"Rheumatism? There are a lot of ready-made... "

"Dr. Zhao, we know how you treated Mr. Lu. You're a good doctor. You've got a plaster for rheumatism. You've cooperated with others to set up a factory. So... "Mr. Bao said sincerely.

"Yes. Bao always pulled me over. Just to see if I have the face. "

Anno said with a smile. Today, Arnold's work is very complete.

"All right, I'll go and have a look now." Zhao Minghao nodded with a smile. This side followed president Bao Annuo to get on the bus and made a call to Director Wang. He said there would be a car to pick him up for dinner.

Mr. Bao's family is in a villa. The villa covers an area of about 20 mu. Zhao Minghao and anno follow Mr. Bao directly to the back of the small building.

In the living room of the small building, there was a bald old man sitting there. The old man is nearly eighty. There is a middle-aged couple nearby, both in their fifties. This is Mr. Bao's grandfather and parents.

After being polite, Zhao Minghao took a look at the old man's pulse. Take seven dog skin plasters from your bag.

"One post every other day. It won't be sent again in two years after posting! "

Listen to Zhao Minghao's confident words. The surprise on old man Bao's face:

"I fell ill when I went to sea. I wish I could cut off my right leg with a knife. The knee is killing me. I didn't expect to have such a magic medicine. "

"It doesn't hurt when you put it on." Zhao Minghao said, "just bake it with fire before pasting."

"Son, give me the money quickly. Dr. Zhao can't neglect... "Mr. Bao's mother said.

"Shut up. Have you ever done this? Is it for money? " Mr. Bao's father said“ Of course, it's necessary to have a consultation fee in addition to thanks. "

"No, no, no, no, No. Mr. Bao and I are still friends Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "by the way, the turtle shell on the old man's desk is very good. It's rare. It can be used as medicine

There is a turtle shell on the tea table. I don't know what it's for.

"Take it, young man, if you like. It's also used to save people. It's better than being put here as a souvenir. "

Old man Bao was a little reluctant at first, and then he was very open-minded.

Looking at Mr. Bao, they were all surprised. Zhao Minghao knew that there must be something to say about it.

"Well, it must be the old man's favorite. But dispensing is more helpful to the old man. When the medicine is ready, I'll give him one. I'll know when it works. "

"It's OK. The young man is very good, very good. " Old man Bao seems a little tired after talking so much.

"Rest then." Zhao Minghao left in a hurry.

"My grandfather's spirit is getting worse. If it wasn't for the headache, he would be confused for most of the day. " Mr. Bao said with emotion.

"When this medicine comes out, it will restore his strength and spirit." Zhao Minghao raises the turtle shell road in his hand“ According to your old man's physical condition, it's no problem to live to 100. "

"That's great. My grandfather is regretting that he didn't see his great grandson. Now you can see it. "

Mr. Bao was very excited and stopped: "Dr. Zhao, Mr. an, wait a minute. I'll go back and tell you the news. "

Watching president Bao run away like wind. Zhao Minghao and anno are standing on the edge of a small garden.

"I really can't see it. Zhao Xiaodi, your medical skills are amazing. Or are you proficient in both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine? "

Anno looks at Zhao Minghao with a surprised face. There was a look of worship in his eyes

"I also want to study medicine. Just can't pass the one in my heart. To learn medicine, you must contact a lot of people. This is me... "

"Well, sister Ann Nuo, don't you make a lot of money now? It's much higher than studying medicine. " Zhao Minghao digs the subject.

"That's true. Money is not necessarily happy, but no money will not be happy Said Arnold.

"Sister anno, this Bao always seems to be chasing you." Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "don't say you two are really a good match!"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's impossible for him and me."

Anno didn't know how to hear Zhao Minghao's words, but she felt a pain in her heart. I didn't want to talk about it.

At this time, Mr. Bao rushed over with a look of excitement. Thinking about what my grandfather said just now.

As soon as he came in, President Bao repeated what Zhao Minghao had just said. Some confused old man Bao's eyes widened.

"Well, how can this be. Listen, it's a little mysterious! " Mr. Bao's father said.

"Why is it so mysterious? He's also very good at martial arts. " Mr. Bao said.

"I understand that. No wonder he has such brilliant medical skills at a young age. There must be a history. It's no surprise that medicine is good. Grandson, you have made a good friend! I believe every word he says. You'd better go and entertain good people. "

After listening to my grandfather's instructions. President Bao ran out in a hurry.

"We're going to have seafood tonight. Tongcheng is a coastal city, and there are a lot of seafood. Just go to the most famous four seas seafood hotel here. It's not far from Tongcheng hotel. "

"OK, I'll go back and put it down." Zhao Minghao nodded.

When Zhao Minghao got out of the car and entered the hotel hall. Mr. Bao came in with a suitcase.

"Well, Mr. Bao, do you want to live here?"

Hearing Zhao Minghao's question, Mr. Bao said with a smile, "you don't have any luggage with you. I bought some for you. Lest you buy it later. "

Zhao Minghao is speechless. He really has clothes to change. It's just in the storage bag.

"I'm sorry to make you spend money." Zhao Minghao embarrassed way.

"Dr. Zhao, you are hitting me in the face." "It's not right for me to do this to take care of you," Mr. Bao said

"Take Mr. Bao's heart, Zhao Xiaodi." Anno said with a smile.

"I'll meet you in the hall." Mr. Bao gave the suitcase to Zhao Minghao. Go and sit on the sofa in the corner of the hall.

Zhao Minghao went back to his room and opened the big suitcase. There were three sets of clothes in it. It's all from the inside out. They even have matching shoes.

"It's worth a lot of money. Three or four hundred thousand must come

Zhao Minghao's secret way in his heart. Now Zhao Minghao still has his eyes. He also focused on clothing brands and other things.

Zhao Minghao immediately changed his body, which is also a gesture for Mr. Bao to see. That is to say, I have accepted Mr. Bao's intention and I am very satisfied with it.

"Director Wang, we went to dinner." Zhao Minghao knocked on Director Wang's door. It's a little flustered to see this guy. Blocked at the door and didn't want Zhao Minghao to go in.

"Well, let's go. Dr. Zhao, please wait in the hall

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