"I'm sorry, at most I'll help you to make up for it. Now there's a big thing to tell you." Ning caichen apologized immediately.

"What's the matter?" Hua Yue thinks about it. It's so late that he won't think about it with himself?

Ning caichen said everything about ninja.

"Caichen, you are too impulsive. If it is not the Japanese pirates, you will be punished by law for killing people. I'll call the relevant departments to check. If you are really aiming at the Dragon tooth group leader, you will be fine. If it is not the Japanese pirates, it will be a big event. " Hua Yue is frightened by Ning caichen and hangs up and calls again.

Ning caichen at the moment is also nervous, knowing that the murder is very serious, immediately launched an investigation in the suite.

In addition to changing clothes, there are also some clothes for monks.

But there's no ID card, no cash.

When I see the mobile phone and some short messages, they are actually Japanese pirates. It can be said that ninjas are definitely Japanese pirates.

But still by Ning caichen found a pistol in the water tank of the wharf.

Soon two policemen arrived.

"Hello! We are special police. Where are the Japanese pirates you killed? " A special police officer said seriously.

"I destroyed my body." Ning caichen smiles bitterly.

"What do you say?" The special police looks suspicious and looks at Ning caichen.

Ning caichen has an idea, the body has been decomposed, is unable to hand over to the forensic identification.

"I suspect I killed someone. I chased a man here and finally killed him. But the other side shed blood. Look at the blood on the ground, and then the person disappeared. This is the man's cell phone. And this gun. It's all from that man. " Ning caichen hands the gun to the special police.

SWAT takes the pistol and the cell phone and checks it immediately.

See the Japanese pirates text message on the screen, but can't decode to open the phone.

Another SWAT looked around the suite.

Soon SWAT decoded the phone and opened the screen.

The Swat was overjoyed, and then his face was dignified.

"The man you are talking about belongs to the Japanese ninja special soldier. He came here to assassinate you. You have to be careful. When you see that ninja, let us know. The mobile phone has a communication number from the Japanese pirates island country, so that person is definitely a spy. If you really kill the Japanese pirates, it's a pity that you have escaped. " Special police said with regret.

Ning caichen uneasy heart, heard the confirmation of the special police, finally calm down.

The special police made a record of Ning caichen and asked him how he met ninja.

Special police left contact number, let Ning caichen meet that Ninja immediately inform them.

The special police did not dare to ask more questions, nor was it difficult for ningcaichen. After all, with regard to state secrets, Ning caichen is still the chief and chief physician in charge, which is absolutely reliable. Those national intelligence groups are not equipped. If Ning caichen is not reliable, he can never be close to the head and the chief, let alone the chief and the chief doctor.

The news that Longya was in Sanxing village hospital was known by the devil. The military headquarters immediately responded and sent people to protect Longya.

Ning caichen opened the door and walked out of the suite. He saw two tall and powerful flat heads outside, with sunglasses and sunglasses at night. It looked very strange.

"Mr. Ning, we are members of the top secret group, which is specially designed to protect you. We must ensure your safety before the first and long-term recovery, so we will protect your safety 24 hours a day."

Ning caichen felt the smell of bleeding and knew that they had killed a lot of people, but he could not sense their aura. He knew that his internal skill cultivation was much higher than himself.

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