"What cousin. The family didn't have much fun. I can get in touch with Liu Yuan, but he came to me. "

Zhao Minghao is very disdainful. At the same time, I told you about my family. Liu Yuan is a child of his uncle's family, and Zhao Minghao's uncle is a wonderful flower.

When Zhao Minghao's parents died in a car accident. Uncle Zhao Minghao wants to take care of Zhao Minghao. Of course, the pension will belong to him.

Let at that time only less than 50 grandfather Zhao Minghao with a hoe to drive away. I haven't been around since.

After Zhao Minghao's grandparents died one after another that year. They came back to borrow money. It's said that Liu Guifang is going to get married, and they don't have enough dowry. It's a pity that Zhao Minghao has grown up and doesn't hesitate to let them go.

Liu Guifang called Zhao Minghao a curse. If she didn't run fast, Zhao Minghao would be held by others again. It can make her black and blue.

"And such wonderful relatives?" Xiao Yuyao said in surprise.

Xiao Yuyao has been fawning on her relatives since she can remember. But I don't have the feeling of such wonderful relatives. Not to mention Arnold.

"How do you get familiar with Liu Yuan, younger brother Zhao?"

Anno said in surprise. According to the law, Zhao Minghao will not be close to Liu Yuan, so he will not be cheated by Liu Yuan.

"I met him at the station when I came to Shicheng. I didn't expect that none of them had any fun."

Zhao Minghao had an angry look on his face. Let anno see some pain in the heart.

"Don't talk to such people." Xiao Yuyao said: "by the way, this Rhine restaurant is very good."

At this time came to the western restaurant, found a window seat to sit down. A blonde service came to order.

Xiao Yuyao and anno are very skilled in ordering. This is Zhao Minghao's first visit to a western restaurant. I can only say to the blonde waiter, "I'm just like her."

Zhao Minghao is talking about Xiao Yuyao, which makes Xiao Yuyao smile.

The blonde waiter was just about to leave. Zhao Minghao said, "by the way, my steak should be well done, and give me the chopsticks. This knife and fork don't work. "

The blonde waiter gave a pause. But the saying that the customer is the God of light came from them. Of course, I can only nod and promise. Very disdainful to get chopsticks.

"Dr. Zhao, you are a doctor of medicine. Why can't you eat Western food with a knife and fork?"

Xiao Yuyao was a little surprised and still looked at the people around her. Many guests looked at Zhao Minghao with disdain.

"Why, it's a shame not to know how to use a knife and fork? It's only a few minutes to learn, but why should I learn to use a knife and fork when I have chopsticks? "

Zhao Minghao is a little disdainful. He had no chance to enter a western restaurant before, and of course he had no chance to use a knife and fork. Now in a western restaurant, can't you use chopsticks?

"Well, No. This is not to do as the Romans do... "Xiao Yuyao was embarrassed,

"Do as the Romans do? This is China. Besides, I still use chopsticks when I go to the West. Can't I use chopsticks? "

Zhao Minghao said with disdain: "is it more noble and civilized to use knives and forks than chopsticks? I can't see that, can I? "

"Yes, it's everyone's freedom to use tableware. Who wants to be superficial because of this joke Anna said with a smile.

"Well, give me chopsticks, too."

Xiao Yuyao's change is very fast, so let the waiter who sent chopsticks have another pair.

A bottle of red wine was drunk by three people. Annuo used a pair of chopsticks in the end. This makes those guys who come to the western restaurant with mediocrity and elegance look confused.

Just when Zhao Minghao and his family put down their chopsticks to settle the bill, Mr. Bao came in with some people. As soon as I saw three people on anno's side, my eyes lit up. After a few words to the foreigners who came with him, he came straight by himself.

"Mr. an, Mr. Xiao and Dr. Zhao are so happy to meet you."

Mr. Bao's magnetic voice is full of excitement. Come here and bend politely: "tut Tut, you really have personality to eat Western food with chopsticks."

"Is there a problem?" Arnold didn't care.

"No problem. It's personal freedom to use any tableware. " Mr. Bao said in a hurry: "you have eaten today. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow... "

"Not tomorrow. We're going to the Half Moon Lake Club. " Xiao Yuyao was elated.

Xiao Yuyao said this on purpose. She can see that Mr. Bao is in pursuit of Mr. an. Now think is to give Mr. Bao a favor, his business is easy to talk about.

"Well, that's a good place."

President Bao gratefully smiles at Xiao Yuyao and says, "then I won't disturb you. I'll settle your account. By the way, Dr. Zhao, let's have a drink some time. "

Ann Nuo a face of helpless, she didn't care Xiao Yuyao that careful thinking. I just want to know what to do with Mr. Bao.

Bao's total strength is very good. Their company is headquartered in Tongcheng, Jiangbei. Optimus is launching an acquisition. Acquisition of a company in Tongcheng. What Mr. Bao's company wants to get involved in the acquisition is to cooperate with Optimus.

Arnold has not yet decided what to do about this. Optimus has the strength to swallow it alone. But considering the future operation, it is better to have local companies involved.

Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, and Arnold is collecting data for evaluation. To make the best decision for Optimus.

Zhao Minghao smiles and nods. He stands up and leaves.

As soon as she came out of the western restaurant, Xiao Yuyao laughed: "it's really a coincidence. I invited Dr. Zhao to dinner twice. It's all met with Mr. Bao's forced payment! "

"It's not good for someone to pay." Anno said with a smile, "let's go back quickly. Driving tomorrow morning... "

"I found a car. People don't have to drive. " Xiao Yuyao said with a smile, "an extended..."

"That's good. I just don't want to drive." Zhao Minghao is very happy. I don't want to let a lot of people know about my own car.

"Another thing, that ye is still really engaged in live broadcasting?" Xiao Yuyao's delicate way.

"Yes, I came back early at noon and heard her singing. Also, Wu Yingying is buying lunch for her, which proves that she is an anchor. "

Zhao Minghao remembered that he had also painted a thousand yuan, so he couldn't help chatting.

When I got back to the 22nd floor, I saw ye still coming out of 2202.

"Eh, sister Ann Nuo, you are back."

Ye still said hello and quickly went back to his 2203 house.

"Ye still gets up early tomorrow morning." Xiao Yuyao said.

Zhao Minghao went back to his room with a smile. This side just did something with jinyuanbao. I heard the doorbell ring.

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