"If you are willing to do it, start work immediately. If you contact snow white, she will tell you how to do it." Ning caichen smiles with satisfaction.

"Caichen, thank you." The temple wishes the public to smile.

"If it's done well, I think the temple is very old. It's time to build a bigger one." Ning caichen said with a smile.

"Make sure you do your best." Temple Zhu Gong was extremely excited.

It's hundreds of thousands of faster to build a bigger one. Ning caichen makes a promise. Is it interesting for her daughter?

"Temple Zhu Gong, I heard that you know how to do Daoism. I'm interested in yinlingjue. I met some business friends not long ago. I don't know if you will explain it to you?" Ning caichen said, took out a stack of red notes, 10000 yuan to the temple Zhu Gong.

"Ha ha! You asked the right person. Sit inside. I'll explain the drill for you Temple Zhu Gong took the money with a smile on his face.

To the temple, rather gather morning incense, worship the North emperor.

Zhu Gong of the temple was very enthusiastic. He took out the secret collection and handed it to Ning caichen. After that, he immediately produced the Dharma seal, which was still the Dharma seal.

The spirit guiding decision is generally to transcend the soul. When the Yin and Yang link channel is opened, the soul is extradited to the netherworld road.

However, there are many ways to guide spirits, such as extradition, perception of the soul, Dharma seal entering the compass, sensing the existence of the spirit, and so on.

Ning caichen read an article, and the temple Zhu Gong practiced it very hard.

The temple Zhu Gong was very enthusiastic. He took Ning caichen to the study, took out all the secrets and explained them to Ning caichen one after another.

If it had been 20 years ago, temple Zhu Gong would never have been so enthusiastic.

Now is the age of atheism. No one believes in superstition. The children of the temple Master Zhu don't like to practice. Therefore, there is no successor. It's rare that Ning caichen is interested.

Ning caichen read the basic secret collection very quickly. He seemed to have a look at it at will. He didn't have any patience. In fact, Ning caichen has memorized all the contents of the secret collection. This is the advantage of strong mental power. If you don't understand it, you can never forget it. You can read everything dozens of times faster.

In addition, the temple Zhu Gong has already regarded Ning caichen as half a son, so he would like to teach Ning caichen all the skills, so he explained Ning caichen's questions immediately.

"Is younger martial brother Bai at home?"

Temple Zhu Gong looks extremely ugly when he hears the voice.

Ning caichen frowned. It seems that there is cause and effect in the world. Just as he learned the basic knowledge of cultivation from the Master Zhu of the temple, someone came to find fault.

He went out with the temple Master Zhu and came to the main hall. He saw a white haired Taoist priest in a Taoist robe. He looked like a fairy. He was carrying a peach wood sword. He was surrounded by a young man in his early twenties.

"Do you deserve to be my senior brother? What do you want from you, elder martial brother? " The temple Zhu Gong said angrily.

Ning caichen just remembered that this Taoist was a famous Feng Shui gentleman in the town. He remembered that his uncle saw this Taoist when he built a house a year ago.

Both Gongzhu and Daochang are ancestral metaphysics. They both come from the same school, but they are both exiled disciples. The elder martial brothers are not in harmony, but they are all from Tianfu town.

The elder martial brothers have been enemies for generations.

Every 20 years, there will be a fight. Whoever loses will not be able to leave the village to see Fengshui. If someone comes to visit fengshui, he must tell others the address of the winner and ask them to come and invite the winner to see it.

For generations, the temple Master Zhu lost to each other, so he could only watch Fengshui in Sanxing village, and could not leave the village to see Fengshui.

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