Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 76 Liu Hongmei’s hint

Waiting for Zhang Yuan and Liu Hongmei to return to the private room one after another.

Li Dongsheng hurriedly stepped forward and asked Zhang Yuan how he was doing.

Zhang Yuan responded casually.

Li Dongsheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he learned that Wei Tianming was not looking for trouble with Zhang Yuan.

"That's good! Brother Zhang, you don't know that Wei Tianming is one of the most powerful men in our county! The kind that no one dares to offend!"

"Anyone who offends him will no longer be able to live in Qinghe County!"

Later, in order to celebrate that Zhang Yuan was safe and sound, Li Dongsheng ordered another Supreme Dynasty drink set and insisted on calling two dancing princesses.

Zhang Yuan wanted to persuade, but was stopped by the secretary.

In the words of the little secretary, Li Dongsheng specially celebrated Zhang Yuan!

What should be celebrated, of course must be celebrated!

When everyone left in style, Liu Hongmei was about to say goodbye to Zhang Yuan.

It is worth mentioning that after the two came back just now, Liu Hongmei became more proactive than before and flirted with Zhang Yuan several times.

If it weren't for Zhang Yuan's profound determination, I'm afraid he would have to hug Liu Hongmei and go to the bathroom in the private room to do something everyone knows!

During this period, Li Dongsheng actually hinted at Zhang Yuan several times.

As long as Zhang Yuan is willing, he can take away the princesses in the private room at will.

However, Zhang Yuan shook his head and declined.

He still doesn't like this kind of enjoyment in exchange for money!

Zhang Yuan has always believed that intimacy between men and women can only be due to psychological and physiological factors.

The psychological factor is naturally love.

Physiological factors can be called the love between you and me under mutual need.

But if money is involved, it means a completely different thing!

The reason why Zhang Yuan thinks so is related to the arrogant white swan who helped him become a real man in the cave last time!

The white swan actually tried to give him money afterwards, which made Zhang Yuan feel extremely insulted!

That's why he would like to exchange money for this kind of thing

The happiness seems so contradictory.

When leaving the private room, Liu Hongmei looked at Zhang Yuan with complicated eyes and said three words in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Thank you!"

Obviously, she already understood Zhang Yuan's painstaking efforts.

A faint smile appeared on Zhang Yuan's face, he winked at Liu Hongmei, turned around and walked out of the private room gracefully.

Little did he know that the moment he blinked just now would become Liu Hongmei's lifelong white moonlight!

When Zhang Yuan and the others walked to the front desk to check out, even Li Dongsheng couldn't help but show a hint of pain on his face.

He was ready to be slaughtered!

He had no choice but to ask two princesses to dance Dirty Dancing later, and also ordered two of the most expensive wine packages.

But the next second, Li Dongsheng was stunned.

Because the female receptionist said to him with a smile on her face, "Boss Li, all the purchases you and your friends make today are free of charge! This is what Mr. Wei wants!"

Li Dongsheng suddenly realized that it was Wei Tianming who was treating him!

He turned around and patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Brother Zhang, you are so proud! Mr. Wei rarely gives people free of charge here! Even if they are powerful people in the county who come to spend money here, they can't do so!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said nothing more.

In this way, the group returned to the pig farm.

After drinking a cup of sobering tea, Zhang Yuan said goodbye.

At this time, the little secretary stuffed a thick red envelope into Zhang Yuan's pocket.

Judging from the thickness, it must be at least 20,000 yuan!

Zhang Yuan was about to decline immediately, but Li Dongsheng's face darkened.

"Brother Zhang, I treat you as a friend. If you don't accept this red envelope, you won't treat me as a friend!"

Seeing Li Dongsheng's firm attitude, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to accept the red envelope.

Li Dongsheng then showed a smile, "Actually, I'm a brother and I'm taking advantage of you today. Let's go to the club to spend money, but it's all because of your face, brother, that we can get rid of the bill!"

Feeling Li Dongsheng's sincerity, Zhang Yuan had an idea, picked up a pen and paper from the table, and wrote down a recipe.

Seeing Zhang Yuan writing Chinese medicine prescriptions, Li Dongsheng's eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Brother, are you writing this recipe for pigs?"

Zhang Yuan said without raising his head, "I'm not writing this for pigs, I'm writing this for you!"

"Puch..." But the little secretary on the side couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Li Dongsheng was also a little embarrassed, "Written for me? But my body has always been very healthy!"

"Brother Li, how can you be healthy if you are so fat? Take this prescription every day, and try to eat as little spicy and light food as possible! It will be effective within a month!" Zhang Yuan handed the prescription to the little secretary.

He knew that giving the prescription to the secretary was the most reliable.

There is no one in the world who wants Li Dongsheng to lose weight more than the little secretary!

Zhang Yuan is not stupid, of course he can see that the little secretary seems to want to marry Li Dongsheng, the diamond king.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have done so much for Li Dongsheng.

It is worth mentioning that.

Li Dongsheng even sent a pickup truck to take Zhang Yuan home.

The reason why we need to use a pickup truck is because we have to pull Zhang Yuan’s tricycle.

Otherwise, Li Dongsheng originally planned to ask the driver to drive Zhang Yuan back in his Mercedes-Benz cruiser.

After saying goodbye to Li Dongsheng and his secretary, Zhang Yuanhuai returned home in a pickup truck with a red envelope worth 20,000 yuan.

When he got home and took out the 20,000 yuan, the couple were shocked.

"Brother Yuan, are you really earning this...20,000 yuan by treating pigs?" Mother Wang Hui stuttered a little. \u003c


The last time Zhang Yuan paid out such a large amount of money, it was because he sold ginseng, which the old couple could still accept.

But this time.

Zhang Yuan actually made 20,000 yuan just by treating pigs!

Since when has being a veterinarian become so profitable?

In comparison, his father Zhang Dashan seemed much calmer, but there was still a bit of shock in his eyes.

"Baby, it depends on what you say! Can our baby still lie to us? Brother Yuan, tell us how you treated the pigs!" Zhang Dashan laughed.

Only then did Zhang Yuan tell the story of how he treated the pigs during the day.

Of course, he didn't say anything about what happened in the club, and Zheng Bin didn't mention it either. He just said that he met a colleague when he was treating a patient.

"So that's it! If you look at it this way, that boss Li is too open-minded! He actually gave you so much money!" Zhang Dashan said with emotion.

Zhang Yuan smiled and then hurriedly warned the two elders.

"Dad, Mom, don't tell the villagers that I made 20,000 yuan by treating pigs in a pig farm!"

Wang Hui was a little confused, "Why didn't you tell me! Brother Yuan, you are promising, wouldn't it be a good idea to let the villagers know?"

"You woman, you have long hair but short knowledge! If Brother Yuan goes out and makes hundreds of dollars, everyone in the village will only be envious if you tell me." Zhang Dashan frowned.

"But if you say that Brother Yuan made 20,000 yuan on a trip, everyone will not only be envious, but maybe they will also be jealous and jealous of our Brother Yuan!"

Wang Hui suddenly realized that she had not thought carefully.

Zhang Yuan also smiled and added, "And the money I earned this time is an unexpected surprise. If everyone mistakenly thinks that I can earn so much every time, they will definitely be jealous of me and even come to me to borrow money!"

These days, if you don’t have money, others will look down on you.

If you have money, others will either be jealous of you or want to take advantage of you!

This is the social norm!

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