Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 185 Examining Shen Xiuyun

Zhang Yuan looked at her in surprise, "Treat you? Sister Xiuyun, what disease do you have? Looking at your complexion, it doesn't look like you are sick!"

Hearing what he said, Shen Xiuyun blushed even more and whispered.

"Can you come to my house and say yes?"

Zhang Yuan frowned, "I'm going to your house? I'm afraid it's not appropriate in broad daylight, right? Treating a disease is not a shameful thing, so just say it here!"

Zhang Yuan was still worried just now that if he and Liu Ruolan were too close, the villagers would notice something.

If he went to the beautiful widow Shen Xiuyun's house in broad daylight and was seen by the villagers, gossip would spread again.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan insisted on speaking here, Shen Xiuyun felt ashamed and angry, but she really had no choice.

Even the female experts at the county hospital were helpless.

She could only try her luck with Zhang Yuan.

After all, there were rumors in the village that Zhang Yuan had saved Old Man Gao from a cerebral hemorrhage with just a few injections.

Zhang Yuan had saved Old Fengtou before and even cured Zhang Dashan who was paralyzed in bed.

In addition, Zhang Yuan had cured his own sheep neatly before.

All of the above finally made Shen Xiuyun come to Zhang Yuan for help.

Looking at Zhang Yuan in front of her, Shen Xiuyun suppressed her shame and told her condition.

"I...I've been out of milk in the past few days!"

Hearing her words, Zhang Yuan was stunned on the spot.

Did he hear it correctly?

Shen Xiuyun actually told him that she had no milk?

Zhang Yuan picked his ears and asked in disbelief.

"What did you just say? Are you out of milk?"

Shen Xiuyun glared at him angrily, as if blaming him for repeating it again.

Only then did Zhang Yuan realize that what he said seemed inappropriate.

He coughed twice, "What's that, Sister Xiuyun, it's not convenient to talk here. My apiary is in front of you, or... you just pretend to go to my apiary."

Buy honey? "

Shen Xiuyun thought about it and felt that this method was quite good, so she blushed and nodded.

A moment later, in the apiary.

Zhang Yuan poured a glass of water for Shen Xiuyun and then sat across from her.

"Sister Xiuyun, according to what you just said, you have no milk. Is it almost time to wean?" Zhang Yuan asked Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun immediately shook his head, "Impossible! The doctor has said that under normal circumstances, I will not be weaned for at least another year!"

After saying this, Shen Xiuyun's pretty face couldn't help but blush again.

She always felt particularly shy saying words like "weaning" and "no milk" in front of a grown man.

However, when she thought about it, she had given Zhang Yuan several "goat milk" drinks, and Shen Xiuyun's inner shyness diminished a bit.

But then she became even more angry.

If Zhang Yuan hadn't been given "goat milk" in the first place, she wouldn't have been weaned so early!

Shen Xiuyun is a little woman and a little superstitious.

In her opinion, the reason why she weaned early was because she gave Zhang Yuan milk to drink.

That's why God wanted to punish her by weaning her early.

But this way, my daughter Tingting suffered.

Thinking of this, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but glare at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan looked puzzled.

He didn't say anything to offend Shen Xiuyun, so why did the other party glare at him, and more than once!

"Ahem, haven't you ever considered letting Tingting drink milk powder?" Zhang Yuan asked tentatively.

Shen Xiuyun shook her head, "Tingting's stomach is too weak and she cannot drink milk powder. She has been drinking milk powder for the past two days and has had stomach upsets several times. I dare not let her."

No more milk powder! "

Zhang Yuan was silent when he heard this.

If possible, he still prefers to let Shen Xiuyun's daughter drink milk powder instead.

Because diseases such as weaning in women cannot be detected by just relying on the pulse, and must be checked!

But if she tells him how to check, what if Shen Xiuyun mistakenly thinks that he is taking advantage of it?

Seeing Zhang Yuan's troubled expression, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but say.

"Brother Yuan, is my disease difficult to cure?"

After hearing her call him Brother Yuan again, Zhang Yuan still couldn't bear it and said helplessly.

"It's not difficult to cure, but I have to determine the cause first! But to determine where the root of the disease is, I have to... I have to check it! You know what I mean!"

Hearing this, Shen Xiuyun's pretty face suddenly turned red.

She still doesn’t know the meaning of Zhang Yuan’s words!

When she went to the county hospital two days ago, the female expert examined her in the same way!

But the female expert is a woman, but Zhang Yuan is a man!

Shen Xiuyun felt extremely embarrassed at the thought of having a man perform that kind of examination on herself, and couldn't help but lower her head.

Seeing Shen Xiuyun lowering her head, Zhang Yuan thought she was angry and said quickly.

"Sister-in-law Xiuyun, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to take advantage of you. In fact, Tingting is not used to milk powder. You can try giving her goat milk powder! Maybe she can get used to goat milk powder!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuyun raised her head, and although her pretty face had a seductive blush, she still said with firm eyes.

"It's the healthiest thing to breastfeed Tingting! Just do what you said...get it checked!"

Zhang Yuan did not expect Shen Xiuyun to agree so quickly.

This actually caught him off guard.

"What? Did you agree?" Zhang Yuan said with a look on his face

He looked at Shen Xiuyun dumbfounded.

Shen Xiuyun was a well-known chaste and fierce woman in the village. She usually did not even talk to men alone.

Zhang Yuan thought that since she was so conservative, she would definitely not agree to his inspection method.

But I didn't expect that Shen Xiuyun would agree so quickly!

What Zhang Yuan doesn’t know is

The main reason why Shen Xiuyun agreed to let him check up so easily was that Zhang Yuan had drank "goat milk" several times.

Moreover, Shen Xiuyun also blamed Zhang Yuan's drinking of "goat milk" for her weaning.

If it were any other man who said this, Shen Xiuyun would definitely not agree.

But Zhang Yuan is different.

He has already drank "goat's milk", so what if he is asked to check it again?

Furthermore, Zhang Yuan did not mean to take advantage.

Shen Xiuyun could see that when Zhang Yuan was talking about the treatment method just now, there was no such naked greed in his eyes as when other men looked at her.

Shen Xiuyun nodded heavily, "I agree! Let's start now! Tingting has had diarrhea for two days, we can't delay it any longer!"

Seeing her resolute attitude, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to agree.

To this end, he even went outside to the yard and washed his hands with soap.

Wait for Zhang Yuan to return to the house.

At this time, Shen Xiuyun was a little shy, lowering her head and not daring to look at him.

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "Sister Xiuyun, I'm going to start now! If you feel pain later, just try not to scream out. If anyone hears it, I'm afraid they will think..."

"Okay! I understand what you mean, let's start quickly!" Shen Xiuyun was ashamed and angry.

Zhang Yuan swallowed, walked to Shen Xiuyun and sat down.

The big hand that had just been wiped slowly stretched out and began to prepare to examine Shen Xiuyun.

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