Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 24 Female Village Doctor Liu Ruolan

"Yes..." The two veterinarians did not deny it.

Zhang Yuan shook his head and muttered to himself, "No wonder the cow's resistance is so poor! Antibiotics are often used to treat diseases, and the cow's own immunity cannot be stimulated, so the disease resistance is naturally poor!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuan looked at Zhang Lin

"Bring me a pen and paper, I want to write a recipe!"

When Zhang Yuan asked for pen and paper, Zhang Lin ran to Zhang Jing's office and took out Zhang Jing's favorite pen and notebook.

"Linlin, how can you get my best pen and high-end notebook! Can't you just give him a carbon pen and two pieces of paper?" Zhang Jing looked distressed.

Zhang Yuan glanced at Zhang Jing, his expression half-smiling.

"If you use a good pen and a high-end notebook, the prescriptions I prescribe will be more effective! If you use ordinary pens, the prescriptions will become ordinary!"

Zhang Jing was choked by Zhang Yuan's words.

Isn't this meant to be annoying?

"Okay! Dad, Zhang Yuan, please stop arguing! Please Zhang Yuan, please hurry up and prescribe a prescription!" Zhang Lin smiled and smoothed things over.

Zhang Yuan took the pen and notebook, stood there and swished away, and quickly wrote a recipe.

8 liang each of Qianghuo, Fangfeng, and Atractylodes, 5 liang each of Ligusticum chuanxiong, alfalfa, rehmannia root, coptis, ginger, and licorice, 3 liang Coptis chinensis, and 2 liang Asarum.

"Prepare the medicine according to the prescription. One prescription is enough for five cows! Boil the medicine with 15 bowls of water into five bowls of water, and then give the medicine to the cows!" Zhang Yuan said to Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin nodded hurriedly, indicating that she had written it down.

Seeing that she had written it down, Zhang Yuan clapped his hands.

"Okay! My mission is completed, where is the tea? It's time for me to go back!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jing glared at him, "Boy, what are you talking about? We have agreed before that you must cure our cow!"

"Now you are just making a prescription. Who knows if this prescription is useful? What if you just make up a prescription to fool us?"

Zhang Jingdao.

Zhang Yuan sighed, "People and

What about the most basic trust between people? Come on! Since you say so, I will go back! "

"After the cow recovers, I hope you can take the initiative to send the tea there, so that I can save the time and ask for it again!"

After saying that, Zhang Yuan turned around and left.

Zhang Lin stopped him, "Wait a minute! Zhang Yuan, I'll get you some tea right now!"

"Linlin, what are you doing?" Zhang Jing's eyes widened, feeling that his caring little cotton-padded jacket was not caring at all today.

But Zhang Lin didn't care about her father's opinion.

Instead, he walked quickly into Zhang Jing's office and took out his collection of top-quality Longjing.

Looking at Zhang Lin who was standing in front of him and handing him the best Longjing, Zhang Yuan looked surprised.

"Are you sure you want to give me the tea now? After all, I just prescribed the prescription and haven't verified whether the prescription is effective!" Zhang Yuan said with a faint smile.

Zhang Lin looked serious, "I'm sure! Because I believe in you! I believe that your prescription can definitely cure our cow!"

In fact, Zhang Lin herself felt very surprised when she said this.

Why did she believe Zhang Yuan so casually?

If this were her before.

Although it is not necessary to wait until the cow is completely healed before "paying".

But at least he will wait until Zhang Yuan's prescription works before doing so.

"Okay! In this case, I will give you an extra piece of advice. Check around your farm to see if anyone is piling manure in the field! If so, ask them to stop! Otherwise, your cattle will not grow in the future. You will get sick again!" Zhang Yuandao.

Some people like to deposit manure in the fields, which helps improve the fertility of the farmland.

But the premise is that these feces must go through the process of retting to kill the harmful bacteria in them.

Just fine.

As far as Zhang Yuan knew, there were several acres of land near Zhang Jing's farm, and the head of the household was a toilet cleaner at the village primary school.

He took the excrement from the school to his own land for composting, but he did not expect that the excrement had not gone through the retting process and contained many bacteria and parasites!

If Zhang Yuan guessed correctly, the illness that Zhang Lin’s cattle got this time was probably related to that!

Zhang Jing gritted his teeth and watched Zhang Yuan walk away with his most precious tea leaves.

If his daughter Zhang Lin hadn't already spoken, he would have rushed up and snatched the tea back.

"Daughter! Why are you so impulsive! What if Zhang Yuan's prescription doesn't work?" Zhang Jing looked like he hated iron.

Zhang Lin glanced at him, "Dad, now is not the time to discuss this, right? The most important thing right now is to take the medicine according to Zhang Yuan's prescription first!"

at the same time.

Zhang Yuan put Zhang Jing's precious Longjing tea into his pocket and walked back humming a tune.

When passing the village clinic, he couldn't help but stop.

In the clinic, Liu Ruolan was auscultating a woman with a serious look on her face.

Looking at that gentle oval face, I then thought of the graceful and proud figure of the owner of this face.

Zhang Yuan felt inexplicably throbbing in his heart.

He was even thinking that if the woman in the cave that day was Liu Ruolan, it would have been a wonderful feeling, right?


Thoughts raced in my mind.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but swallowed.

He quickly shook his head and put away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

Liu Ruolan is married, and her husband is Lin Zhongfei!

What a pity, why did she marry the second generation ancestor Lin Zhongfei!

Speaking of which, Zhang Yuan really didn’t have much impression of Liu Ruolan before, because there was almost no interaction between the two.


Liu Ruolan only married to Xiawan Village after Zhang Yuan became stupid.

She was originally a doctor in the town, but after marrying Lin Zhongfei, she quit her job in the hospital and opened a clinic in Xiawan Village.

Just when Zhang Yuan was deep in thought, a gentle voice sounded beside him.

"Hello, would you like to buy medicine or see a doctor?"

Zhang Yuan was shocked and turned his head subconsciously.

What caught his eye was a gentle and pretty face.

It's Liu Ruolan!

Only then did Zhang Yuan notice that when he was absent-minded just now, he had walked to the door of the clinic unknowingly!

Liu Ruolan was not the only one in the clinic, there was also a young nurse named Zhao Yan, who was from Xiawan Village.

At this moment, Zhao Yan was in the back giving an injection to the woman who had just seen a doctor. No wonder Liu Ruolan came out when she had time.

Zhang Yuan forced a smile on his face, "I...I want to buy some cold medicine!"

"Come in, do you have a cold?" Liu Ruolan asked curiously.

Zhang Yuan followed her into the clinic, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the other person's proud buttocks.

Observing it up close is more thrilling than viewing it from a distance!

With admiration in his heart, Zhang Yuan explained with his mouth

"I don't have a cold, I just want to prepare some cold medicine."

Knowing that Zhang Yuan was just buying cold medicine and not seeking medical treatment, Liu Ruolan nodded.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you the best cold medicine I sell! This is a Chinese patent medicine that can enhance your immunity!"

"When I found out I had a cold, I brewed a packet. The effect was very good!"

While talking, Liu Ruolan searched around the glass counter and couldn't find the cold medicine.

She had to turn around and bend down to open the medicine cabinet at the back to get the medicine.

As everyone knows, in this way, her plump buttocks will be visible to Zhang Yuan!

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