"Cousin, you must help us. Lin Jie went to check his whole body, but he didn't find any illness. But he has no strength, and he can fall asleep at any time. "

Liu Guifang pleaded. Today, I went to the hospital for an examination. I spent a lot of money, but I didn't find out the cause. The doctor said to continue the investigation tomorrow.

"Yes, we will continue to check tomorrow. It's a waste of money. " Gao Lin Jie a face distressed way.

"Cousin, I didn't look for you today. I just don't want to give you any trouble. How about looking for an expert to show Lin Jie tomorrow? " Liu Guifang said:

"We really can't help it."

Zhao Minghao did it at the table. The diagnosis table, stool, pulse pillow and so on were bought together with the medicine cabinet. The table and the little pillow are made of mahogany.

"Sit down. I'll give you a pulse." Zhao Minghao sits behind the table.

"You didn't learn traditional Chinese medicine?" Gao Linjie is a little confused.

"How do you know what I learn?" Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I know. You're a celebrity in our town. Everyone knows what you learn. You seem to be the kind of doctor who can operate

Gao Linjie is in a hurry. This makes Zhao Minghao understand that he is still a positive model in the small town.

"You know what, cousin, you can even have an operation. I don't mean to give you a pulse. " Liu Guifang said in a hurry.

Gao Linjie closed his mouth. He also thought that if he could take care of his illness here. Then save yourself a lot of money.

Zhao Minghao was also on a whim. This is not just to the table and pillow to try. Zhao Minghao hasn't given a pulse number yet. Take Gao Linjie as a mouse.

"Strange, you seem to be caused by the loss of spirit."

Zhao Minghao put three fingers on Gao Linjie's wrist and immediately felt it.

"Spirit loss? What is this? " Gao Linjie said blankly.

Zhao Minghao also felt it when he was taking pulse. In Gao Linjie's chest, there are strange fluctuations of power. It's like spiritual power, that is, the power of the spirit.

"What's on your chest?"

Hearing Zhao Minghao's question, Gao Linjie was stunned. Pull out a red rope from the chest, and tie an egg big blood red stone like thing below.

"Damn it, you dare to wear it around your neck." There was a look of joy in Zhao Minghao's eyes. But the face was shocked.

"Well, what's this. I found it. Looking like jade, just use the rope... "Said Gao Linjie.

"Get rid of it. Get over there." Zhao Minghao said hastily: "you have read books, too. Should have heard about radiation this time? This stone has radiation! "

"What radiation?" Liu Guifang was surprised.

"It's a metaphor. It's from here, anyway Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't get close to this thing. But I can use it for medicine. "

"It's not jade, I know. I've been identified by someone, but I didn't think it was a medicinal material. How much are you going to pay? " Gao said.

"You still want to ask me for money? I haven't charged you yet Zhao Minghao laughed angrily.

"They're all relatives. What else do you want?"

Gao Linjie said hastily: "you just give me a pulse. I think this stone must be great. How else could I be like this. If you give me 100000, I'll... "

"Get out of here!" Zhao Minghao said sternly.

"Just go. I know the cause. It's OK not to wear it in the future. " Gao Linjie said with a stone.

"Go back and get ready. Don't blame me for not telling you. " Zhao Minghao sneered

"You think it doesn't matter if you don't wear it now? Nima, I also want to use this to make medicine for you. I don't know that you want to ask for money from me, and a hundred thousand yuan for horse riding. Are you not crazy? "

On hearing Zhao Minghao's words, Liu Guifang and Gao Linjie were stunned. I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Well, it's a joke. I had a joke with my cousin just now. You see... "Gao Lin Jie said in a hurry.

"Go away, don't want me to treat you without 100000 yuan."

Zhao Minghao laughed angrily. I really haven't seen such a bitch. At the sight of benefits, everything is forgotten. How shameless words can be said.

"Well, cousin, you're kidding. You quickly dispensing... "Liu Guifang said.

"Drop the stone and go away. I'll take the medicine at five tomorrow afternoon. Get the money ready. Ten thousand will do. It's a bargain for you. "

Zhao Minghao thought that he would charge 10000 yuan. There will be more benefits for them.

"Well, ten thousand is ten thousand." Liu Guifen bit her teeth and agreed. It's like my mother died.

These two goods have just gone out. Zhao Minghao is going home. At this time, ye still appeared at the door.

"Dr. Zhao, is this the clinic you are going to open?"

Ye's still pretty face is full of curiosity. There was a wooden sign in the room. There are three big characters of wuxingtang on it.

"Yes, come here for an hour when you have time after work."

Zhao Minghao said with a smile. He has thought about it. I'll be here in my spare time. He is confident that it won't be long before it becomes a famous clinic.

"You alone?" Ye still said with a smile: "shall I be a nurse for you? I came from the nursing school. "

"Well, aren't you going to live?"

"But it's on at four in the afternoon." Ye still said with a smile: "I also want to earn some extra money. How about you give me six thousand one months? You're responsible for dinner, too. As long as it's not more than eleven

"Are you kidding?" Zhao Minghao was surprised.

"No kidding, of course." Ye still said with a smile: "that's a deal."

"Well, all right. It must be much better to have your help. " Zhao Minghao said, "I'll be back on business the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Minghao and ye still come out and pull down the rolling door. Side curious way: "you this is the end of the live?"

"Yes, Dr. Zhao, how do you know that I started the live broadcast around nine in the morning. I only have a few days to move here. " Ye still wants to understand.

"Well, I saw you live by accident before. I love your singing. I'll listen to the music when I'm free. " Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

"Well, what's your net name? That's your name in the studio. " Ye is still excited.

"The first time I came into your studio by accident, it was snowing. It's called snow. But I never said a word. " Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

"Are you snow? I went into the studio on the first day. I'll see you often in the future. But I don't care how I talk to you! Last time you sent me a volcano

Ye is still excited. Needless to say, she felt that she would be able to defeat Xiao Yuyao. I have known Zhao Minghao for a long time!

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