Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 27 I give you two choices

Zhang Yuan made a prescription.

He also asked his host to drive him to the town to grab medicine and boil it.

By the time the work was over, it was already close to noon.

The host was very enthusiastic and insisted on keeping Zhang Yuan at home for dinner.

There was no other way, so Zhang Yuan had no choice but to stay and have a meal.

After having enough wine and food, Zhang Yuan declined the other party's request to give him a gift.

Anyway, it's not that far from Xiawan Village, and you can get there in a short stroll.

Zhang Yuan, who was slightly drunk, hummed a little tune and walked back. When he arrived near his home, he heard a quarrel coming from his yard!

There is also the faint sound of smashing things!

Zhang Yuan was taken aback, and most of his drunkenness instantly sobered him up.

He hurried home and as soon as he entered the yard, the scene in front of him shocked him.

Ma Laosan and a group of people actually started smashing things around in the yard with sticks!

Their mother, Wang Hui, and Li Qiuju, who lives next door, yelled at them to stop.

But their scoldings failed to stop the thugs.

Instead, it aroused Ma Laosan's ferocity!

Ma Laosan walked up to Li Qiuju with a grin, "Li Qiuju, I couldn't play with you last time at the pool! This time Zhang Yuan is not here, but no one can save you!"

With that said, he made a move to pull Li Qiuju into his arms.

Li Qiuju shouted for help in fear, and Wang Hui next to her was so angry that she hit Ma Laosan with a stick.

But Ma Laosan has rough skin and thick flesh, and Wang Hui can't hurt him at all.

Zhang Dashan in the room also cursed Ma Laosan angrily, but he couldn't even get out of bed. Even if he wanted to fight Ma Laosan, he couldn't do it at all!

Seeing that Ma Laosan was about to force Li Qiuju into a corner and stretched out his hands with a cruel smile, Li Qiuju even closed her eyes in despair.

It’s over!

Is she going to be ruined by this bastard Ma Laosan?

But the next second, Li Qiuju didn't feel Ma Laosan's dirty hands falling on her.

Li Qiuju slowly opened her eyes, only to see Ma Laosan's face full of pain.

The source of Ma Laosan's pain was Zhang Yuan who was holding his wrist tightly and almost crushing it!

"Brother Yuan, you're back!" Li Qiuju shouted in surprise.

Wang Hui was also full of joy, Zhang Yuan came back in time.

If he comes back a little later, Li Qiuju might be ruined by Ma Laosan!

Ma Laosan and his gang rushed in and smashed everywhere. Wang Hui didn't even have time to call Zhang Yuan for help.

"Asshole! Let go of my wrist!" Ma Laosan gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

His other hand turned into a heavy punch and hit Zhang Yuan hard.

Under the stimulation of pain, Ma Laosan's punch was the strongest punch in his life!

Zhang Yuan's face was cold. On the one hand, he was glad that he came back in time.

On the other hand, he hated Ma Laosan for not practicing martial ethics!

Zhang Lin had reminded Zhang Yuan before that Ma Laosan planned to retaliate against him.

Zhang Yuan didn't care. With his skills, he was not afraid of Ma Laosan at all.

Even if Ma Laosan finds a group of gangsters to ambush him, Zhang Yuan is not afraid at all!

But what he didn't expect was that Ma Laosan didn't respect martial ethics and dared to lead people to his own house to smash things everywhere!

He even wanted to bully Li Qiuju in broad daylight!

Zhang Yuan didn't dare to think about what would happen if he came a little later.

If Li Qiuju was bullied by Ma Laosan because of him, Zhang Yuan would never feel at ease in his life!

Thinking of this, his eyes became colder.

Facing the heavy punch from Ma Laosan, Zhang Yuan smiled coldly


Without waiting for the fist to come to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan took the lead and grabbed Ma Laosan's fist!

Ma Laosan's confident punch was like a child's weak fist in front of Zhang Yuan, and Zhang Yuan easily grasped it!

"What? Impossible! How could you grab my fist so easily!" Ma Laosan was stunned.

Zhang Yuan sneered, "There are still many impossible things!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hands and actually pulled Ma Laosan into the air.

Following Zhang Yuan's over-the-shoulder throw, Ma Laosan was thrown to the ground heavily by Zhang Yuan like a sandbag.

"Ouch!" Ma Laosan was rolling back and forth on the ground in pain.

The gangsters called by Ma Laosan only reacted at this moment and rushed towards Zhang Yuan with roars.

Facing seven or eight gangsters holding sticks, Zhang Yuan was not afraid at all and instead charged forward.

The gangsters' sticks were fast and hard, but Zhang Yuan was like a slippery loach.

No matter how fast the stick is, it can't hit him even a bit!

They couldn't hit Zhang Yuan, but Zhang Yuan could hit them!

Every punch from Zhang Yuan could knock a gangster flying backwards, causing him to lose his fighting ability on the spot.

There seemed to be a lot of seven or eight gangsters, but in Zhang Yuan's hands, they all stopped in less than half a minute!

Looking at the gangsters lying on the ground and wailing, Zhang Yuan's eyes were still cold.

Wang Hui and Li Qiuju next to them had excited faces.

These gangsters scared the two of them before!

Zhang Dashan in the room also saw the whole process through the window, and his face was also full of joy.

"Brother Yuan! Don't spare Ma Laosan lightly!" Zhang Dashan shouted in the room.

Ma Laosan, who was lying on the ground, heard this.

, so angry that he wanted to jump up and fight Zhang Dashan.

Wang Hui didn't know what she was thinking of, and said with a sad look on her face.

"Brother Yuan, Ma Laosan and his gang beat all the chickens in the backyard to death!"

"What?" Zhang Yuan's face became even more angry.

Those wandering chickens were raised with hard work by my mother, Wang Hui.

After raising it for so long, it looks like it will be fully grown in a few months.

He was actually beaten to death by Ma Laosan and his gang!

Zhang Yuan walked up to Ma Laosan angrily, "Ma Laosan, I'll give you a chance to choose! Do you want to be unable to stand up for the rest of your life, or do you want to be unable to touch women for the rest of your life?"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Laosan on the ground was almost frightened to death on the spot.

Either of these two options sounds terrible!

If you can't stand up for the rest of your life, you will be like a disabled person and you will have to be taken care of.

Being unable to touch women for the rest of your life is equally scary. Wouldn't that mean you become a living eunuch?


Zhang Yuan said that he could never stand up for the rest of his life. Is that what he meant?

In that case, wouldn't the two choices be the same?

Ma Laosan turned pale with fright and said tremblingly, "Zhang Yuan, I know I was wrong! I beg you, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"Spare you? When you beat our chickens to death, why didn't you say spare them? When you wanted to bully Sister Qiu Ju just now, why didn't you say spare her?" Zhang Yuan said coldly.

Li Qiuju's eyes were filled with emotion when she heard that Zhang Yuan stood up for her.

She felt that everything she did was worth it!

Previously, Ma Laosan and his gang came to Zhang Yuan's house to smash things, and even threatened the neighbors.

Other neighbors were afraid to come to help because of Ma Laosan's threat.

Only Li Qiuju took the initiative to help Wang Hui, risking revenge from Ma Laosan.

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