yuyao. Of course, it's not a lie. Xiao Yuyao really has the advantages of Annuo. This may have something to do with her nature and the environment in which she grew up.

"Well, doctor Zhao and I complement each other in this way." Xiao Yuyao is very proud“ By the way, Saturday the day after tomorrow. Let's go to Banyue lake. I'll inform the other two now. "

Ann nodded with a smile and went home. Xiao Yuyao knocked on the door of 2203.

Ye, who opened the door, was still surprised. I didn't live, so why did someone knock on the door to protest. Ye is still left with the sequelae of the protest.

"Yeh, we'll go to Banyue Lake Club for a day the day after tomorrow morning. How about you get ready? "

Xiao Yuyao said to ye who opened the door. Don't give ye time to open his mouth at all.

"Well, Banyue lake. There is a membership system and the price is... "

Ye still raises questions. She thought Xiao Yuyao wanted her to pay for a treat. This reason is also ready-made, that is, today she ye still said good treat, but the final payment is not her ye still.

"I don't want you to spend money." Xiao Yuyao said with a proud smile, "it's my brother's house. He's in charge of everything. "

"To the twenty second floor?"

Ye still raises questions. A very careful look.

"Cut, I can abduct and sell you? All the people on the 22nd floor are going. I'm going to inform the three beauties in 2202. "

Xiao Yuyao then turned to leave and knocked on the door of room 2202. Ye still breathed and closed the door. She knew that there were no fifty or sixty thousand people who could not solve the problem once they went there.

"Xiao Yuyao, what do you want to do when you knock at the door so late?"

Wu Yingying opens the door and looks at Xiao Yuyao warily. Because Xiao Yuyao often teases Wu Yingying to make her worried.

"Good thing. The day after tomorrow, I'll invite you to the Banyue Lake Club for a day. There's a private kitchen over there. "

Xiao Yuyao said with a smile. Standing at the door, you can see Zhang Mingyue and Bai Xu in the living room. There are also PAIKE cards on the tea table. Needless to say, the three of them are fighting against the landlord. Wu Yingying likes to play this.

"Let's all go, it will cost a lot of money!"

Zhang Mingyue and Bai Xu drop their cards. Wu Yingying has made way for Xiao Yuyao to come in.

"Xiao Yuyao is a rich woman. What do we care about?" Wu Yingying excited way: "I just go to take a day off."

"Yes, you don't care about the expenses. I invite you all Xiao Yuyao said haughtily.

"Xiao Yuyao, although you are a bad man, you are very generous!" Wu Yingying raised his thumb: "if I were you, I would not give up. I can't bear to have money! "

"Bang, dead Yingying, you have no good words, and you can see through my realm."

Xiao Yuyao said and turned to leave. At this time, Zhang Mingyue said: "Xiao Yuyao, I really want to go, but I have an appointment on Saturday..."

"If you're talking about boyfriends, take them with you." Xiao Yuyao didn't care much and said, "I'm going to invite Dr. Zhao."

"That's very interesting. This... "Zhang Mingyue hesitated for a moment, but was full of joy.

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