Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 126 Too Greedy (Additional update)

Facing the complacent Wei Tianming, Zhang Yuan shrugged and explained

"The reason why aphrodisiac honey can take effect so quickly is also related to your good foundation, Mr. Wei. For someone with a particularly weak constitution, it will take at least a week to take effect!"

Although Wei Tianming was impotent, he was not the type to be drained by alcohol and sex.

The latter's body was too weak. Even if he drank aphrodisiac honey for two days, he would not be able to see obvious effects like Wei Tianming.

Wei Tianming chuckled, "It only took me two days of drinking to regain my strength. If I continue to drink, my two lovers will have to cry and beg for mercy in front of me every day!"

As a big boss, Wei Tianming is naturally surrounded by lovers, and he rarely looks for club princesses.

The reason why he named Xiao Hui, the top player in the club, to accompany him a few days ago was mainly because of Xiao Hui's superb skills.

At this time, the faces of the two waitresses not far away turned even redder. .??.

The topics these two guests chatted about became more and more pornographic, but it sounded so exciting!

So what is aphrodisiac honey?

Do you want to go back and buy a bottle for your boyfriend?

Just when the two waitresses were full of curiosity, Zhang Yuan also smiled and said

"Aphrodisiac honey can replenish deficiency and strengthen yang, which is equivalent to recharging the body. But Mr. Wei, you must also exercise restraint. It is best not to deal with two women at the same time every day."

"After all, human energy is limited. Even if you sing and sing every night, your iron-clad body will be worn down!"

"Mr. Zhang is right!" Wei Tianming nodded in agreement.

At this time, he changed the subject, "I wonder how much aphrodisiac honey Mr. Zhang still has in stock? I want to buy some more! Settlement together with last time!"

"What? Have you finished drinking those two bottles of honey?" Zhang Yuan was a little surprised.

"Ahem..." Wei Tianming coughed twice. "That's not true. The main reason is that I want to buy a few more bottles for backup. You also know how important this thing is to me."

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment. Wei Tianming wanted to buy a few more bottles of aphrodisiac honey. He had actually expected it.

But there is one thing Zhang Yuan hasn’t thought about yet, that

Just how much should Wei Tianming be charged!

Originally, Zhang Yuan planned to help Wei Tianming cure his illness and then collect 20,000 yuan in medical expenses, including money for aphrodisiac honey.

But since Wei Tianming wants to buy more aphrodisiac honey, he can't go as planned!

At least, you have to set a price for aphrodisiac honey!

Seeing Zhang Yuan's hesitation, Wei Tianming was a little anxious, but he couldn't show it, so he had to look at Xiao Ma.

Xiao Ma understood and immediately said in a deep voice, "Mr. Zhang, in fact, not only Mr. Wei, I also want to buy two bottles of aphrodisiac honey!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan glanced at Xiao Ma in surprise, "What? With your body, you still need aphrodisiac honey?"

Xiao Ma looks healthy and has been practicing martial arts all year round, so his body's meridians are smooth.

People like this, even when they are sixty or seventy years old, can still play with women.

Why can't Pony do it now?

At this moment, not only Zhang Yuan, but also the two waitresses not far away looked at Xiao Ma in surprise.

Wei Tianming is a middle-aged man with a successful career, and he understands that he needs aphrodisiacs.

Xiao Ma is so young, but he actually needs aphrodisiac?

Aware of everyone's attention, Xiao Ma couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and regretted not driving the two waitresses out just now.

But this is a private room reserved for big shots. Even if the waiter hears and sees something, he won't tell anyone!

If they dare to speak out, they will no longer be able to live in Qinghe County!

"Ahem, I mainly... want to give it to my father-in-law!" Xiao Ma quickly explained.

But his embarrassed expression and unconfident tone made this defense seem a bit pale.

Zhang Yuan glanced at Xiao Ma.

Currently, Xiao Ma and Wei Tianming are both his clients.

Don't let Xiao Ma be too embarrassed.

So Zhang Yuan smiled and said in a haha, "I understand, it's human nature, it's understandable. When I get a wife in the future, I will also give my father-in-law two bottles of aphrodisiac honey."

When the two waiters heard that Zhang Yuan hadn't married yet, they couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Who says only men are horny?

Women are lustful too!

After Zhang Yuan and the others entered the room, the two waitresses spent most of the time secretly observing Zhang Yuan.

Because he is the most handsome among the three people present!

Wei Tianming was actually quite handsome when he was young, but unfortunately he has become a middle-aged uncle now.

Pony is pretty cool, but unfortunately he is not as handsome as Pony in the movie!

Long Wu is cooler than Pony, can't he just be the green leaf next to the God of Gamblers?

In contrast, Zhang Yuan, who is both young and handsome, best meets their "lustful" standards.

At this time, Wei Tianming asked

"In that case, I wonder how many bottles of aphrodisiac honey you can sell us, Mr. Zhang?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment.

He has actually thought about it now.

Just quote a higher price. Anyway, Wei Tianming is a big dog, and he won't kill him unless he kills him.

If he receives less, Wei Tianming might think that he is not doing his best to help him treat his illness!

But before Zhang Yuan spoke, he still made a small test.

"I still have four bottles of aphrodisiac honey in my hand, which is enough for the two of you. In addition to the previous two bottles, and Mr. Wei's consultation fee, I wonder how much Mr. Wei you think we should charge?"

Wei Tianming replied without hesitation, "Two hundred thousand! Each bottle of aphrodisiac honey is worth 30,000 yuan! Three six hundred and eighteen! Let's make up a total of two hundred thousand yuan!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yuan looked calm on the surface, but there was a huge wave in his heart.

How inhumane!

In fact, Zhang Yuan

The original plan was to charge Wei Tianming 5,000 yuan for each bottle of honey, and six bottles of honey would be 30,000 yuan.

Zhang Yuan's initial expected treatment cost was 20,000 yuan.

Now that he can earn an extra 10,000 yuan, Zhang Yuan is actually very satisfied.

But he didn't expect that Wei Tianming would be so arrogant, asking for thirty thousand a bottle!

The two waitresses not far away were also stunned at this moment.

In their minds, a bottle of honey can only cost a few dozen yuan at most in the supermarket.

But Wei Tianming in front of him was willing to spend 30,000 yuan to buy a bottle of aphrodisiac honey. Is aphrodisiac honey really that magical?

At the same time, Zhang Yuan resisted the thought of agreeing immediately and showed a smile on his face.

"It seems that Mr. Wei attaches great importance to my aphrodisiac honey! He actually offered such a high price! But... I won't agree to this price!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Wei Tianming's face changed slightly when he heard Zhang Yuan said he would not agree.

He thought to himself: Could it be that Zhang Yuan has such a big appetite that he is not satisfied with the price of 30,000 yuan a bottle?

Could it be that Zhang Yuan regarded himself as a big fat sheep?

The two waitresses were even more stunned at this time.

Wei Tianming had shocked them once just now, but Zhang Yuan unexpectedly shocked them again.

A bottle of honey sells for 30,000 yuan. Where can I find such a good deal?

Zhang Yuan actually didn't agree yet, he must be too greedy!

Wei Tianming, who thought Zhang Yuan regarded him as a big fat sheep, also frowned slightly at this moment.

If others dared to slaughter him as a big fat sheep, Wei Tianming would have had a fit long ago. After all, he is the boss of Qinghe County!

But thinking of Zhang Yuan's skills that Xiao Ma mentioned, Wei Tianming still endured it.

Unless absolutely necessary, you must not have a conflict with someone like Zhang Yuan!

Calmly suppressing the anger in his heart, Wei Tianming forced a smile and asked, "Mr. Zhang, how many bottles do you think is appropriate?"

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