Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 43 The worst case scenario is that I’ll take advantage of you once

After giving the prescription to Shen Xiuyun, Zhang Yuan said goodbye.

It's late at night, and it's not good to stay at the widow's house for too long.

Shen Xiuyun sent Zhang Yuan to the gate.

After watching him leave, he quickly closed the door and locked it.

Then, she leaned against the door.

Panting heavily, the towering height in front of his chest kept rising and falling.

Shen Xiuyun swore that this was the first time in her life that she was so embarrassed!

Thinking of the cup of "goat milk" that Zhang Yuan drank.

And what Zhang Yuan said about the taste of goat milk.

Shen Xiuyun felt her face flush and hot.

I just want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

If Zhang Yuan knew that what he drank was not goat milk, but...

Shen Xiuyun simply couldn't imagine such consequences!

"No! You must not let him buy other people's goat milk. At worst, when you treat the sheep in the future, it will be easier for him!" Shen Xiuyun thought with a blushing face.

Zhang Yuan didn't know Shen Xiuyun's psychological fluctuations.

He consciously helped the orphans and widowed mothers, did a good deed, and felt very happy.

Even sleeping is much sweeter than usual.

But Shen Xiuyun didn't sleep well and spent the whole night dreaming.

In the dream, she was chased by Zhang Yuan and asked for goat's milk.

At the end of the chase, Shen Xiuyun simply gave up resistance and allowed Zhang Yuan to do whatever he wanted.

After getting up in the morning, Shen Xiuyun's face was hot.

How long had it been since she had had such a shameful dream since her husband's death!

Thinking of Zhang Yuan's unscrupulous behavior in his dream, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but curse.

"little bastard!"

At the same time, Zhang Yuan yawned and jumped out of bed.

At this moment, his father Zhang Dashan hadn't gotten up yet, and his mother Wang Hui was not at home, but food was already cooking on the stove.

After Zhang Yuan finished washing, Wang Hui also came back from outside.

But it seems that his mental state is not very good.

Zhang Yuan also thought that Wang Hui was because his father’s leg had not recovered for a long time.

The more you worry about it, the more likely it will be.

He couldn't help but blame himself.

Although Zhang Yuan decoctions medicine for his father Zhang Dashan every day, he also gives his father acupuncture every two or three days.

But Zhang Yuan didn't use Qi during these acupuncture sessions!

According to the current treatment progress, his father Zhang Dashan will be able to try to get out of bed and walk in about ten days.

But he needs help to walk.

But what if Zhang Yuan used Zhenqi to give his father acupuncture.

Not even ten days, at most seven days, Zhang Dashan can try to get out of bed and walk alone!

It's just that Zhang Yuan was worried that his control of the Qi was unstable and that he would hurt the meridians in his father's legs, so he didn't do this.

But looking at his mother's sad face, Zhang Yuan secretly decided.

After breakfast, I tried to use Zhenqi acupuncture on my father!

After breakfast, Zhang Dashan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned that Zhang Yuan was going to give him acupuncture.

"Brother Yuan, didn't you just have acupuncture yesterday?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "Dad, yesterday was yesterday. Today I plan to use another acupuncture method. This can speed up the recovery of your legs!"

Seeing his son say this, Zhang Dashan did not raise any objection.

He trusts his son Zhang Yuan unconditionally.

Later, after Zhang Yuan helped Zhang Dashan lie down, he began to use zhenqi acupuncture.

The so-called acupuncture with zhenqi actually means injecting zhenqi into silver needles, thereby enhancing the effect of silver needles on acupuncture points.

This is Zhang Yuan’s first attempt.

So he planned to perform acupuncture on several major points on his father's legs such as Zusanli, Xuehai, Yinlingquan, and Yanglingquan.

Zhang Yuan is very familiar with silver needle acupoints.

Within a few seconds, he inserted the silver needle into the acupuncture point.

The next step is to inject true energy into the silver needle.

Take a deep breath, Zhang

Yuan held the silver needles inserted into Zusanli acupuncture points on his father's legs with both hands.

Then, he circulated the true energy in his body and slowly fed a trace of it into the silver needle.

The next moment, Zhang Dashan showed a surprised expression.

"Eh? Brother Yuan, what kind of acupuncture are you using? The effect is so good! I just put the needle in, and I feel the place where the needle is inserted is hot!" Zhang Dashan said.

Zhang Yuan quickly asked him, "Dad, do you feel any pain where the needle was inserted?"

"No! It just feels warm and quite comfortable!" Zhang Dashan said with a smile.

Zhang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that Zhenqi acupuncture has a way!

He immediately injected zhenqi into several other acupuncture points.

Not long after, his father Zhang Dashan said that the heat in his legs was getting worse. .??.

By the time the acupuncture was over, Zhang Dashan's legs were feeling warm.

In his words, one session of acupuncture is more effective than drinking two bowls of Chinese medicine!

Zhang Yuan smiled and said nothing.

Judging from the current situation, from now on, my father will be given acupuncture with Zhenqi once a day, and within seven days at most, my father will be able to try to get out of bed alone!

He is looking forward to that day!

However, Zhang Yuan did not tell the old couple the news.

When it comes to surprises, you have to hide them first, and then tell them when the time comes. That's called a surprise!

After treating his father Zhang Dashan, Zhang Yuan also gave himself a day off.

Yesterday, I spent a whole day digging in the mountains and couldn't find even a single hair from the wild ginseng.

It seems that when looking for wild ginseng, you still have to take chances.

Zhang Yuan, who was free, was ready to take a stroll in the village.

Since regaining his consciousness, he has been busy with various things and has not really taken a walk around the village.

Walking in the village, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scenes on both sides of the road, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel that things were different.

In the past few years since he became a fool, many families in the village have built new houses!

But I live in a two-story building

The villagers are still the same as before, this has not changed.

After walking for a while, someone suddenly called Zhang Yuan.

"Brother Yuan! Where are you going?"

Zhang Yuan turned around and found that the person coming was actually the village chief Zhang Weimin.

Zhang Weimin is Zhang Lin's uncle and Zhang Jing's eldest brother.

His original name was Zhang Min, but after he became the village chief, he changed his name to Zhang Weimin.

However, Zhang Yuan was not familiar with Zhang Weimin, and he didn’t know what Zhang Weimin wanted to do by calling him.

With doubts in mind, Zhang Yuan smiled and said

"It's the village chief! Village chief, don't I have nothing to do and wander around?"

Zhang Weimin walked up to Zhang Yuan and patted his shoulder with a kind expression.

"What do you call the village chief? We are all from the same family. Just like Linlin, just call me uncle!"

Hearing what Zhang Weimin said, Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

After all, Zhang Yuan would not call Zhang Weimin uncle in such a stupid way.

There are so many people named Zhang in Xiawan Village!

Even among the village cadres, there are several people named Zhang, but no one dares to call Zhang Weimin uncle or eldest brother?

Zhang Yuan just smiled and did not speak.

Zhang Weimin continued, "It's a great thing that you can regain your consciousness! I also heard that you helped everyone in the village cure chicken plague! You have made a contribution to everyone!"

"No, no! I just helped everyone a little, it's nothing." Zhang Yuan did not take credit.

Zhang Weimin was very satisfied with Zhang Yuan's modesty, "Not bad, not bad. Young people are neither arrogant nor impatient, which is good!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Weimin suddenly changed the subject.

"By the way, if your uncle Zhang Jing's cow gets sick from now on, you have to help! After the cow is cured, come to uncle and get the money!"

"The medical fee must be paid. If you don't give money, just give me things. If word spreads, people will think that your Uncle Zhang Jing is taking advantage of my relationship and deliberately withholding the money!" Zhang Weimin said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan already understood what Zhang Weimin meant!

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