"Sister Ann Nuo, you didn't buy that house?" Xiao Yuyao follows in Ann Nuo's room.

"No, how could I be so boring." Ann Nuo shook his head and said, "even if I buy it, I'll make them go. I won't let them do it for me."

"Yes, it's not in line with your character. Who did it? I must be familiar with this situation. Who can it be? " Xiao Yuyao tilted her head.

"It will be clear in the future. You'd better think about Dr. Zhao. You didn't achieve your goal tonight. " Ann Nuo said with a smile: "you hurry back, I want to take a bath."

"Beauty bath, I want to visit!"

Xiao Yuyao sticks out her tongue to look like a dog. Let anno smile and push her out of the door.

Zhao Minghao went back to his room, took out a can of ice beer, opened it, sat at the desk and took out the bronze mirror.

Today I bought a few boxes of cosmetics on the table, and some beef jerky jelly or something. In Zhao Minghao's heart, the little girl must like such snacks.

Just after a sip of beer, a light curtain came out from the bronze mirror. The little girl appeared in the light curtain.

"Come on, how much more do you have in that box?" Cold small butterfly apricot core eye stares Zhao Minghao way: "two realms connect consume spirit stone a lot of, cost is big."

"Well, is the spirit stone used for cultivation. You give me a few pieces. I have four boxes of cosmetics, just like yesterday's Zhao Minghao said: "and yesterday's jade pendant, give me another one."

Zhao Minghao thinks it's beautiful. Another jade pendant like that will bring in a lot of money. It won't be long before you become rich!

"What kind of jade pendant is that. No, how did you become a warrior? Yesterday you were a normal person Leng Xiaodie looks surprised.

The hand cosmetics she got yesterday were sold to her elder martial sister. Ten spirit stones were sold in that box. Leng Xiaodie is very dynamic now. As for the connection of the two realms ten times, it doesn't cost a stone.

"It's your jade slip." Zhao Minghao said something about yesterday and said, "Hey, you see I'm lucky!"

Cold small butterfly Leng after a while, then cover the chest, a face of pain to faint expression.

"Ah, I love you so much. It's jade slips. It's a big Luo Jinxian. I'm so sorry... "

"Well, didn't you say time was tight? What are you talking about? Make a deal. What's more, the jade slips are useless in your hands, aren't they Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

"I can't use it. Won't I exchange it for resources?" Cold small butterfly distressed way: "but forget it, I also didn't find.". It's not that someone can't find out. But you have to make it up to me. You have to give me a thousand of those boxes, not ten thousand! "

"Yes, you can. I want you to take out the jade. " Zhao Minghao said: "otherwise, if it's free, what can I buy?"

"Meiyu, I don't know how to exchange that kind of jade for gold." Leng Xiaodie said angrily:

"You give me five free ones in a hurry. In the future, you will give me five free ones every day, and pay back slowly! "

"Well, I have ten cosmetic boxes here. I'll give you five for free, but you'll give me the stone. A piece. Can I have one first? " Zhao Minghao said: "you can give me whatever you want."

"OK, here's a stone. Then you're going to make ten more boxes like this tomorrow. " Leng Xiaodie calms down. Throw a jade the same size as mahjong.

"Just a stone, give me all the boxes!"

Zhao Ming Hao lost the box in the past, a think these snacks also don't keep. Give her a try and see if the people over there like it.

"I'll give you the food, too. I'll get it for you later if you like. "

"Well, let's see what you have. By the way, I'll give you a ingot of gold. " Leng Xiaodie threw a golden thing and landed on the table with a thump.

The pig waist shaped thing exudes a golden luster, which makes Zhao Minghao look straight at it. Even Leng Xiaodie didn't notice that the light curtain was closed.

"Mad, this is Yuanbao!" Zhao Minghao trembled.

He reached out and picked up Jin Yuanbao. Then he saw that the light curtain had disappeared“ It's better to make money by trading with other countries. The plot of the novel is no nonsense

Zhao Minghao has read a lot of online novels, including Xianxia's science fiction. After weighing Jin Yuanbao for a while, I remember to pick up the stone. I'll use it for practice tonight.

Zhao Minghao has hundreds of millions of money on his account, but that's just a number. Zhao Minghao really has no actual concept of how much it is.

Now this piece of gold is a real thing. Excitement is inevitable, especially for people who used to worry about money.

Zhao Minghao uses the spirit stone to practice the nine Ru mind method. That's why I feel that there is aura to cultivate martial arts. It's speed! Especially when Zhao Minghao is not worried about the realization of the realm. That's the same speed as flying.

Cultivating martial arts is not only the increase of true Qi, but also the understanding of realm. However, Zhao Minghao has been inherited, that is, this kind of realm understanding which can only be understood but can not be changed, has also been inherited by Zhao Minghao.

Zhao Minghao was already a warrior of the second level the next morning. However, he was disappointed that the stone as big as mahjong had not turned into a jade. It's just an ordinary stone, or something that can be crushed by weathering.

After washing, Zhao changed his clothes and put the gold ingot on the desk in the drawer. I want to come back from work today and bring an electronic scale to see how heavy this thing is.

In the elevator, I met Xiao Yuyao and anno. The two of them stood in front of the elevator, and the fragrance of women on them spread far away.

Xiao Yuyao saw Zhao Minghao and said, "good morning, Dr. Zhao. Look at my feet. There's nothing wrong. Your medical skills are amazing. Yesterday, the doctor said it would take more than a week to recover

"Well, it's normal to exaggerate. I would say the same thing if I met him in the clinic Zhao Minghao said with a smile.

His smile is very bright, let anno and Xiao Yuyao two people feel like the spring sun shining on the body. That's very infectious!

"Dr. Zhao, you really speak. I'm just passing by the first hospital, so I'll take you with me. " Xiao Yuyao said in a delicate voice.

As long as I get on the bus today, I will not ride every day after that. Xiao Yuyao in the heart of the secret calculation, but also proud to float a look at Ann Nuo.

"Well, I bought a car yesterday." Zhao Minghao touched his nose and said, "thank you anyway."

At this time, the elevator door opened and three people came in together. Straight to the second floor. After he came out, Zhao Minghao came to his car and found that the parking spaces of anno and Xiao Yuyao were beside him.

"Why, you buy this car. Well, it's a good car. " Xiao Yuyao said in surprise. Of course, she knows what the price of the G-class SUV is. Now I was a little surprised and took a look at Arnold.

Ann Nuo is also looking at her, and there is a sense of sudden realization in their eyes. That's what they thought. It must be Zhao Minghao who bought the house.

They just can't imagine how Zhao Minghao got so much money. According to Zhao Minghao's life experience, it is impossible to have such a large sum of money!

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