Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 34 Fengming Qishan


After two days, when Yuan Dewang became ill, Yuan Xue knew whether what he said was true!

All the things that should be bought were bought. Before leaving, Zhang Yuan bought some special snacks and cooked food that could only be bought at the market, intending to take them back for the old couple to try.

When Zhang Yuan returned home and saw that he had bought chickens, Wang Hui hurried out to check the chickens.

"Huh? Brother Yuan, the quality of these chickens you bought is pretty good! You shouldn't be able to buy such good chickens at roadside stalls, right?" Wang Hui said in surprise.

Many of the chickens sold at roadside stalls cost more than two yuan a piece.

Although the price is cheaper, the quality is mixed.

It is really difficult to buy chicks of the same quality as these fifty chicks!

The stall owner will definitely not let customers pick out all the good ones, otherwise the remaining low-quality chicks will not be sold.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Mom, I didn't buy these chickens from a street stall, but high-quality chickens that I bought through my classmates!"

"Really? This is really true." Wang Hui looked excited, with a smile in her eyes. "These chicks are so good! I'll put them in the backyard first!"

She just likes to raise some poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese.

After the walking chicken he had raised before was beaten to death by Ma Laosan and others, Wang Hui was still sad for several days.

It's better now. Zhang Yuan bought new chickens and she can raise chickens again!

"These chicks should be fed in the normal way first. I will process the medicinal materials tomorrow and then mix them with Chinese medicinal powder!" Zhang Yuan said.

There is no need for Zhang Yuan and Wang Hui to tell you how to raise chickens.

In this regard, his mother Wang Hui knows more than him!

The reason why I have to wait until tomorrow to start feeding Chinese medicine powder to the chicks.

That's because Zhang Yuan can break through to the first level of Taishang Xuanjing tonight and cultivate his true energy!

That night, it was another full moon night.

It is said that the moon on the fifteenth day is sixteen round, and this is true.

When Zhang Yuan went to the back mountain to practice late at night,

I clearly feel that the moonlight tonight seems to be half stronger than last night!

He circulated the Taishang Xuan Jing and absorbed as much of the essence of the moon as possible.

By the time it was close to dawn, the zhenqi seeds in Zhang Yuan's dantian had grown to the size of a peach core!

He knew in his heart that the next step was to crush the true energy seeds and officially condense the true energy!

Zhang Yuan's spiritual thoughts sank to his dantian, and he used his spiritual thoughts to activate the true energy seeds, causing them to spin rapidly.

Under the urging of divine thoughts, the zhenqi seeds began to spin crazily, and the speed became faster and faster.

Gradually, the rotation speed of the Qi seeds reached the limit.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan heard a cracking sound in his dantian.

The next second, the zhenqi seeds exploded instantly.

The rich moonlight filled Zhang Yuan's Dantian, and there was a faint tendency to burst the Dantian!

Zhang Yuan was not panicked by this.

He remained calm and composed, using his spiritual thoughts to mobilize the full moonlight in his dantian and compressing it with his spiritual thoughts.

Compress, compress, compress again!

After a while, a silver-white thread appeared in the pale silver moonlight!

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up, this was the true energy recorded in the Taishang Xuan Jing!

The emergence of zhenqi also means that Zhang Yuan has reached the first level of Taishang Xuanjing!

Zhang Yuan was excited, but he didn't get carried away.

He has only cultivated a trace of true energy now, and has barely broken through the first level of the Taishang Xuanjing.

If you want to truly consolidate your realm, you must transform all the moonlight accumulated in your Dantian into true energy!

Zhang Yuan calmed down and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to compress the moonlight.

The infuriating energy as thick as silk is also growing little by little.

Until all the moonlight in Dantian has been transformed.

The zhenqi in Zhang Yuan's Dantian also grew to the thickness of chopsticks.

Zhang Yuan activated this true energy and circulated it in his body for a long time.

The true energy circulated throughout his body, and he felt that every pore in his body was opened.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yuan breathed in the freshest air around him!

When Zhang Yuan opened his eyes, it was already dawn.

He just felt that the world in front of him seemed a little different from before.

It becomes... clearer!

In fact, Zhang Yuan could clearly see even a piece of grass more than ten meters away.

This kind of superhuman vision is probably not inferior to that of an eagle eye, right?

At this time, Zhang Yuan's ears suddenly moved.

The next second, the originally faint chirping of insects all around became clearly audible!

In other words, his eyesight is not only sharper.

When he listens attentively, his hearing is far better than that of ordinary people!

Zhang Yuan was immediately overjoyed. Practicing the Taishang Xuan Jing actually had such benefits!

At this time, Zhang Yuan noticed that the clothes on his body were sticky and sticky, which was particularly uncomfortable.

The exposed skin was also covered with a gray sticky substance and smelled bad.

Zhang Yuan's expression suddenly became weird. No wonder he felt stinky.

I originally thought it was due to the surrounding environment.

Unexpectedly, the source of the stink was himself!

As he got up and hurried down the mountain, Zhang Yuan already understood the reason for this situation.

This is probably the legendary cutting of hair and marrow cleansing, right?

He cultivated the true energy, and when the true energy circulated in his body, he completed the process of cutting off the hair and cleansing the marrow.

When Zhang Yuan got home, he quickly took a shower before the two elders got up. \u003c


I washed it several times with soap to get rid of the stinky smell on my body.

When Zhang Yuan came out of the simple bathing shed after changing his clothes, he felt much refreshed all over his body.

He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he felt that his skin color was paler than before.

But it’s still the kind of wheat skin that looks very healthy.

After cultivating his true energy, what Zhang Yuan wanted to do most was to fry the Chinese medicine powder he bought yesterday into a real Fengming Qishan!

He took out the Chinese medicine powder and poured it into the large pot on the stove as recorded in the inheritance.

Later, Zhang Yuan lit a fire at the bottom of the pot, added a lot of firewood, and the fire burned brightly.

Under the fire.

Soon, the whole pot became scalding hot.

Even the Chinese medicine powder in the pot became very hot.

As for how hot it is, you can refer to the sand in the sugar-fried chestnuts!

Looking at the hot Chinese medicine powder in front of him, Zhang Yuan still felt a little hesitant.

According to the records in Fengming Qishan Prescription, Zhang Yuan needs to inject zhenqi into his hands, and then continue to fry the traditional Chinese medicine powder.

It's not complete until the Chinese medicine powder finally turns khaki.

What Zhang Yuan is not sure about is whether he can withstand the high temperature in the iron pot by injecting his true energy into his hands!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

do not care!

I bought chickens and Chinese medicine powder.

Even the most difficult step, cultivating true energy, he completed!

The matter has come to this, even if it hurts, you have to give it a try!

Zhang Yuan closed his eyes and circulated the Qi in his Dantian.

Under his conscious urging, Qi was quickly injected into his hands.

Zhang Yuan faintly felt that his hands were heating up.

He immediately opened his eyes and slowly reached into the iron pot.

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