"No problem. One shot of acupuncture is enough. "

Zhao Minghao said while twisting his hand on the silver needle. It's easy to watch. But without Zhao Minghao's current cultivation and skills, she could not be cured.

Zhao Minghao's nine like magic skill can be rigid or soft, and it enters the little girl's brain through a silver needle. In the blockage of the meridians or rigid or flexible as filaments, will be blocked lesions to dredge recovery.

Zhao Minghao took out the silver needle after ten minutes, even the silver needle on the little girl's neck. This silver needle is to restrict the little girl's movement.

After the silver needle on her neck came out, the little girl cried out.

Zhang Rou is about to faint with great joy. The little girl had a flexible look in her eyes. And the cry is not that dull.

"Dr. Zhao, is that all right?" Zhang Rou asked, shaking.

"Well, here's the question of her brain development." Zhao Minghao said, "let me make a prescription. Take her back for a week. There is also the usual diet to eat more help for brain development. For example, fish roe and egg yolk are good. "

"All right, all right. Thank you, Dr. Zhao

Zhang Rou holds her daughter in tears. She knew that the dark clouds over her were finally going to disperse.

Zhao Minghao took up the brush and wrote a prescription on a cut rice paper. I picked up my seal, put it on the small copier and made a copy.

"Here you are. This one will be filled on the counter over there. " Zhao Minghao gave the two pieces of paper to Zhang rou.

It's the copy that Zhang Rou took away. Zhao Minghao left the bottom of what he wrote himself.

Wu Yingying has a lot of insight. I picked up the prescription of rice paper and gave it to ye still in the counter. This side was quickly grasped and put into seven plastic bags to carry back.

When Wu Yingying gives the medicine to Zhang rou. Zhao Minghao has recorded the case on his laptop.

"How much is Dr. Zhao?" Zhang Rou looks at the medicine bag on the table and asks.

"That's five hundred and thirty." Zhao Minghao looked at the road. The account has been settled just now. The price of medicine is based on the retail price of the drugstore.

"It's so cheap. Dr. Zhao, don't make money... "Zhang Rou said.

"Well, if you're the first guest, you'll get a discount."

Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile: "it's almost enough to take three courses of treatment. Children, you can exercise her walking. It's good for her brain development. "

Here, Zhang Rou hasn't had time to thank her. A car stopped at the door and one came down from it, that is Mr. Bao.

"Dr. Zhao, this is the practice. I can't send a gift either. It's not like it's going back to business when the clinic opens Mr. Bao said with a smile.

"Mr. Bao is very polite. This is the pill I prepared for you. Take it back and give it to the old man. "

Zhao Minghao took out three small wooden bottles and put them on the table.

"Yishou pill?" Bao always very surprised to pick up a small wooden bottle.

"Well, one a week." Zhao Minghao light way: "eat down certainly can arrive a hundred years.". Your old man is in good health. "

"Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Zhao." Mr. Bao said sincerely.

If other people say this, he will not believe it. But I heard that Zhao Minghao's magical methods in traditional Chinese medicine, I have to believe that what Zhao Minghao said is true.

Of course, Mr. Bao wants to know about Zhao Minghao. I also know about Zhao Minghao's acupuncture anesthesia.

"Come on, take it. By the way, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. If you are free, please come over. I'll invite sister Ann again

Hearing Zhao Minghao's words, President Bao immediately came to the spirit: "good, good. I will be there

"Come back at seven in the evening." Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

"Then I'll leave. How much is the medicine? " Mr. Bao is holding three small medicine bottles.

"I wanted to say no money. But the medicine really can't be delivered. Just look at it and give it to me. "

Zhao Minghao's words made Mr. Bao hesitant for a moment, felt out his mobile phone and said, "I'll give you three million of those three. Take advantage of Dr. Zhao. In the future, when there is still a need, Dr. Zhao must take care of it. "

It's no shock to give three million to Zhao Minghao. Nodding here, Mr. Bao called the money.

Mr. Bao certainly knows that gold is valuable and medicine is priceless. It goes without saying that Zhao Minghao is a miracle doctor. To have a good relationship with him is to have an insurance for your life. What is money!

When Mr. Bao left, he was still thinking, waiting for his grandfather to take three pills. Bring him to Zhao Minghao for a follow-up visit. Give your parents a look, how to buy a few longevity pills to try.

Mr. Bao left with a smile. Zhang Rou was very embarrassed. Now she realized that this is not a place for ordinary people to see a doctor.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm really sorry. I can't take it out... "Zhang Rou said awkwardly.

"Needless to say. Rich people should give more money. Go back with the kids. I'll bring her back to see you in a week. "

Zhao Minghao said. Here, Zhang Rou left with her child and medicine in her arms.

"That's three million dollars. Dr. Zhao, you must have a lot of money. No wonder she still said that she found a gold meal ticket inlaid with diamonds. "

Wu Yingying yelled: "I want to study medicine with you."

"You want to study medicine? It's not easy. If you want to learn something at your age, you will not get results without 30 years. " Zhao Minghao shook his head with a smile. Of course he is telling the truth.

"Well, I won't see it with you. Otherwise, I'll die of jealousy. " Wu Yingying sighed

"I'll go back and prepare for lunch. I have to go to work in the afternoon."

"No need to cook. We have lunch together at noon. Just go straight to work in the afternoon. " Ye is still proud of the way.

"Yeah. You've made a lot of money. If you don't agree, you won't give you face, will you? " Wu Yingying has a greedy look on her face.

"Yes, you want to give me face anyway, don't you?" Ye still said with a smile: "what would you like to eat at noon? Let's send it back to the hotel. "

"Isn't it good to eat here?" Wu Yingying still knows the weight.

"Eat in the kitchen." Ye is still smiling“ Why don't we go to a restaurant. When you come back, just bring it to brother Hao. "

Just then a man came to the clinic. Pulling two large luggage boxes, standing at the door, kicking the thick air and then pushing the glass door in.

"Ming Hao, do you really open a clinic? My sister and brother-in-law told me that. It's really unbelievable. " Liu Yuan came in and said with a smile.

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