"Many items of the original Buddha Hall naturally changed. During the demolition, an underground treasure house for collecting ancient paintings was found underground. It's full of ancient paintings. It's too many. " Qian Yun said with a smile.

"The Buddhist temple didn't sell the ancient paintings?" Ning caichen asked in surprise.

"No, the main reason is that the ancient paintings are very special. Even if they are sold, no one wants them. After all, they are not masterpieces or lifelike calligraphy and paintings. After all, there is no historical value in the study of Buddhist scriptures and paintings. The identification result belongs to the graffiti left by the former eminent monk Qian Yun said with a smile.

"Were we useful in the past? Will they sell it? " Ning caichen asked suspiciously.

"There are fewer and fewer believers in the Buddhist temple recently. After all, we all know that the Buddha was deified by the forefathers of foreigners, not their own ancestors. The deified figures in Taoism are their own ancestors, so fewer and fewer people believe in Buddhism. The Buddhist temple is very difficult to operate, so I told my uncle that I wanted to sell those ancient paintings. " Qian Yun said with a smile.

If it's Xuanmen treasure, it's not to find the Yue family, or to find the Ning family to sell. After all, everyone wants to find the richest one to be able to afford a large price.

But in the ordinary people's world, most of the money is the richest man in Antarctica. If you have treasures, you will find more money.

When they came to the Buddhist holy land in the suburbs, Qian Yun and the monk explained clearly their origin and knew that it was Qian duo's representative. They were very enthusiastic and took Ning caichen to the Abbot's meditation room, and the abbot personally received them.

"Please sit down, benefactor." Zhike took it to the Zen room and said politely.

"Thank you." Ning caichen and Qian Yun sit down.

Soon Zhike and the abbot came in.

The abbot is an old monk in his sixties. He has a ring scar on his head and a long snow-white beard. He looks like an eminent monk.

With a kind smile on his face, the abbot came in!

"Amitabha! Good and good, the two donors are full of money and wealth. " As soon as the abbot opened his mouth, he sent a high hat.

Ning caichen and Qian Yun's affection for the abbot was reduced by several points.

"Hello, master! I don't beat around the bush. I'll be straight. We are here to buy ancient paintings. " Qian Yun said solemnly.

"The ancient paintings are next door. Please follow me." When the Abbot's eyes lit up, he said happily.

Come to the next room, see a box, the box looks very old, filled with light white treasure gas, even the box is antique.

"Why Ning caichen feels the immortal spirit.

Originally, I wanted to buy some ancient paintings for business, but I didn't expect that there was immortal spirit in the gourd. This shows that there are immortal tools in this pile of ancient paintings.

The inner space is beating fiercely. Ning caichen is overjoyed. When he meets the map of thousands of Li rivers and mountains, the inner space does not have such a fierce beating, which shows that the immortal utensils are extraordinary.

"Mr. Qian has hired experts to evaluate these ancient paintings. I wonder if you still want to watch them?" The abbot said with a smile.

"It's really too expensive for you to ask for 100 million yuan. After all, it's not a cultural relic, it's only Buddhist scriptures, so it's not worth studying. It only belongs to the ancient eminent monks who left notes of graffiti Qian Yun said solemnly.

"With so many ancient paintings, 50 million yuan is OK?" The abbot said in a hurry.

"I don't talk nonsense. I'll give you 10 million yuan. I'll sell it." Qian Yun said solemnly.

"40 million, no less." The abbot said solemnly.

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