Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 138 Taking advantage of someone’s illness to kill someone

Although there may be other wild ginseng on the back mountain.

But no one has found it for so many years, which shows how remote the wild ginseng is!

Again, hoping to make money digging ginseng is just like buying a lottery ticket.

On the contrary, they are selling aphrodisiac honey, which is a good way to make money!

Wei Tianming's tone on the phone was filled with pride, "Those guys bragged to me after drinking last night, saying how great they were. But in the end, I was able to compete with them all!"

"So, these guys asked me for advice and asked me why I am so fierce now. I casually revealed about aphrodisiac honey, but I didn't expect that they all clamored to buy honey!"

Hearing Wei Tianming's explanation, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but have a strange expression on his face.

Do all these rich bosses play like this?

Sure enough, the words "city can play" are not said in vain.

Zhang Yuan said seriously, "Brother Wei, I wonder how many bottles of aphrodisiac honey you want this time?"

He made eight bottles of aphrodisiac honey last time and gave four bottles to Wei Tianming. He still had four bottles left in stock, and he didn't know if they were enough.

"Let me do the math. If you include Li Laoba and Ren Bing, if each of them has two bottles, the total is ten bottles!" Wei Tianming said.

Zhang Yuan was secretly happy. Ten bottles of aphrodisiac honey cost 5,000 yuan per bottle. That’s 50,000 yuan!

Big business! Really big business!

"Brother Wei, give me five days. Just ask Xiao Ma to get the honey after five days!" Zhang Yuan said immediately.

It actually only takes two days to make.

However, in order to prevent Wei Tianming from thinking that making aphrodisiac honey was too easy, Zhang Yuan delayed the production time by three days.

This is how business is done, if others think it is too easy for you to make money, it will often cause unnecessary trouble!

Zhang Yuan did this not to be wary of Wei Tianming, Wei Tianming must be trustworthy.

But those friends of Wei Tianming may not be trustworthy!

Even if his friends disdain the aphrodisiac honey business, what if these friends inadvertently spread the news?

Regarding Zhang Yuan's extension of the production time, Wei Tianming felt that it was natural.

"Okay! Brother, when you make the aphrodisiac honey, call me. I'll ask Xiao Ma to bring the money! This time my friend wants to buy it, and you can't refuse to accept the money anymore!" Wei Tianming said.

Last time Xiao Ma told Wei Tianming about Zhang Yuan's refusal to accept the 30,000 yuan.

Xiao Ma could tell that Zhang Yuan really didn't want to take Wei Tianming's money.

If Xiao Ma hadn't had an idea and dropped the money at the door of Zhang Yuan's house, and then drove away in a hurry, I'm afraid he would have had to bring the 30,000 yuan back.

This incident moved Wei Tianming very much, and he also thought Zhang Yuan was a worthy friend.

Zhang Yuan joked, "Of course! I'm very obsessed with money, and I can't lose even a penny!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuan stretched and stood up, preparing to go to Old Fengtou to get a few more bottles of honey.

Recently, he has become Lao Fengtou's biggest customer!

If this continues, it won't be long before Zhang Yuancheng's advance deposit with Old Fengtou will be spent.

But it doesn’t matter if you spend all your advance deposit.

At that time, wouldn’t it be enough to keep 5,000 or even 10,000 yuan with Old Fengtou?

Not long after, Zhang Yuan came to the back street carrying a cloth bag and humming a tune.

The door of Lao Feng's house is still locked. It seems that he often stays at the apiary recently.

When Zhang Yuan arrived at the apiary, he saw someone who surprised him.

It turned out to be Yu Kun, the treacherous man who came with Feng He last time!

Zhang Yuan was deeply impressed by Kun, mainly because his face looked very cunning, especially

It's the sunken eye sockets that make this person even more vicious.

What surprised Zhang Yuan was that Yu Kun did not come with Feng He this time, but came alone.

And it seemed that Old Fengtou had no intention of driving him out. Instead, he sat and talked with Yu Kun at the stone table in the yard of the bee farm.

It's just that Old Fengtou's expression is a bit unsightly.

Zhang Yuan stood at the door of the apiary and could just hear the conversation between him and Yu Kun.

"No! The price you gave is too low! The apiary is my life's work, and the land is worth eighty or ninety thousand yuan! Your offer of fifty thousand yuan is too low!" Old Fengtou said with a frown.

Yu Kun was smiling, but when he smiled, he looked even more cunning.

"Uncle Feng, I understand what you mean! I also know that the combined value of your land and apiary is about 100,000 yuan!"

"There's no way, I'm the only one willing to buy your apiary now! I'm only willing to pay 50,000 yuan!"

Old Fengtou immediately became angry, "You know that my apiary is worth 100,000 yuan, but you insist on buying it for 50,000 yuan. Are you trying to bully me, a bad old man?"

"That's not true, but who told you to have a son who is a bad gambler? If you don't sell it now, your son Feng He will steal the land certificate and sell it soon!" Yu Kun said with a smile.

After hearing his words, Old Fengtou fell silent.

Yu Kun is right!

The reason why Old Fengtou wanted to sell the apiary in a hurry was to prevent Feng He from stealing the land certificate of the apiary and selling it to Yu Kun.

If Feng He sells the apiary, the money will definitely be given to the people in the casino.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Old Fengtou did this.

He was old, and the shock of Feng He stealing his coffin book also made him completely discouraged.

Now Old Fengtou just wants to avoid that unfilial person

His son Feng He then went to live with a distant cousin.

That cousin is a small contractor, working on projects all over the world.

When Lao Feng came over, he could cook for the workers. He was still good at cooking big pots.

Wait in a few years when Old Fengtou can't do it at all.

He took the money from selling his apiary and his salary over the past few years to find a cheaper nursing home to spend his remaining years.

Although life in a nursing home may be very miserable, it is better than making Feng He, a damn unfilial son, angry to death!

So Old Fengtou secretly contacted Yu Kun and wanted to sell the apiary to him.

Unexpectedly, Yu Kun saw that Old Fengtou was eager to sell the bee farm and deliberately kept the price so low!

The apiary and land were worth 100,000 yuan, but Yu Kun was only willing to pay 50,000 yuan!

It’s simply taking advantage of someone’s illness to kill them!

Old Fengtou was silent for dozens of seconds and suddenly gave a wry smile.

"Forget it, who asked me to raise such an unfilial son! Fifty thousand yuan... Fifty thousand yuan, just fifty thousand yuan!"

After hearing what Old Fengtou said, Yu Kun's eyes instantly lit up.

He also owns an apiary, so he naturally knows how valuable Old Fengtou's apiary is.

Most of the honey currently on the market is foreign honey.

Authentic local honey like Lao Fengtou is rare!

They are all popular items on the market!

Not to mention taking over Old Fengtou's apiary for 50,000 yuan, even if it cost 150,000 yuan, Yu Kun would still make a profit!

Secretly ecstatic in his heart, Yu Kun calmly stretched out his hand, "Uncle Feng, happy cooperation!"

Old Feng's head was trembling and he wanted to stretch out his hand, but his heart seemed to be bleeding.

The apiary is his life's work!

I didn’t expect it to be sold at such a low price!

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