Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 16 A strong man is a hot commodity

In rural areas, people with great strength can always make everyone in the village treat them differently.

Being strong means you don’t have to worry about farm work at home, and no one dares to bully you!

In addition, whenever villagers have disputes over daily chores or clan issues, physical conflicts will inevitably occur.

At this time, strong men become popular.

Such a person can stand up to three people!

It will also instill natural fear in your opponents!

It can be said that the magical power displayed by Zhang Yuan directly improved their family's status in the village! ??

If Zhang Yuandong watched the fire, he would naturally understand the reason for the change in the attitude of the villagers.

But he still smiled and thanked everyone.

He still understands the ways of the world.

After the villagers left one after another, Zhang Yuan helped Zhang Dashan back to the bedroom to rest.

Only then did the old couple have the opportunity to ask Zhang Yuan where he got the 20,000 yuan.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled.

In front of his second elder, he took out the items in the woven bag one by one.

The old couple were a little surprised when they saw the cooked beef, roast chicken and pork bought by Zhang Yuan.

It seems that Zhang Yuan has more than 20,000 yuan in his hand, otherwise he would not buy so many good things.

Until finally, Zhang Yuan took out the remaining 80,000 yuan from the woven bag.

As for the more than 9,000 left from shopping, Zhang Yuan decided to keep it for himself in case of emergency needs.

Even so, when the old couple saw the 80,000 yuan, they were still shocked on the spot.

"This... how much does this cost!" Mother Wang Hui's voice trembled.

The father on the side, Zhang Dashan, couldn't help but swallowed: "Eighty thousand yuan! Brother Yuan, where did you get so much money?"

A confident smile appeared on Zhang Yuan's face. "Dad, Mom, do you still remember that I told you that I would go to the county town to sell herbal medicine today? In fact, what I sold was a wild ginseng dug from the back mountain!"

“That wild ginseng is fifteen years old!

Sold for 100,000 yuan! After excluding the 20,000 yuan given back to Liu Ke, there is still 80,000 yuan left! "

The old couple were even more surprised when they heard Zhang Yuan say that this was actually the money he earned from digging ginseng from the mountains and selling it.

"We still have ginseng on the mountain behind us? Didn't they all dig it up in the 1990s?" Zhang Dashan couldn't help but say.

In the 1990s, there was a wave of ginseng digging in the local area, and almost all the ginseng in the back mountains was dug up.

Since then, I have never heard of anyone digging ginseng in the back mountains.

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "That's because they couldn't find it! I guess there should be ginseng in the back mountain, but it hasn't been discovered."

Having said this, Zhang Yuan handed the money to his mother and asked her to find a safe place to put it.

Later, he said that he was going to boil today's herbs for his father.

"The child's father, Brother Yuan has really grown up!"

After Zhang Yuan went out, Wang Hui said to Zhang Dashan with emotion on his face.

There were tears in the corners of Zhang Dashan's eyes: "Yes! Mom, you are right! The baby has really grown up!"

Zhang Yuan regained his sanity and showed great strength that was very different from ordinary people. The story of giving Liu Ke and others a lesson soon spread in the village.

The villagers were surprised, but they also secretly told their children not to have physical conflicts with Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan is so powerful that he can throw an adult man several meters away.

Fighting with him is simply asking for abuse!

In the next two days, while Zhang Yuan gave Zhang Dashan acupuncture every day, he also went up the mountain to collect herbs from time to time.

But what made him a little disappointed was that he couldn't smell the precious herbs in the past two days.

Zhang Yuan also understood in his heart.

Rare medicinal materials like wild ginseng are not easy to come across.

The back mountain is so big, the chance of encountering a wild ginseng is really slim.

But he firmly believed that as long as he went to the mountains regularly to collect herbs, sooner or later he would be able to find other wild ginseng!

After discussing the 80,000 yuan given to the old couple, they decided to use the money to build Zhang Yuan's house.

Zhang Yuan was assigned a homestead when he became an adult, but because his family had no money, he was never able to build a new house.

When Zhang Yuan went to work in other places, he just wanted to make money to build a house.

I just didn't expect that Zhang Yuan would become a fool when he came back.

The matter of building a house has become far away.

After learning about the old couple's plan, Zhang Yuan refused.

He doesn’t want to build a new house just yet!

The family's financial crisis has just been resolved. If the money is used to build a new house, the family will have no money again.

Even if he wants to build a house, he has to wait until Zhang Yuan finds another wild ginseng!

Seeing Zhang Yuan's firm attitude, the old couple did not insist.

In their opinion, Zhang Yuan has grown up now and has his own opinions.

They respect Zhang Yuan’s ideas.

It is worth mentioning that after these two days of treatment, my father Zhang Dashan’s legs have improved a lot.

Originally unable to move his legs, he was able to lift his legs a little!

Although it can only be lifted up two or three centimeters, this is a sign that the condition is improving!

My son is no longer stupid, and his legs are recovering quickly.

In the past few days, the smile on Zhang Dashan’s face has never stopped!

The same goes for Wang Hui, with a lot more smiles on his face than usual.

But this morning, when Zhang Yuan got up, he found that Wang Hui's face was not very pretty.

"Mom, what happened? Why does your face look so ugly?" Zhang Yuan asked.

Wang Hui sighed, "I got up this morning

, I saw that the chickens raised in our backyard were wilted, they must be sick! I have to go to town to buy some veterinary medicine later! "

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Is the chicken wilted? I'll go see what's going on!"

Wang Hui did not stop him, but followed Zhang Yuan to the backyard.

Zhang Yuan's yard is relatively large.

When the house was first built, considering Feng Shui issues, three tile-roofed houses were specially used to separate the yard.

Divided into front yard and backyard.

In the past, the backyard had been idle. When harvesting grain, the grain was dried in the yard.

Later, a series of changes occurred in Zhang Yuan's family, and Wang Hui wanted to raise chickens in the backyard and sell them to make money.

There are not many chickens, only a dozen or so, and they are still in the growing stage.

When Zhang Yuan saw the chickens in the backyard, he immediately nodded.

Mother was right, these chickens were indeed sick!

In the past, the chickens were always jumping around and wandering around the yard.

This is the so-called walking chicken!

The chicken from Liuda is delicious and firm, and tastes much better than the meat chickens from chicken farms!

But now, all these chickens are wilted.

Some stood there with their heads hanging down, and some simply lay on the ground without any energy at all.

"Look, Brother Yuan, these chickens must be sick!" Wang Hui said with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yuan comforted him, "Mom, it's okay! I've learned to treat livestock, maybe I can cure these chickens!"

"Really? Brother Yuan, who did you learn from?" Wang Hui was a little surprised.

Zhang Yuan had already surprised the couple when he treated Zhang Dashan before.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan actually knows how to treat livestock!

Zhang Yuan coughed twice, "Well, I learned this from an expert when I was working in other places! The expert is really amazing!"

After hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Wang Hui stopped asking any more questions.

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