Lu Yuanyuan is suffocating. She couldn't figure out why she was suffocating.

"Liu Yuan, is that how you treat me? Before you chased me... "Lu Yuanyuan wanted to change her route to achieve her goal.

This agreement can't be signed. What else would you do to get married! Lu Yuanyuan is only now beginning to look at her heart.

She figured out why she was depressed. That is, if you sign an agreement, your subconscious plan will fail.

Until now, Lu Yuanyuan found that she felt that Liu Yuan was not worthy of herself. But Liu Yuan can make money and can't let go. It's better to marry him. If you can't get a divorce in the future, you won't lose. Now this calculation has failed!

Not married to Liu Yuan? That's impossible. The consequences of not getting married are very serious. If you don't get married now, it won't go back to the previous state at all.

Lu Yuanyuan discovered that in her subconscious mind, she wanted to divorce and take a lot of money. Then find a handsome little brother.

"Yes, I owe you the agreement. But if you want to cheat... "Lu Yuanyuan clenched her teeth.

"Five million! If I cheat, I'll give you five million dollars in divorce compensation. " Liu Yuan is in a hurry.

"What does five million mean to you?" Lu Yuanyuan stares.

"Yeah, you know, five million is nothing to me." Liu Yuan said haughtily, "what else do you want from me?"

"Well, you're right. That's the reality. Rich is the master Lu Yuanyuan said something bitter.

"Yuanyuan, you know my feelings for you. I won't say that. " Liu Yuan said.

"You have feelings for me, I admit, but it's nothing compared to money." Lu Yuanyuan said angrily.

"Hey, if you don't have money, you'll like me?" Liu Yuan said rationally: "I know who I am. I have feelings for you, but if you have feelings for me, it's a joke. "

Lu Yuanyuan stopped talking. She knew that she said she fell in love with Liu Yuan, which was really a joke. Even children don't believe it.

"You look at it. You can't argue. You know why you're with me. It's not because of this. I won't say it yet. Now it's good to say that if you want to get married, just follow my request. " Liu Yuandao.

"Well, then, get someone to draft the agreement." Lu Yuanyuan said with a bitter smile: "you look like an iron Han Han. I didn't expect that..."

"Boo, are there stupid people now?" Liu Yuan disdained: "as long as there is a little mind can want to get a lot of things."

After Zhao Minghao and her two daughters returned home, anno took out the two world links and opened them. There is the image of Leng Xiaodie.

Now the cold butterfly has three blocks and two boundaries. She wrote small words on each piece. Brother Hao, that's Zhao Minghao, sister ye and sister an, that's Ye and anno.

These three pieces and two realms are all refined by Zhao Minghao. Now Leng Xiaodie doesn't have to worry about the usage times of liangjietong and the spirit stone consumed.

"Be Wutong wood." Leng Xiaodie frowned

"My elder martial sister has a big one. It's really the kind that has fallen on the Phoenix. She also has a phoenix tail feather. It's hard to get it. Use the spirit stone to buy the impossible. "

"Has she built the foundation yet?" Zhao Minghao asked.

"No, ah..." the cold butterfly quickly understood: "Hao brother, you want to use super Chutan to go to Wutong wood? It's not worth it... "

"Get the phoenix tail feather together." Zhao Minghao said with a straight face:

"If the time is not long, the fire of Nirvana can be extracted from it."

"Well, I'll go to her now." Cold little butterfly road.

"By the way, you have to be careful." Zhao Minghao warned: "pay attention to safety. It's going to be a lot of trouble if it's leaked. "

"Well, I'll be very careful. This elder martial sister has a good relationship with me. She's been taking Zhuji pill three times, but it didn't work Leng Xiaodie said, "the things in her hands are still left by their ancestors."

Leng Xiaodie turns around and goes out. Anno closes the two realms. Zhao Minghao was about to speak to the two women when his mobile phone rang.

"Well, the phone is strange. Who called me? " Zhao Minghao some surprised way.

"Brother Hao, you'll know when you take it." Ye is still a bit lazy.

Hank called. As soon as he got through, he said excitedly, "Hello, Professor Zhao. We came to play with you. "

"Well, have you arrived in China?" Zhao Minghao said in surprise.

"Yes. We just got off the plane in a sea of clouds. " "I want to know what's next," hank said

"Stay in the sea of clouds. Come to Shicheng by high-speed rail tomorrow morning. Call me when you get in the car. " "I'll arrange for someone to meet you at the station," Zhao said

Zhao Minghao politely hung up after two words. Ye still nodded and said: "these people don't look good, but they have helped us a lot. Otherwise I don't know how to come back

"Well, when we bought their Jinjiao egg fossils, we actually took a huge advantage of them. Give him some compensation this time. At that time, it was impossible to compensate them under any circumstances. " "This time I want to give them something," Zhao said

"You want them to practice?" Arnold thought of it all at once.

"Yes, I want them to practice. Hey, hey, and let them look for fossils for us. As long as it's what we need, we'll find a way to get it. " Zhao Minghao touched his chin.

"Well, that's fine." Ye still wants to understand: "just teach them some magic and fighting spirit."

"That's for sure." Zhao Minghao nodded with a smile and said, "it's much more convenient for them to find resources after they become practitioners. By the way, I have to prepare the pills for them to practice and upgrade them at one time. "

Zhao Minghao made some pills in the alchemy furnace here. It's for hank and them.

Just put the Dan stove away, the two realms of Annuo over there were connected. It just turned off for half an hour.

"Brother Hao, I've got it." Cold small butterfly a face nervous and excited way: "all in this storage bag."

Leng Xiaodie throws the storage bag. Zhao Minghao saw a three meter long and fifty centimeter thick wood inside. A colorful feather with a length of seven or eight meters is bent in the storage bag.

Zhao Ming Hao put these two into his storage ring. After throwing the storage bag back, he said, "what's the matter? It didn't cause any noise. Come on?"

"No. Nothing at all. " Leng Xiaodie said: "my elder martial sister doesn't want people to know that it's easy to do. It's said that if you exchange resources for building foundation, you'll get away with it

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