Fortunately, the neckline of the dress is not too low.

Otherwise, just the dazzling whiteness exposed would be enough to make a man unable to move his eyes!

In addition to Wang Chunhua, there was also a middle-aged woman with a round waist clearing the tables in the store.

Seeing Zhang Yuan walking into the store, she immediately shouted to Wang Chunhua.

"Madam boss, we have a guest!"

Wang Chunhua raised her head and happened to bump into Zhang Yuan.

The two people's eyes met. Wang Chunhua's charming eyes that seemed to be able to speak looked up and down at Zhang Yuan. She seemed to have some impression of him, but she couldn't remember who he was for a while.

Being stared at by such a pair of charming eyes made Zhang Yuan feel a little uncomfortable.

He quickly took the initiative and said, "Sister Chunhua, this is Zhang Yuan. My mother came to town to buy feed in the morning, but she lost the money. You paid for it for her!"

Wang Chunhua suddenly realized it and looked at Zhang Yuan with eyes full of surprise.

If she remembered correctly, in her impression, Zhang Yuan seemed to have become a fool, and he had been a fool for several years.

Why is it back to normal now?

"It's Brother Yuan! I haven't seen you for several years, and I don't dare to recognize you! Come inside and sit down! Aunt Niu, please give Brother Yuan a glass of water!" Wang Chunhua greeted Zhang Yuan with a smile.

Aunt Niu, a middle-aged woman, took a disposable plastic cup and poured Zhang Yuan a cup of pure water.

After Zhang Yuan sat down, he handed two bottles of honey to Wang Chunhua.

"Sister Chunhua, my mother asked me to bring this to you. One bottle is native honey, and the other bottle is traditional Chinese medicine bone-strengthening honey. You can drink a small cup every day, which is good for your body!" Zhang Yuan said.

"In addition, this is two hundred yuan. You paid for my mother this morning. My mother asked me to give the money to you!"

Wang Chunhua was also very emotional when she saw Zhang Yuan paying back the money and taking the honey.

When she was kicked out by her husband's family, people in the village said she was a bad person, and even asked the village chief Zhang Weimin to tell her not to let her return to the village.

If Wang Chunhua hadn't had the idea to turn this dilapidated store into a small restaurant, I'm afraid the two siblings wouldn't even have a place to stay!

To say that Wang Chunhua doesn't hate the people of Xiawan Village, even she doesn't believe it.

But Zhang Yuan’s mother, Wang Hui, is different from other villagers.

Wang Hui never treated Wang Chunhua as a broom star.

This is also the reason why Wang Chunhua helps Wang Hui.

If it were the villagers who regarded Wang Chunhua as a broom star, it would be strange that Wang Chunhua would help them!

However, Wang Chunhua did not expect that Wang Hui would be so generous.

Not only did Zhang Yuanlai pay back the money, he also sent two bottles of expensive local honey.

Although the local honey sold by Lao Fengtou is not particularly expensive, a bottle costs only fifty or sixty yuan.

The two bottles add up to over a hundred!

What's more, according to Zhang Yuan, one bottle of honey also contains traditional Chinese medicine, so the price will probably be higher.

"Brother Yuan, Auntie is too polite! We are all from the same village, and Auntie and I are still from the same family! We should help each other!" Wang Chunhua said with a smile.

While talking, she took the money, but Honey pushed it back.

"As a young man, I don't need to drink honey. Let's save it for Uncle Zhang and Auntie to replenish their health!"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "Sister Chunhua, this is a task my mother gave me. If you don't accept these two bottles of honey, my mother will definitely scold me when you get home! You must accept it!"

Wang Chunhua still wanted to refuse, but at this time the guests at the table near the door stood up drunkenly.

"Boss lady! Check out!" one of the angry bald men shouted.

Wang Chunhua hurriedly said to the middle-aged woman

"Aunt Niu, go over and pay the bill!"

Aunt Niu nodded and walked over to pay.

Unexpectedly, when the bald man saw that the person paying the bill was not Wang Chunhua, he immediately started shouting.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I told the boss lady to come over and pay the bill!"

His companions also shouted, "What's the matter? You look down on us brothers? Are you unwilling to pay the bill for us brothers in person?" .??.

Wang Chunhua's expression changed, and she quickly stood up and walked over quickly, with a bright smile on her face.

"Brothers, I'm really sorry. I was busy talking to my cousin just now and didn't pay attention. I'll pay the bill for you two!"

When the bald man saw Wang Chunhua's charming and delicate face and her curvy and sexy figure, his eyes suddenly lit up and his eyes became lustful.

He grabbed Wang Chunhua's white and soft little hand and caressed it greedily, with a bad smile on his face.

"The boss lady will pay the bill in person, so we two brothers need to tip more!" said the bald man.

When her hand was grabbed, a flash of disgust flashed in Wang Chunhua's eyes, but she still kept a smile on her face and at the same time pulled her hand out without leaving any trace.

"I'm really grateful to you two brothers, but it's our honor to have you two come to our store for dinner."

"No need to tip! As long as the two eldest brothers enjoy their meal!"

As soon as Wang Chunhua's words came out, the bald man's face instantly darkened.

Of course, what really made him unhappy was not that Wang Chunhua refused to ask for a tip, but that the other party pulled his little hand back!

The bald man said with a cold face, "If you refuse to ask for a tip, you just look down on us brothers! Do you think we two brothers are easy to mess with?"

As he spoke, he lifted up his T-shirt, revealing the tiger tattoo on his chest.

"Look what this is! We two brothers are famous tiger and wolf duo! How dare you not give us two brothers face?"

As the bald man spoke, his companion also lifted up his shirt to reveal the wolf head tattoo.

Wang Chunhua's expression changed.

She subconsciously took two steps back, squeezed out a smile and said.

"Brothers, I really don't mean to look down on you two! Mainly, our shop doesn't have a tipping policy!"

"Really?" the bald man said, "Then starting from today, there will be this rule! Tips must be given! In the same way, you must also give us brothers a little sweetness!"

Tipping is just a cover, sweetening is their real purpose!

"Brother, why don't you let this beautiful boss lady accompany us for a drive?" the man with the wolf head tattoo said with a smirk.

The drive he talks about is naturally not a simple drive, but the jolting wind in the car!

The bald man swallowed and said, "What a great idea! Boss lady, let's go then! It won't be too late to pay the bill when we come back. We will tip more!"

With that said, he started to grab Wang Chunhua's arm.

Wang Chunhua was immediately frightened and turned pale.

She has owned a small restaurant in the town for several years.

During this period, she encountered troublemakers and people who wanted to take advantage of her while drunk.

But Wang Chunhua always sticks to the bottom line, and at most she gets a few slaps from the customer.

If the other party dares to act more excessively, Wang Chunhua will scold them.

These people are also measured.

After all, once things get too big, they won't be able to survive.

In addition, Wang Chunhua also managed some of her own personal connections.

So the small restaurant has always been in peace.

But these two people today did not play according to the routine at all.

He actually came up and wanted to take Wang Chunhua away.

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