A shirt and a pair of trousers, as well as beautiful women's clothes, but the clothes are like the existence of silk stockings, which are worn inside.

Any of these women's clothes can be worn.

saw as like as two peas in the morning.

"Wife, did you make it?" Ning caichen feels warm in the heart. The tianserin clothes made by his wife are warm brand, which is warm to the heart.

"I'll make it." Meng Ya said with a smile.

In fact, Mengya is worried about Ning caichen. She first makes a dress for Ning caichen, so Ning caichen won't make Tianchan clothes first.

After all, tiancanwang's silk production is very low, I don't know when it will be enough, so I started to make it for Ning caichen.

Ning caichen knew that it was dangerous at the moment and opened his eyes immediately.

"Xin'er, you go inside and I'll give you some presents. What weapons do you need? I'll make them for you." Ning caichen said with a smile.

"Mm-hmm!" Liu xiner is very smart, knowing that he can't disturb Ning caichen at the moment and let Ning caichen think about how to deal with Yue zhantian.

Liu xiner enters the inner space and appears under the tree of life. A Tianchan garment flies in.

"Clothes almost wrapped all over." When Liu xiner saw the silk stockings shaped clothes, she blushed and put them on shyly.

Liu xiner thinks about a lot of things in her heart, but she doesn't appreciate it.

First of all, you can make a powerful arrow for yourself.

After that, I made a flying sword. This flying sword is not as heavy as Jiutian iron, and it is about the same weight as ordinary flying sword, but its sharpness and tenacity are more than ten times of that of special flying sword. After all, it is made of special high-grade alchemy materials.

Make a flying sword like light iron and gold to Liu xiner.

And then each beauty made one.

After all, many defensive weapons need to be engraved in the golden elixir period. Ordinary array is not as hard and defensive as the material itself.

Then he made a lot of talismans and smashed them, and the practitioners of the golden elixir would be in a mess.

Having made all preparations, Ning caichen is still very worried, but now that all the materials of the talisman have been refined into talisman, the preparation has already been prepared.

At the moment, Liu xiner is very happy. She has put on a comprehensive protection of Tianchan clothes. Her body temperature is adjusted very well. She is warm in winter and cool in summer. She is very comfortable.

Ning caichen's inner space absorbs two-thirds of the energy of all the best diamonds.

In a flash, the space became white and misty, full of aura.

Ning caichen knows to exchange the best spirit stone for the second grade spirit stone, and then purify the inferior spirit stone into the best spirit stone.

It's not a quick way to make money in this way. If you exchange a top quality spirit stone for a lower grade spirit stone, there will be a lot of spirit stones.

Liu xiner combed and washed in the element pool, put on her clothes, and immediately flew her sword in the inner space. She was very happy.

"Xin'er, I want to exchange a lot of inferior spirit stones. Do you have any idea?" Ning caichen asked.

"It's very difficult to exchange the best spirit stone. It's very easy to exchange high-level spirit stone with low-grade spirit stone. I'll change it with you. " Liu xiner said happily.

Ning caichen summoned Liu xiner out.

The little girl comes out, is to give Ning caichen a warm kiss.

After a long time of separation, Liu xiner is extremely satisfied at the moment, even if she dies at the moment. After all, what she dreams of has come true and she has nothing to want.

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