"Not bad, very filial." Principal Qian said with a smile.

"So I gave him a chance. Let him take the patient to me. " Zhao Minghao said.

"Well, I don't think he can come up with much money." Cao said.

"Then take out all his wealth." Zhao Minghao did not hesitate at all and said: "otherwise..."

"Yes, yes. It's a test. " Principal Qian said with a smile.

Zhao Minghao arrived at Shicheng south station before 3 p.m. Zhao Minghao returned to wuxingtang hospital soon. No one came to pick me up, that is, I took the subway three stops.

When I came to wuxingtang hospital. The old man has been waiting on the sofa in the corner of the lobby.

"Go up." Zhao Minghao said hello.

Old man Gu respectfully followed him to the consulting room. He knows what happened to old man Zhang and old man Wang. In the heart of Zhao Minghao's awe that needless to say.

"Professor Zhao, this is an invitation. It says the address or something. If you can go to this exchange meeting, it will add luster to the meeting. " The old man said respectfully.

"Well, the day after tomorrow. Just come tomorrow night. " Zhao Minghao looked at Dahong's invitation and said.

"Yes, yes. Because I'm a member of the preparatory office. So we have to get there now. " The old head said, "I can't go with you. I'll send someone to take you... "

"No, No. When you get to the ground tomorrow, just send me a seat. " Zhao Minghao waved his hand.

Old man Gu left respectfully. Zhao Minghao is just about to tidy up his desk. Anno and ye still come in.

"Brother Hao is back. This is the invitation? Where is it held? " Ye still asked in a delicate voice.

"An island on the sea in Haicheng." Ann nuojiao said. She has opened the invitation.

"We'll drive there early tomorrow morning. It's estimated that it will take three or four o'clock to get there. " Zhao Minghao said.

"Or shall we fly over?" Anno suggested.

"No, it takes a lot of time to fly. Go to the airport security check what, one to two to consume a lot of time. We'll be able to drive all the way. " Zhao Minghao shook his head.

"That's the decision." Ye still said.

"Let's go back and clean up. By the way, we don't have swimsuits yet. Now go and buy some. "

Anno nodded and said excitedly, "yes, it's autumn, but it's still hot. Go to the seaside and find a place to swim

The two women left in a hurry. Zhao Minghao shakes his head to clean up and figure out the brief history of the space.

Zhao Minghao has read this book many times. There are still many things I don't understand. There's no way. Who told him not to study physics. Some do not understand the place also have to find learning.

When I'm ready to leave at half past four. Li Renxuan and Hua Qiuyan come in. They have just settled their wages, and now they are leaving wuxingtang hospital. Of course, that house can't live in.

They went to Jiang Shan and Wang Wenmei early this morning. That means to ask Jiang Shan and Wang Wenmei to intercede.

But Jiang Shan and Wang Wenmei shook their heads when they knew what they had done. This is not a matter of intercession. Anyone who puts it on will drive them away. Zhao Minghao didn't call the police and was generous to catch them.

"Ming Hao, we are here to say goodbye. I'm sorry to you Li Renxuan said bitterly.

"Ming Hao, we have learned a lesson. You see if you can... "Hua Qiuyan still doesn't give up.

"You go." Zhao Minghao light way: "I am worthy of you. But don't expect me to return good for bad! "

Just at this time, the little nurse came in, and she said to Zhao Minghao, "president Zhao, Huang Ming, said yes to you. With two patients, I want to... "

"Ah, let them come up." Zhao Ming Hao lightly a Yang Sword eyebrow way.

Li Renxuan and Hua Qiuyan were both surprised. I never thought Huang Ming would be here.

Soon Huang Ming came in with a couple in their fifties. These two people are very fat, the smell is very pungent when they come in.

"Why, Huang Ming, are you here? Hey, hey, can you afford to see Dean Zhao? " Li Renxuan looked disdainful.

Huang Ming has the spirit to fight with Li Renxuan. He said to Zhao Minghao, who was sitting behind the table

"Professor Zhao, I brought my parents. Look at them... "

Huang Ming just left in a hurry, very hot. Now unbutton your shirt. As he sat down with his father, he bent down and a pendant fell from his neck.

Zhao Minghao's eyes brightened. Before speaking, Huang Ming continued: "Professor Zhao, I know the cost of diagnosis and treatment here is very expensive, but I can only take out all I have and what I can borrow..."

"Well, show me the pendant around your neck." Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I bought it for fifty yuan. It looks very simple, but the carving is poor. It's not worth money at all. It was carved out of white marble now. " Huang Ming tells the truth.

It's no use telling the truth. People like Zhao Minghao dare not cheat even if they can. What's more, maybe someone is an expert and knows what it is at first.

"Take it down and show it to Professor Zhao. They may have a good eye. " Old man Huang said in a hurry.

Zhao Minghao looked at the pendant and put it on the table. Then he said to Huang Ming, "I bought this jade pendant. How about ten million? "

"Well, what's so valuable?" Huang Ming jumped up. Huang old man Huang old woman is also a face of surprise and dull.

"Well, I wanted to give you 30 million. But I'm going to cure your parents. That's 20 million. I can see their illness at a glance. " Zhao Minghao said.

"Ah, we need 20 million to see a doctor? Then we won't look. If you give us 30 million yuan, we won't spend so much on insulin. There's more to be paid for. " Huang old man urgent way.

"It's up to you. What do you think of Huang Ming? " Zhao Minghao asked.

"Er, this..." Huang Ming hesitated.

I thought I would give everything to my parents. It's just my own property, just over a hundred thousand. Some are borrowed.

Now when he heard that he wanted to say 20 million, he immediately hesitated. It's really hard to make a decision.

"What's this. Let's get the money out of here. " Cried old Huang.

"Yes, I want ten million! You've cured both of them. " Huang Ming clenched his teeth and said, "there's another requirement!"

Huang Ming knew that this jade pendant was not as simple as he thought. Then ask for one more condition.

"What's the other requirement?" Zhao Minghao asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I want to work in your hospital." Huang Ming is very clever.

Huang Ming's education is not low. I also heard that the salary here is very good. In Medical University, it was less than 10000 yuan a month. I really didn't want to stay.

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