Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 511 Five ghosts bring wealth, Zhang Yuan takes revenge

With some luck in mind, Cui Lao Mao hurriedly opened the door and ran towards the small square, followed by his wife.

When the two of them arrived at the small square, Cui Lao Yao soon relied on his eyesight, which he had honed as a carpenter for many years, and identified that the pile of wood debris in the square was made of old elm wood!

"Lao Yumu! This is! This is my Lao Yumu! Why did he appear here overnight!" Cui Lao Yao shouted in horror.

Next to him, his wife sat down on the ground and started wailing.

The old elm wood was burned. Not only did their family lose a lot of money, they also had to pay ten times the liquidated damages to the buyer who ordered the old elm wood.

This time I really lost my wife and lost my troops!

When the surrounding villagers learned that this was the old elm wood from Cui Lao Yao's house, they couldn't help but come forward and ask why he wanted to burn such good wood.

Cui Lao Yao screamed and explained with tears in his eyes, "I didn't burn it! There was a thief in our house last night! The thief stole the old elm wood and took it to the small square to burn it!"

After hearing what he said, someone immediately raised questions.

"I said Young Cui, are you kidding everyone? The old elm trees in your home are so long and heavy that it takes at least four or five people to lift one! If someone comes to your house and steals the old elm trees, Can’t you hear it?”

"That's right! There was a problem with the door of your house when it was first repaired. It kept squeaking when you opened and closed it. That time you opened and closed the door at night, and I had to be woken up by you! If a thief stole Yumu, how come I can’t hear you?”

"Your neighbors said they didn't hear any noise, which means that the old elm wood was probably not stolen! Youngest Cui, are you and your wife asleep?"


The villagers of Cuijiazhuang were talking to each other one by one.

The neighbor next door to Cui Lao Yao also came forward and claimed that he was a light sleeper. As long as someone opened the door of Cui Lao Yao's house, he would definitely be awakened.

Seeing that the villagers don’t believe in themselves

There was a thief in the house, and Cui Lao Yao was so angry that he couldn't help but yell angrily.

"It wasn't a thief. Could it be that it was a ghost?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who had been talking a moment ago fell silent instantly.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone looking at Cui Lao and his wife became particularly strange.

There were even a few villagers who were very close and deliberately took two steps back.

"Could it be that Cui Laoyou did too much and was lucky enough to be blessed by the five ghosts?" A villager couldn't help but ask.

It is a folk legend that the five ghosts can bring wealth. It says that the five ghosts can take the money from the rich people's homes and then subsidize it to the poor.

It is also said that this is a Taoist magic. After learning it, you can control the five ghosts and take other people's money to your own home.

Lao Yumu, the youngest member of Cui's family, appeared in the small square inexplicably and was burned on fire!

What's even more bizarre is that there was no movement during this period, and the neighbors next door didn't hear any movement at all.

In this case, it can only be explained by the five ghosts’ luck in wealth!

I heard some people say that it was the five ghosts who brought wealth, and they also said that Cui Laoyao had done something wrong and suffered retribution.

Young Cui couldn't help but think of Zhang Dashan who came to his house yesterday to buy old elm wood.

Although the youngest Cui is two years older than Zhang Dashan, Zhang Dashan entered the industry earlier than Cui and has always taken good care of him.

When Cui's youngest son got married, the family spent all their savings on the bride price.

When it came time to build furniture, the youngest Cui couldn't even afford to treat guests to drinks!

Colleagues can help for free for the sake of face, but you also have to take care of their food and drink!

Cui Lao Mao couldn't even control his drinking, so naturally no colleague was willing to help him.

Only Zhang Dashan not only offered to help Cui Laoyao for free, but even brought the wood he had saved for Cui Laoyao to use.

It can be said that Zhang Dashan was extremely benevolent to Cui Lao.

But what about the youngest Choi?

He clearly promised Zhang Dashan to keep the old elm wood, but he was greedy for money and sold the old elm wood to others.

Not only that, he also allowed his wife to insult Zhang Dashan, and even caused Zhang Dashan to fall.

It's like repaying kindness with hatred!

Could it be said that it is really because of doing something bad that the five ghosts bring good fortune?

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain how these old elm trees were quietly brought to the small square!

Thinking of the retribution he had suffered, and the retribution of the five ghosts, Cui Lao Yao felt shuddering, his back felt cold, and his face turned even pale.

If I had known this, I might as well have sold the old elm wood to Zhang Dashan yesterday, at least I wouldn't have lost everything!

Seeing his expression, the villagers basically understood that Cui Lao Yao had indeed done something wrong, and now he was getting retribution!

He totally deserves it!

At the same time, Zhang Yuan was woken up by Li Qiuju at Li Qiuju's house.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "Sister-in-law Qiu Ju, why did you wake me up so early? I'll sleep a little longer!"

Hearing this, Li Qiuju glared at him, "Are you still sleeping? It's almost eight o'clock! Aren't you afraid that your uncle and aunt will come to find you?"

Knowing that it was almost eight o'clock, Zhang Yuan suddenly lost all sleep and hurriedly got up and got dressed.

"Brother Yuan, where did you go last night? Did you go to have a private meeting with that little goblin?" Li Qiuju asked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan chuckled

"Guess it, you will never guess what I did last night!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuan refused to say anything, Li Qiuju had no choice but to resort to his killing move.

"Okay, brother Yuan, just say it! Say it, and they will help you tonight... like that!"

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up: "This is what you said, don't be tired when the time comes!"

"Don't be too tired! Tell me quickly, did you find another woman last night? Who was that woman?" Li Qiuju asked curiously.

She was not jealous that Zhang Yuan was with another woman, but she was unhappy that Zhang Yuan was secretly having contact with other women without telling her.

After all, Li Qiuju never thought of monopolizing Zhang Yuan. All she wanted was Zhang Yuan's honesty!

Zhang Yuan coughed lightly, "This is what happened..."

Then he told Li Qiuju exactly what happened yesterday.

After hearing this, Li Qiuju couldn't help but clapped her hands.

"It's so satisfying! Brother Yuan, you did the right thing! People like Mr. and Mrs. Cui must be taught a lesson like this!"

The old elm wood in Cui Laoyao's house was not taken away by Five Ghosts of Fortune, but by Zhang Yuan.

In the middle of the night last night, Zhang Yuan quietly came to Cuijiazhuang, climbed over the wall into Cui Laoyao's house, and moved out the old elm trees from his house one by one.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yuan did not walk through the door, he went directly over the wall!

Carrying such a heavy piece of elm wood, one can still climb over the wall.

If other people knew about it, they would be shocked and speechless for a long time.

But Zhang Yuan really did it!

Although the old elm wood is heavy, it is nothing to Zhang Yuan.

He only needs to lean the old elm wood against the courtyard wall, then climb over the wall, and then pick up the old elm wood, and then he can easily transfer the old elm wood to the outside of the courtyard wall.

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