Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 202 Phoenix Chicken was smashed to death

"This price...has even caught up with the price of pheasants!" Zhang Dashan couldn't help but murmured.

Wang Hui also looked at the Phoenix chicken to the west of the apiary in shock.

Before that, she had thought that the price of Phoenix chicken must be higher than that of ordinary chicken.

After all, so much Chinese medicine powder is not free.

But she never expected that a phoenix chicken could be sold for two hundred and fifty!

Two hundred and fifty is enough to buy seven or eight white striped chickens!

"Brother Yuan of our family is really promising! He is really promising!" Wang Hui sighed with emotion on his face.

After breakfast, Zhang Yuan called Du Hengsheng and lied that Wei Tianming had no time to eat in the past two days. ??

Du Hengsheng's reaction was completely within Zhang Yuan's expectation, and it was even more disrespectful than Zhang Yuan expected!

"Really? Since Mr. Wei doesn't have time to come for dinner, I think that's the end of the chicken purchase! I'm very busy, don't call me if you have nothing to do!"

After Du Hengsheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. His face changed much faster than Zhang Yuan imagined.

Zhang Yuan curled his lips, "This is what a businessman looks like, right? Fortunately, I didn't sell the Phoenix chicken to this guy, otherwise I would regret it later!"

Compared with Du Hengsheng's turning against others, Chu Xueyan was relatively good.

But this result is pretty good, at least Zhang Yuan doesn't have to feel guilty about Du Hengsheng.

Next, he only needs to wait for Chu Xueyan to arrive!

Before Chu Xueyan arrived, Zhang Yuan ran to supervise the progress of building the small building as usual.

It's not that he doesn't trust Wang Dalei and the workers.

It's just that people are lazy.

If Zhang Yuan keeps an eye on the point, their work efficiency will be higher.

If no one is watching, these workers may become lazy.

After chatting with Wang Dalei for a while, Zhang Yuanzheng was about to find a shady place to sit when he saw that the sun was getting a bit hot.

But at this moment, he received a call from his mother, Wang Hui.

"Brother Yuan, go back to the apiary quickly! Some children smashed four phoenix chickens to death!" Wang Hui's tone was anxious.

Zhang Yuan was surprised after hearing this. The delivery was about to be delivered. Why did such a thing suddenly happen?

"I'll be there right away!"

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuan hurried to the apiary.

At this time, in addition to the old couple, there were several naughty children and a middle-aged couple in the apiary.

Zhang Yuan recognized the couple. The man's name was Liu Chengcai. He worked in a factory in the town and he was said to be a workshop supervisor.

The woman's name is Li Meifeng, and she works in the same factory as her husband.

Both husband and wife have jobs, which is a very good situation in rural areas.

Maybe it's because the family conditions are so good.

Their son Liu Jie, who is in primary school, does not study hard and causes trouble all day long in the village with several left-behind children who also do not attend school well.

They also nicknamed themselves the Four Heavenly Kings.

When people in the village mention Liu Jie and his gang of children, they can't help but shake their heads and even say they are being raised blind.

When he saw them, Zhang Yuan understood why four Phoenix chickens were smashed to death.

With those gangsters like Liu Jie here, it's possible to kill eight of ten of them, let alone four!

At this moment, the old couple was arguing with Liu Chengcai and his wife.

"Nonsense! Our Xiaojie is the most obedient, how could he smash your chicken to death!" Li Meifeng shouted with eyes wide open.

Liu Chengcai also nodded, "That's right! I don't believe it was Xiaojie who smashed the chicken to death!"


Dashan frowned and said, "But the fact is that they killed four of our chickens. Am I going to accuse them unjustly?"

"Hmph! That's not certain! Maybe your chickens died, and our little hero happened to be passing by, so you just put the shit basin on his head!" Li Meifeng sneered.

Wang Hui's face was filled with anger: "Li Meifeng, what are you talking nonsense about? Who put the shit basin on you!"

Hearing their quarrel, Zhang Yuan's face turned cold and he walked over quickly.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, the old couple breathed a sigh of relief.

Unknowingly, Zhang Yuan gradually became their backbone.

Parents are like this. When their children are young, they take care of them as their own.

When the children grow up and the parents get old, the parents will regard their children as the backbone.

The appearance of Zhang Yuan also made Liu Chengcai and his wife look fearful.

After all, Zhang Yuan is now a celebrity in the village.

Even such a fierce woman as Liang Qiaoling made Zhang Yuan's face swollen for several days.

"Brother Yuan, you're welcome. They don't admit that it was these children who smashed the Phoenix Chicken to death!" Wang Hui said quickly.

Zhang Yuan glanced at Liu Chengcai and his wife, and then his eyes fell on their son Liu Jie and the other three left-behind children.

The parents of these three left-behind children had gone out to work, and their grandparents could not control them, so they allowed them to mess around with Liu Jie.

Liu Jie is like the king of children.

Even when facing Zhang Yuan, he was not afraid at all. He glared at Zhang Yuan, as if he was trying to compete with him.

Zhang Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to this kid, and turned to the other three left-behind children with a stern face.

"Did you three smash the chicken to death? If so, just admit it. If you don't admit it, I will go to your house right now, call your parents, and ask them to come back and beat you!"

As soon as these words came out, the three left-behind children turned pale with fright, and no longer had the aura of the "Three Heavenly Kings".

Normally, some villagers would threaten to file a complaint, but they all said they would file a complaint with the three people's grandparents.

Only Zhang Yuan did not follow the routine and actually said that the parents of the three people would come back to beat them.

Seeing that the younger brothers were frightened, Liu Jie immediately started shouting.

"Don't be afraid! He's trying to scare you! Your parents are working outside, how could they come back as soon as they say they're going to come back? The travel expenses will cost several hundred!"

When the three children heard this, their expressions immediately improved a lot, and they turned to glare at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled, "What if I give them travel expenses? Do you think they will come back and beat you up?"

Now the "Three Heavenly Kings" couldn't stand it any longer and quickly admitted.

"The three of us didn't smash the chicken, Liu Jie smashed it to death!"

"Yes! We are applauding him right next to him!"

"It's the chicken that Liu Jie smashed to death. It has nothing to do with us. You must never let my parents come back!"

As soon as the three children spoke, Zhang Yuan turned to look at Liu Chengcai and his wife and spread his hands.

"Now someone has proven it! You two can't deny it anymore, can you?"

After all, these three left-behind children are not as bold as Liu Jie.

After all, their parents are out of town and cannot support Liu Jie like Liu Chengcai and his wife.

Liu Chengcai's face suddenly darkened.

Li Meifeng's expression turned extremely ugly.

Liu Jie glared at the three children, "You three, turn around and wait for me!"

Zhang Dashan and Wang Huilao looked at each other and saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, Zhang Yuan had a way to get these children to tell the truth with just a few words.

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