Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 191 Keep Zhang Yuan overnight?

Yang Xin had a solemn look on his face, "I will pay attention to it in the future so that my dad doesn't find out!"

"You don't have to worry too much. I guess our dad is just temporarily suspicious. Doctor Qin helped us hide it last time, so I believe he should be relieved!" Zheng Qiuyue said with a smile.

Yang Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then an ambiguous smile appeared on his face.

"Honey, should we try again tonight? These two days are your ovulation periods. Maybe... you can get pregnant if you try!"

Zheng Qiuyue's pretty face turned red, and she nodded slightly, acquiescing.

She has indeed had that thought in the past two days.


When Zhang Yuan massaged his ankle on the back mountain, the sensitive area was stimulated.

It actually made Zheng Qiuyue feel itchy.

"Your foot is sprained. I will be more gentle tonight." Yang Xin added.

Hearing this, Zheng Qiuyue's thoughts that had arisen suddenly dissipated.

Except that Yang Xin was infertile and had no abilities, he was indeed a pretty good husband.

His mouth is very sweet and can always make Zheng Qiuyue happy.

In terms of life, Yang Xin also did a good job. He took care of all the housework at home and was very gentle to Zheng Qiuyue.

It can be said that he is definitely a great family man!

This is why, when Zheng Qiuyue learned that Yang Xin was infertile, she was willing to destroy her reputation to help him hide it.

But one thing was that Zheng Qiuyue was not particularly satisfied with Yang Xin.

He is too gentle to himself, or too respectful, even when he is intimate!

Despite Zheng Qiuyue's quiet demeanor on the surface, she longs for a more intense world between two people in her heart!

Zheng Qiuyue felt particularly envious every time she secretly watched a movie in the office and saw the male and female protagonists making out in various intense ways.

But Yang Xin just didn't understand.

In other words, Yang Xin is not that kind of person to begin with.

Such a domineering man.

And Zheng Qiuyue was embarrassed to ask Yang Xin to be rough with her.

As a result, Zheng Qiuyue felt an inexplicable spiritual emptiness every time the two of them were intimate.

Not long after dinner.

Yang Xin and Zheng Qiuyue returned to the house and started their world together.

This time, Yang Xin was as gentle as usual, so gentle that Zheng Qiuyue felt depressed.

Looking at Yang Xin with a flattering look on his face.

Somehow, Zheng Qiuyue suddenly recalled the scene in the back mountain where Zhang Yuan used force to neuter her.

Although Zheng Qiuyue was very angry at the time and felt that Zhang Yuan took advantage of her.

But thinking back on it afterwards, Zheng Qiuyue always felt inexplicably irritated.

How great would it be if Yang Xin could be as domineering and unscrupulous as Zhang Yuan in this kind of matter?

Think so.

Gradually, Yang Xin in Zheng Qiuyue's eyes slowly turned into Zhang Yuan!

After a while, the couple lay on the bed, Yang Xin breathing heavily.

"Honey, today seem to be crazier than usual!" Yang Xin said.

Hearing this, Zheng Qiuyue seemed to be angry and turned her back to him.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Go to sleep!"

In the darkness, what Yang Xin didn't know was that Zheng Qiuyue's pretty face had already turned red with embarrassment.

It’s so embarrassing! She actually fantasized that her husband looked like someone else, and she was even more excited than usual!

Just when Yang Xin and Zheng Qiuyue were living in a world of two, Shen Xiuyun's family also welcomed a special guest, it was Zhang Yuan!

In the main room, Zhang Yuan handed the lunch box containing Chinese medicine soup to Shen


"Sister Xiuyun, just drink it. It will take effect within half an hour at most!"

Shen Xiuyun lowered his head and said with a red face, "Are you really that smart?"

"Of course! This Chinese medicine is very effective! I was worried that you couldn't cook the medicine yourself, so I cooked it in advance and sent it to you!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Shen Xiuyun raised her head, with a slight blush on her pretty face, and said with a grateful tone.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan!"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "Why are you so polite? We are all fellow villagers, so we should help each other!"

After Shen Xiuyun finished drinking the Chinese medicine, Zhang Yuan packed his lunch box and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuyun stopped him shyly, "Brother Yuan, wait, don't leave yet!"

Zhang Yuan felt something in his heart. It was so late at night, and the pretty widow asked him not to leave.

Could it be that... you want to keep him overnight?

Thinking of Shen Xiuyun's beautiful face and sexy and graceful figure, especially when she is still breastfeeding!

Zhang Yuan's Adam's apple moved with difficulty.

He didn't want to bully the pretty widow.

But if the pretty widow takes the initiative to keep him, how should he choose?

Should I reject it outright?

Or should I just agree and spend a wonderful night with the pretty widow?

Without waiting for Zhang Yuan to start thinking, Shen Xiuyun continued.

"I want to ask you to stay for half an hour longer. Tingting is crying from hunger. If she can't breastfeed today, I'm afraid something will happen to her."

Hearing what Shen Xiuyun said, Zhang Yuan suddenly realized.

He was overthinking it. The pretty widow just asked him to stay here to wait for the cure, not to keep him here overnight.

Zhang Yuan coughed twice, "Okay! Then I'll stay a little longer!"

In the following time, the two sat in the main room, watching TV and chatting.


After this chat, Zhang Yuan discovered that Shen Xiuyun was not as taciturn as he thought.

Shen Xiuyun is still very talkative when facing familiar people.

She asked Zhang Yuan a lot about his return to sanity.

Shen Xiuyun was also surprised to learn that Zhang Yuan regained consciousness by chance because he fell into a pool.

Time passed by minute by minute, and half an hour came quickly.

However, the two people who were chatting happily did not notice the time.

It wasn't until a certain moment when Zhang Yuan was staring straight at Shen Xiuyun that Shen Xiuyun noticed that her top was soaked!

Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but scream "Yeah!"

Then she put her hands in front of her chest and glared at Zhang Yuan with shame and anger.

Zhang Yuan also looked embarrassed.

He didn't want to do this either, but the scene in front of him was really shocking.

This was the first time he had seen a woman's clothes get soaked due to this situation!

Originally, Zhang Yuan wanted to remind Shen Xiuyun, but before he could warn Shen Xiuyun, Shen Xiuyun noticed something strange.

Soon, Shen Xiuyun ran back to the back room. After a while, she came out with a pretty face.

At the same time, there was an extra glass of milk on the bedside table in the bedroom.

Zhang Yuan had said before that Shen Xiuyun's milk was abundant, but the milk could not come out due to severe blockage.

Now that the blockage has been cleared, there is enough milk to not only feed my daughter Tingting, but also to produce an extra amount.

Shen Xiuyun had to put the extra part into the cup.

Seeing Shen Xiuyun, Zhang Yuan stood up a little embarrassed.

"Sister Xiuyun, since you are healed, it's time for me to leave!"

Just now, his eyes were staring straight at Shen Xiuyun.

Although Zhang Yuan considered himself to be thicker-skinned than ordinary people, he also felt a little embarrassed.

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