Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 408 The accumulation of poison makes it difficult to cure

Just listen to Yang Xin say in pain

"Brother Yuan, you also know that I am a live-in son-in-law. I don't have much ability yet, and my father-in-law doesn't like me! Originally, I thought that when Qiuyue gave birth to a boy and a half girl, my status in this family would be stable. But I never thought that I would be unable to have children!"

"When the test result came out, I was extremely scared. If my father-in-law knew that I was infertile, he would definitely kick me out of the house! So I knelt down and kowtowed to Qiuyue and begged her not to tell this matter."

"Qiuyue is a kind-hearted woman and an emotional woman! In order to prevent me from being kicked out of the house, she resolutely admitted to the outside world that she could not have children, which is why we have never had children!"

At this point, Yang Xin squatted down and held his head in his hands, obviously sad.

Zhang Yuan was also moved by Zheng Qiuyue's behavior.

Zheng Qiuyue is such a good woman!

In rural areas, regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are unable to have children, they will be talked about behind their backs.

But for Yang Xin, Zheng Qiuyue was willing to be scolded behind his back and took the blame for him. ??

Women like this are probably almost extinct these days, right?

Sighing Zheng Qiuyue's dedication, Zhang Yuanqing couldn't help but said, "Sister Qiuyue is such a good woman! But didn't you come here like this a few years ago? Why do you insist on... insisting on having a child now?"

Hearing this, Yang Xin raised his head, his mouth full of bitterness.

"I originally thought that the two of us could live like this. But I didn't expect that my father-in-law would actually investigate and find out about me seeing an andrologist! If nothing else happens, it won't be long before he finds out that I am infertile. Got it!"

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that it was Lao Zheng who was about to find out about Yang Xin's infertility.

Yang Xin was worried that Lao Zheng would drive him away after the Dongchuang incident, so he became ill and went to the doctor to seek help from him.

"Actually, even if the old village chief discovers your secret, he won't necessarily kick you out of the house, right? Besides, Sister Qiuyue is here to help you!" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but say.

Yang Xin shook his head, "It's impossible.

of! Brother Yuan, you don’t know my father-in-law, even though he is very kind to you. But when he gets ruthless, he's no worse than Zhang Weimin! "

"Once he discovers the secret of my infertility, he will definitely kick me out of the house! Then I will really be desperate!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan was silent.

He really didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Yang Xin suddenly stood up and looked at Zhang Yuan with a pleading look.

"Brother Yuan, you can help me, you can help me, right? You don't want to see me kicked out of the house and become a stray dog, right?"

Zhang Yuan looked helpless, "Brother Yang, I really can't help with this matter!"

Although he said this, Zheng Qiuyue's beautiful face and graceful figure appeared in his mind.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yuan swallowed.

Having said that, Yang Xin's proposal is really too tempting!

If it were a man with less determination, he would probably agree on the spot.

But Zhang Yuan couldn't pass the test in his heart.

At the same time, Yang Xin's face suddenly darkened when he saw that Zhang Yuan was unwilling to help.

But Zhang Yuan's next words made his eyes light up.

"Although I can't agree to your request, maybe I can cure your infertility! Don't forget, I am a doctor!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Isn’t it just infertility?

Since Liu Ruolan's infertility could be cured, Yang Xin's infertility could also be cured.

"Really? Brother Yuan, can you cure my inability to have children?" Yang Xin said in surprise.

Zhang Yuan didn't dare to give a guarantee, he only said that he could try taking his pulse for diagnosis.

Then he gave it on the spot

Yang Xin made a diagnosis.

After checking his pulse, Zhang Yuan's face became a little ugly.

"Brother Yang, have you taken a lot of tonics before? Including some folk remedies!" Zhang Yuan asked.

Seeing Zhang Yuan's expression, Yang Xin couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart.

"Eat... I've eaten. In recent years, I have tried almost every method to treat illnesses, but the problem is that none of them work!" Yang Xin hurriedly explained.

Zhang Yuan sighed and let go of his wrist.

"You shouldn't eat those things! Originally you were just suffering from infertility, but because you took all kinds of supplements and folk remedies indiscriminately, you accumulated too many poisons. Your external kidneys have been damaged beyond recognition. !”

"External kidney? What is external kidney?" Yang Xin couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuan glanced at his crotch, "The external kidneys are your two balls! If you pay attention, you should find that your balls are particularly soft! They are like sponges, right? wrong?"

Yang Xin was surprised, "That's it, how did you know?"

Zhang Yuan explained, "Normal people's eggs are firm. You should have eaten Yang Bao. Isn't Yang Bao very strong? But you have taken too many complicated folk remedies, and there are many adulterations in this folk prescription." Toxic substances!”

"These poisons have destroyed your eggs, causing the inside of your eggs to be riddled with holes! To put it bluntly, the only function of your eggs now is to produce a small amount of androgens. As for the sperm that gives birth to children, It can’t be produced at all!”


Yang Xin was stunned.

Although he is not a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, he can be said to be a good doctor after a long illness.

In the past few years, he has seen a lot of Chinese and Western medicine and learned a lot about his infertility.

So he understood Zhang Yuan's explanation.

To put it simply, it means that although he can barely live a married life now, he is completely unable to produce sperm!

In other words, he is an enhanced version of azoospermia!

For a moment, Yang Xin was at a loss.

Could it be that his treatment over the past few years not only failed to work, but also had the opposite effect?

As for what Zhang Yuan said, he himself could feel that his balls had indeed changed a lot in the past two years compared to before.

Yang Xin didn't pay attention at that time, but now that he heard what Zhang Yuan said, he was completely desperate.

"What a sin!" Yang Xin slapped his chest and stamped his feet.

If he had known this was the case, he might as well not have taken those folk remedies in the first place!

It's a good thing now. My body has been broken down by folk remedies, and I can't even find a good doctor to cure it.

Seeing Yang Xin in so much pain, Zhang Yuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Yang Xin, this is already a serious organ disease.

If you want to cure his disease, you have to transplant a new testicle into him!

But this already falls within the scope of Western medicine.

And God knows if testicles can be transplanted.

Zhang Yuan had only seen in some gossip news that a wealthy tycoon in Xiangjiang had had a kidney transplant.

But Zhang Yuan had never heard of testicle replacement.

But even if this surgery really happened, I'm afraid Yang Xin wouldn't be able to afford the high cost of the surgery, as well as the postoperative rejection.

Organ transplants are no joke.

Even if the operation is successful, it may fail due to strong rejection reaction, or even lead to death!

Yang Xin kept beating his chest for a long time, and Zhang Yuan couldn't say anything, so he just stood there.

The only good thing is that no one went up the mountain today, and no one nearby saw Yang Xin beating his chest and stamping his feet.

Otherwise, there may be new gossip spreading in the village tomorrow!

After a long time, Yang Xin finally regained his composure, but his face was still full of annoyance and regret.

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