"Here you are, son. Let's get to know each other. This is your brother-in-law Liu Shouye's sister. Just found, they are rich... "Fei Yuxiang said excitedly.

I didn't wait for him to finish. Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows and said:

"Yingying, come here. Put the three of them in a small compartment. By the way, their consumption is recorded in our account. "

Wu Yingying came over and stretched out her hand. She wanted Zhang Yongzhong's family to follow her to the private room.

"Why should we separate?" Fei Yuxiang was not happy and said, "let's discuss Shouye and Rongrong's marriage together."

Liu Shouye doesn't want to talk to the Zhang Yongzhong family. But it seems impossible to kick them out now.

"Let's go to dinner together. You can talk about anything. " Anno said faintly: "Zhao Xiaodi, I go to the office to eat by myself. This way, a private room can be set up to receive guests. "

Zhao Minghao nodded, with ye still and anno about to leave. But Zhang Dabiao said in a hurry:

"What are you doing? I'm so unpopular. Can't we have dinner together? "

Zhao Minghao and ye yiranuo go in as if they didn't hear. Anno also told Liu Shouye to say: "my brother will go home and wait after dinner. I'll see you later. "

Just as Liu Shouye nodded, Zhang Dabiao rolled his ox's eyes and cried, "why don't you want to talk to me..."

"Zhang Dabiao, what do you want to do? I want to make a mess here, don't I? " Liu Shouye has an iron face.

This made Zhang Dabiao shrink his neck. That's why I think it's not in a small town. There are all acquaintances who can't be seen looking up and looking down. As long as he doesn't act too much, no one cares too much about him.

But not here. If there is any noise, the police will be called in.

Liu Shouye gave a sneer. This Zhang Dabiao looks very fierce. In fact, it's a mouse carrying a gun.

Take a seat in a 20 square small private room. This is the right place for six or seven people to get together.

"Rongrong, please order first." Liu Shouye said. Here, I handed the recipe to Zhang Rongrong.

Zhang Rongrong ordered a Kaiyang Pu dish and handed the recipe to Liu Shouye. Kaiyang Pu dish is Zhang Rongrong's favorite dish.

"Give me, give me, give me the recipe." Zhang Dabiao grabbed the recipe. Liu Shouye frowned after ordering 11 or 2 dishes.

"These are big dishes. Can you finish them?" Liu Shouye asked.

"If you can't finish eating, you can pack it." Zhang Dabiao turned the bull's eye.

"Forget it." Liu Cheng said with a bitter smile.

Liu Shouye understands what Liu Cheng means. That's to put up with it. When it's over, don't get in touch with them.

"Well, that's how it's served." Liu Shouye took a breath.

"And take two bottles of Feitian Maotai first." Zhang Dabiao added: "if it's not enough, we need it again. You can have eight cold dishes. "

Liu Shouye just didn't hear. He nodded to his waiter, which meant to do as he did.

Waiting for the waiter to go out, Zhang Dabiao was very unhappy and said to Liu Shouye: "I said brother-in-law, how can your sister go back to work? I don't want to talk to us at all. I'm not even a relative. "

"Yes, I didn't see you in my eyes. Who are you? Who is she? If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it. What else do you have to say? " Liu Shouye is not a guest.

"You..." Zhang Dabiao was angry and said angrily: "well, then you don't want to marry my sister smoothly!"

"Get out of the way. You think of yourself as a character. Your parents don't care, not to mention a little jerk like you! " Liu Shouye said with disdain: "I really don't know how much I have!"

Liu Shouye never dared to talk like this before. But now it's different. He felt that he had a lot of confidence.

"You, you..." Zhang Dabiao's eyes would stare out: "you dare to talk to me like this. Zhang Rongrong, don't marry him... "

"Zhang Dabiao, shut up." Zhang Rongrong said sternly:

"I'm sure I'm going to marry a housekeeper. I want you to talk as if you could be my home! I'm cheeky enough to ask for 300000 betrothal gifts, which means it's extremely generous to you. I don't want a cent if you don't know! "

"How did Rongrong talk to your brother?" Fei Yuxiang said in a hurry. She was distressed to see Zhang Dabiao's tongue tied.

"That would be polite to him. I don't know the sky and the earth all the time. How poor our family is, he still spends his time drinking. " Zhang Rongrong said.

"So now I want to find you a rich wife." Fei Yuxiang said, "whether you succeed or not, you have to try, right? Just in case... "

"Stop it." Zhang Rongrong said: "don't let me have no way to face my elder sister in the future. You don't want to see what Zhang Dabiao is. As long as he can have a doctorate, I will definitely support it. "

"What doctor? You... "Zhang Dabiao's eyes would stare out.

"Yes, you are a man who has no job and no ability. The family is still in a mess. If you want to find a wife, you need to sell your sister. " Zhang Rongrong is not a guest at all

"What else can you think of? That painted flower doesn't want to pay attention to you, then you don't know how many jin you have? What else do you want to do? "

Tu Hua is one meter fifty-one years old. One hundred and fifty catties of skin is dark and hair is scorched and scarce. A face is like a big cake, with a big mouth and a big basin of blood.

"Zhang Rongrong, it's wrong for you to sneer at your brother like this!" Zhang Yongzhong looks very ugly.

"Rong Rong is telling the truth. What's the use of your anger? A man should know how many pounds he has Liu Cheng said:

"In fact, if it wasn't for Rongrong's face. We really don't want to get married. What kind of beauty can't be found with the present conditions of Shouye? "

"Er, you..." Fei Yuxiang was unable to speak.

"So, don't be a demon. Or there won't be a cent for you. What can you do then? " Zhang Rongrong said.

Zhang Rongrong knows how to grasp happiness. Otherwise, I will regret my death in my life!

"All right, all right. Let's eat. " Liu Shouye said:

"All the food is here. In the future, we will have less contact with Zhang Dabiao. I will not give you less than 300000. As for the dowry, whatever you like. "

"Three hundred thousand is less. You're going to give me three million. Liu Shouye, your sister is so rich. You can't be too stingy. " Zhang Dabiao said discontentedly: "what can 300000 yuan do? Build a house in the village and it's gone! "

"Bang, if you don't want it, don't want it." Liu Shouye said contemptuously.

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