"This is a jade pendant made of chalcedony. The carving style is very strange, but it's exquisite and simple. " Zhong Hongyang was shocked with the jade pendant

"There was no chalcedony after Qin Dynasty. It's said that it's made of the same material as the imperial seal. "

"How much can you give me."

Zhao Minghao is very relaxed in his chair.

Zhao Minghao knew that if he didn't have innate cultivation and let the old man feel that he was a son of a noble family, he would have fooled him. But now he certainly dare not give less money, dare not say crystal glass.

"Two years ago, there was one that sold almost 130 million. How about I give you 150 million? " Zhong Hongyang stroked the goatee.

Fortunately, Zhao Minghao was born with martial arts, otherwise he would have rolled down from his chair.

Swallow a mouthful of saliva to calm yourself down. Zhong Hongyang didn't notice the shock he showed when he was looking at the jade pendant, otherwise he would be suspicious. I don't know anything about my family.

"That's it. I didn't think it would be worth so much now. "

Zhao Minghao pretends to be indifferent. In fact, he is very excited now. There is a voice in my heart shouting, get rich, get rich!

"Tut Tut, people like us can recognize it. It's hard for me to come up with so much money. If it wasn't for the payment for jadeite, I couldn't eat this treasure. " Zhong Hongyang road.

Zhao Minghao said his account with a smile. The old man over here calls for money. Hang up and ask for Zhao Minghao's phone number.

Zhao Minghao said his phone number and said, "if I need anything, I will come to you. I still have some jade in my hand. I also want to exchange some I like. This is... "

"Welcome, Mr. Zhao. You're always here." Zhong Hongyang said excitedly.

Only in this way can we have a chance to discuss something about martial arts with Zhao Minghao. This boy is only in his twenties. He is a great man of innate cultivation!

"I have something to say goodbye."

Zhao Minghao left. Zhong Hongyang has been sent to the gate to watch Zhao Minghao go away.

"The boss is such a jerk." A man in his thirties said.

"Do your own business. Blatant mouth will bring disaster to yourself. What do you call someone else Old man Zhong said coldly.

Zhao Minghao left after his mobile phone rang a short message tone. His rotten cell phone is really bad in front of old man Zhong.

Looking at that one and five after a series of zero, Zhao Minghao smile handsome face to smile into chrysanthemum. If he is not a natural warrior, Zhao Minghao can pull out now with a smile. But as a natural warrior, he soon calmed down.

Everything is easy to do when you have money. This is not more than 10000 mobile phones, eyebrows do not wrinkle to buy one.

Three years ago, a 1000 yuan mobile phone was thrown into the garbage can. All the shopping in the stores are daily necessities. Anyway, they are all brands that I wanted to buy before, but I can't buy them without money.

Big bag small bag back home, first run nine such as magic power, absolutely let oneself thoroughly from piaolian calm down.

"You can't have the mentality of upstarts, spending money belongs to spending money!"

Zhao Minghao reminded himself to stand up and get ready to go out for dinner.

Or met Zhang Mingyue three beauties in the elevator. Zhao Minghao nodded politely to the three of them.

As soon as Wu Yingying saw Zhao Minghao, he said strangely, "Gee, you see something different!"

"What's the difference?"

Zhao Minghao looked up and down. There is nothing abnormal.

"Your temperament has changed. Become very confident, just like those rich people. " Zhang Mingyue is not a loss of the company's human resources department. You can see it at a glance.

Bai Xu's long hair, pure as water, gives Zhao Minghao a look. I also think this person is different from before.

Zhao Minghao was just about to answer that the elevator arrived. As soon as the door opened, a 30 or so rambling guy came out.

Zhang Mingyue first said in surprise: "landlord Liu? Just a few days after the rent was collected, why are you here again? "

"Yes, you want to take it again. I have a headache when I see you Wu Yingying pursed her red lips and said.

"I have something to do." Liu landlords powerless way, "I call out 2203 people together to say a few words."

2203 came out of an old man, about 60 years old. He came out naked in big underpants in hot weather“ What can I do for you, Xiao Liu? "

"Where's the fat man Liu Yuan?" Liu asked.

"The handsome Zhao Minghao rents 2201 now, you have something to say." Zhang Mingyue said. Bai Xu and Wu Yingying are nervous and feel that it is not a good thing.

"The fat man gave it back to sublease." Landlord Liu murmured.

Then he cleared his throat and said, "I'll take care of you. I want to sell these three houses. If the sale doesn't break the lease, you can still live for three months. We'll discuss with your new landlord later. And if you want to buy this house, you're the first to worry about it. "

Zhang Mingyue and Wu Yingying lamented: "landlord Liu, what you said is light, we can afford it there."

"Sister Mingyue Yingying, we still have three months. We'll find a house later. " The soft voice of Bai Xu.

"What a bad luck! What a thing! Our family still has a month to go. I don't know if the new landlord will continue to rent. " The shirtless old man scolded and went back.

As he passed by, the three girls took two steps and held their breath. The old man smells terrible.

"I don't turn on the air conditioner on such a hot day. It stinks of sweat! The old man can really save money. " Wu Yingying muttered.

"Go back, sisters. I'm not in the mood to go out for dinner tonight. It's better to cook. " Zhang Mingyue is in a bad mood. With Bai Xu and Wu Yingying, she turns back and enters the room.

When Bai Xu finally closed the door, he gave Zhao Minghao a look with the corner of his eye. But he immediately lowered his eyes and closed the door.

Landlord Liu is waiting for the elevator. Seeing that he was alone with him, Zhao Minghao said with a smile:

"Mr. Liu? There's something about going to me

"What's the matter with you?" Landlord Liu followed Zhao Minghao to 2201.

"Yes, I want to buy your house." Zhao Minghao said.

He opened the refrigerator and took out two bottles of juice. These are just bought by Zhao Minghao, and some beer and vacuum packed roast chicken and spiced beef.

"You want to buy it?" The landlady Liu looked surprised.

"This house has seventy square meters. In case of a loan of 2.8 million yuan from Siping... "

"Forty thousand, all right." Zhao Minghao's way of light wind and light cloud.

Zhao Minghao knows the price here. He also wanted to get the settlement fee as a down payment to buy a house nearby, so he inquired about the room. It's nonsense to know the price.

This makes landlord Liu's eyes round. This guy doesn't look like a rich man. Of course, the boy's more than 10000 mobile phones can't explain the problem. A lot of losers sell their blood and buy their cell phones.

"You want to buy it?" Let's make sure.

"Yes, there are two more. So you don't have to look for buyers, right Zhao Minghao tried his best to keep his words calm.

Low key is the biggest force, Zhao Minghao thought of this sentence.

Liu Qijun felt that he was going to faint. But immediately thought of a thing, said: "Mr. Zhao, you must be some childe out to experience life, right? OK, no problem. I don't think so. "

"We'll go through the formalities at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Zhao Minghao said.

"No problem. Let's call. The two houses are 125 square. " Liu said:

"Two sets of 10 million plus this set, a total of 12.8 million!"

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