Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 160 No wonder you can create miracles

"That prescription is indeed very helpful for Xu Zhuangzhuang's illness! But... there is still something missing!" said Mr. Chen.

When Mr. Chen saw Zhang Yuankai's prescription, he quickly thought of his former patient Xu Zhuangzhuang.

Mr. Chen knew in his heart that although Zhang Yuan's prescription was very symptomatic, it still could not repair Xu Zhuangzhuang's damaged spinal nerves.

Otherwise, he would have gone to Xu Zhuangzhuang with the prescription.

Zhang Yuan smiled and added, "Mr. Chen, this prescription is just a follow-up decoction prescription. Before that, I used the turtle life-extending method to treat Zhuang Zhuang with acupuncture!"

As soon as the words "Turtle Life Extension Method" came out, Mr. Chen, who was originally calm, suddenly changed his face and looked at Zhang Yuan in shock.

"Doctor Zhang, is the turtle life-extending method you are talking about the legendary acupuncture method that specializes in repairing the spine?"

Zhang Yuan nodded with a smile, "Exactly!"

"No wonder! No wonder you can create miracles! The turtle life-extending method is an acupuncture method that can create miracles!" Mr. Chen murmured.

He looked at Zhang Yuan with more complicated eyes.

Mr. Chen can now almost conclude that the master behind Zhang Yuan must be an expert hermit!

Even the several well-known Chinese doctors who are currently active are probably not as good as this expert!

The turtle life-extending method, this magical acupuncture technique that can repair broken dragon pillars, has been lost long ago!

But Zhang Yuan's master is proficient in this kind of acupuncture method, which shows how unfathomable the other party's background is.

Then Zhang Yuan briefly explained his treatment ideas, which were exactly the same as what Mr. Chen thought!

After hearing the end, Mr. Chen couldn't help but burst out in admiration.

"Wonderful! It's so wonderful! Even if there is a magical acupuncture method like the turtle life-extending method, ordinary people can't prescribe such a wonderful prescription!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Mr. Chen in surprise.

Especially Xu Feng's family of three were stunned.

They always feel

, now it seems that Zhang Yuan is teaching Mr. Chen medical skills!

It seems that Zhang Yuan has become a master of medicine, and Mr. Chen has become a junior who studies hard.

As for Ge Liangcai and Director Wang, they were completely numb.

Previously, they thought that Mr. Chen gave Zhang Yuan the credit for creating the miracle just to flatter Zhang Yuan.

It wasn't until they heard Zhang Yuan's treatment ideas that they realized that they were overthinking it!

The so-called miracle was originally created by Zhang Yuan himself!

This is his contribution, no one can erase it, no one can take it away!

At this time, Xu Feng asked weakly.

"Then...what should we do next?"

Mr. Chen glanced at him, "What else can we do? Keep taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Zhang! In a few months, your son will almost be able to get out of bed!"

Hearing Mr. Chen's words, Xu Feng's family of three were startled for a moment, and then expressions of ecstasy appeared on their faces.

Although Zhang Yuan had said before that Xu Zhuangzhuang could get out of bed and walk in a few months.

But Xu Feng's family couldn't believe it.

How many months can a person who was originally paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life be able to stand up again?

I’m afraid most people won’t believe it when they hear the news!

But now with Mr. Chen’s guarantee, it’s different!

Aunt Liu excitedly stepped forward and patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder, "Brother Yuan, thank you, thank you so much! I will tell Sister Wang later that she gave birth to a promising son!"

Xu Feng also walked quickly to Zhang Yuan, stretched out his hands and held Zhang Yuan's hand tightly, his face full of excitement.

"Brother Yuan, thank you! You saved our whole family! You saved our whole family!"

Xu Zhuangzhuang is the only male in his old Xu family.

If Xu Zhuangzhuang was paralyzed for the rest of his life, the old Xu family would be completely wiped out.

Fortunately, with Zhang Yuan's help, their old Xu family would not be wiped out!

Facing the two people's thanks, Zhang Yuan had a slight smile on his face.

"Uncle Xu, Aunt Liu, you don't have to be so polite! My mother and Aunt Liu have such a good relationship, so I should help you!"

What Zhang Yuan said made Xu Feng even more ashamed.

At first, he didn't believe Zhang Yuankai's prescription at all.

If his son Xu Zhuangzhuang hadn't insisted on taking the medicine prescribed by Zhang Yuan, Xu Feng might not have followed Zhang Yuan's prescription.

Looking back now, Xu Feng only felt that he was blind and ignorant.

But who would have thought that Zhang Yuan, a well-known veterinarian in Shiliba Village, could actually treat people, and his medical skills are still so good!

At this time, Zhang Yuan turned to look at Ge Liangcai with a smile, "Speaking of which, Vice President Ge, didn't you always say before that Xu Zhuangzhuang's case is a miracle in the history of medicine?"

"Since it's a miracle, then as the deputy director of the county hospital, shouldn't you show your support and sponsor some nutritional expenses?"

Ge Liangcai suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Yuan in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

After beating Ge Liangcai to death, he never imagined that at this time, Zhang Yuan would actually ask him to sponsor some nutritional expenses.

He's not Xu Zhuangzhuang's father, so why should he sponsor nutritional expenses?

Others in the ward also looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise.

They did not expect that Zhang Yuan would suddenly make such a request.

Mr. Chen thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "I think it is necessary! Vice President Ge, can you use 20,000 yuan as nutrition expenses for the patient's recovery?"

I heard Chen Laofa

Ge Liangcai was completely speechless.

He really wanted to ask Mr. Chen, which of the three of us met first?

I have known Mr. Chen for more than ten years. Does Mr. Chen not care about the old relationship at all?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Mr. Chen suddenly shook the prescription in his hand and showed the first prescription to Ge Liangcai.

Ge Liangcai glanced at it, and his expression suddenly changed.

He knew why Mr. Chen agreed to Zhang Yuan's "rude" request.

It turned out to be because of the tonic medicine that he, Ge Liangcai, randomly prescribed!

Ge Liangcai swallowed.

Don't let Xu Feng's family know about this kind of thing, otherwise if they get into trouble, things will get serious!

"Ahem, I think Mr. Chen is right! As the deputy director of the county hospital, I, as the deputy director of the county hospital, should do something about this medical miracle! After all, this medical miracle happened in our county hospital!"

Ge Liangcai coughed twice and tried to make his voice calmer.

Director Wang looked at Ge Liangcai in shock, thinking that Ge Liangcai was impersonated by someone else.

If it were the previous Ge Liangcai, he wouldn't even touch such a thankless task!

What happened to him today?

Zhang Yuan nodded with a smile, "Very good! Since Vice President Ge promised to give 20,000 yuan in nutrition fees, then Aunt Liu, just accept it! After all, you also spent a lot of money treating Zhuang Zhuang before!"

When the subject of spending money was mentioned, Xu Feng and Aunt Liu couldn't help but fall into silence.

I think they were from a well-off family back then.

Just because of this turmoil, all the family's savings were spent, and daily expenses were somewhat stretched.

But things are different now. With the 20,000 yuan in nutritional expenses, their family does not have to worry about money.

Thinking of this, the couple looked at Zhang Yuan gratefully at the same time.

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