Deputy mayor Niu cleared his throat. Sure enough, he began to announce that Taohua village was going to set up two joint companies, namely Taohuashan group company.

Leaf company.

Among them, Taohuashan group company belongs to private joint venture, belongs to Taohua village, beauty village head Zhang Ying accounts for half of the shares, ye Fugui accounts for 20% of the shares, the rest is the majority of the villagers, by the end of the year, this Taohuashan group company dividends.

Although the garment factory invested by Gao Xiaoqin and the valve factory built by Lin Yuanshan are located in Qianhe village, they are also owned by Taohuashan group company. With the cooperation of Yuanda Group, the first phase investment is 6.8 million yuan. Next, Zhang Ying, the head of beautiful village, and Lin Yuanshan will go to the county to sign the contract.

In addition, a company, the leaf company, is owned by Ye Fugui. Ye Fugui will invest 3 million yuan to completely contract the 1000 mu wasteland in front of Taohua mountain for development and construction.

"Now, it's the happiest time for all of us. Village head Zhang and village head ye said that we should work hard. We have a big dividend at the end of the year. How much is the dividend? Everybody guess, guess right, there is a big red envelope reward at the scene. "

At this time, deputy mayor Niu happily said that just now, a large safe, Zhang Daniu and others, had been carried up to the rostrum, but it was carried up in full view of the public. Beautiful village head Zhang Ying said that all the money in the safe should be taken out for dividend at the end of the year, half a year and six months later.

a bonus.

This time, the audience is even more lively, thousands of villagers, have guessed, very lively, even more excited than just now.

"A million..."


"It's too little, it's too little, how about three million..."

"What's more, the three million big headed ghost, why don't you say seven or eight million."

There's another retort.

Some other people are also shouting speculation, and even beauty reporter Wang Yan also went down to interview dozens of villagers, asking their speculation.

"Guess what, little girl?" At this time, beautiful reporter Wang Yan interviewed dozens of villagers, these villagers said that the range is between 700000 and 23 million, few of which are more than 4 million, and certainly, that is too much.

Just now, the one who said 10 million was just boasting.

"Ah, I guess it's 6.45 million." At this time, Pang Linlin said happily and made a small face, smiling at Wang Yan.

6.45 million?

This time, Wang Yan also laughed. Most of the other villagers guessed that they were not so accurate. How could this lovely little girl say 6.45 million, with zero and whole, and with nose and eyes? What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, it's true?

"Little girl, what's your name? What grade are you in? How can you guess that there are zero and whole?" Wang Yan was very curious and interviewed Pang Linlin again.

"Hum, I just know what happened. In fact, brother Daniu told me that. You have to be a witness. I guess right. Remember to give me a big red envelope. The big red envelope has more than 1200 yuan. I can take it and sell snacks to my friends."

"Hee hee."

Pang Linlin makes a face again. At this time, general manager Lin Rou also comes over. Pang Linlin is so naughty, and she has no way.

"Linlin, don't make fun of Aunt Wang Yan." General manager Lin Rou said gently that originally, she and Wang Yan also knew each other, and Wang Yan also went to their rainforest pharmaceutical industry to interview with the county leaders.

"All right, mother Lin."

Pang Linlin is a little unhappy, but Lin Rou, President Lin, must be her mother Lin. Ye Fugui often teaches her to be filial to her mother.

Mother Lin?

Wang Yan also smiles. She also knows that President Lin Rou and President Pang Yuqing have lived together for a long time and built the rainforest pharmaceutical industry together. Today, President Lin Rou has made great contributions to the development of the rainforest pharmaceutical industry. In those years, without some investment from Lin Yuanshan, the rainforest pharmaceutical industry could not develop.


President Pang Yuqing and Lin Yuanshan used to open a coal yard together, so they knew each other for a long time. Later, President Pang Yuqing and his wife started a pharmaceutical factory. At that time, the pharmaceutical factory was called Junkang pharmaceutical factory. However, in the early stage of development, there was not much capital, and Lin Yuanshan also invested a sum of money.


Pang Yuqing's wife Kang min was killed in a car accident. Pang Yuqing was also seriously injured at that time. Later, Lin Rou, President Lin, came here to take care of him. Over the past few years, their relationship has also warmed up. Later, Pang and Lin Rou have also come together. However, due to Pang's relationship, they have not officially married.

"Mr. Lin, is this Mr. Pang's child?" Wang Yan asks Lin Rou, who nods. At this time, sure enough, deputy mayor Niu and director Hao opened the safe.

This time, the huge safe was opened, and piles of hundred yuan banknotes were tied up, like hills, and began to be put out.

About three minutes.

"Folks, there are 6.458 million yuan here, which is the development fund of Taohuashan group. Half a year later, that is the end of the year, village head Zhang Ying and village head ye have said that they should pay 6.4 million yuan in cash to everyone as welfare. The more hard they work, the bigger the cash bonus they get."

"Well, there seems to be a little girl who guessed right. Here's a large red envelope of 1200 yuan, and the three who received it recently also have red envelopes."

At this time, deputy mayor Niu began to announce.

Sure enough, this time, Pang Linlin took Dahua, Erhua, xiaoniuzi and so on, swaggered up and took the first big red envelope.

There are also three villagers, also on stage to receive the three red envelopes. In particular, the one who just said that his friend was quite close to each other and even got a big red envelope, which made him happy.

Pang Linlin was able to say that Zhang Daniu told her that only Zhang Ying and ye Fugui knew how much the safe had.

Just now, when people carried the safe to the rostrum, Zhang Daniu asked Ye Fugui curiously, and ye Fugui told him. Otherwise, Zhang Daniu didn't know how much it was, but the safe was very heavy, almost six people carried it up together.

My God, at the end of the year more than 6 million dividends, this time, Taohuashan villagers almost all cheered up, can't believe their eyes and ears.

However, it is true that there are more than 6 million yuan of cash on the rostrum, which is as big as a big table.

This makes the villagers feel that it's true that Zhang Ying and ye Fugui, the beautiful village leaders, are leading them to take off the hat of poverty and backwardness.

"Come on, village head."

"Come on, village head..."

Sure enough, at this time, the villagers cheered and passed the news one after another. Some people didn't come here and began to know the news.

Some villagers in other villages are also envious of Taohua village. Sure enough, deputy mayor Niu also announced another news. Five surrounding villages, Qianwan village, Houhe village, Qianhe village, and Shifang village, also have a lot of dividends at the end of the year.

This time, a large number of villagers, but also run to tell up.

The hill like cash and the red and gorgeous tickets pushed the opening ceremony to the climax and the climax.

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