Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 80 Bearing a weight that should not be borne at this age

After a long time, Yu Laojiu was unwilling to leave with a cold snort.

Yu Laojiu was not reconciled to not being able to succeed this time.

Why could Zhang Yuan enter Shen Xiuyun's house and walk out with milk stains on the corners of his mouth?

But he, Yu Laojiu, was turned away by Shen Xiuyun!

After years of living as a bachelor, Yu Laojiu's psychology began to become distorted!

He secretly made up his mind to find an opportunity to capture Shen Xiuyun!

At this time, Yu Laojiu had already regarded Shen Xiuyun as the woman who wanted Hongxing to cheat in some dirty stories.

Yu Laojiu felt that as long as he could get Shen Xiuyun in his hands and toss him hard, the other party would definitely obey.

Because she is a "hungry little slut"!

At the same time, Zhang Yuan just returned home when he received an unexpected phone call.

It was Chu Xueyan who called!

"Mr. Chu, why are you calling me?" Zhang Yuan asked knowingly.

Chu Xueyan was looking for him 90% because of wild ginseng!

Sure enough, Chu Xueyan said in a deep voice.

"Zhang Yuan, have you found wild ginseng recently? If you find it, you must sell it to me! I will buy it at a high price!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but look helpless, "I found traces of a wild ginseng last time, but I couldn't find it anymore!"

"Is there such a thing?" Chu Xueyan was very surprised.

Her tone became a little anxious, "Can you find another wild ginseng within a week? I need it urgently! The price is negotiable!"

"This...I'll try my best! But I can't guarantee that I will be able to find wild ginseng!" Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and said.

Chu Xueyan also knew not to force Zhang Yuan too much.

These days, even wild ginseng that is more than ten years old is almost becoming a natural treasure!

What's more, the wild ginseng picked by Zhang Yuan is three times more powerful than ordinary wild ginseng!

Definitely harder to find!

"Can you do your best? I promise, as long as you can find wild ginseng like last time, I will

I won’t treat you badly! "Chu Xueyan promised.


After chatting about the current situation calmly, Zhang Yuan hung up the phone.

He couldn't help but sigh.

Why did that wild ginseng plant disappear inexplicably last time?

Was it really poached?

But he found that the wild ginseng place was very remote, and few people usually went there!

Moreover, the people who go up the back mountain are basically villagers. If anyone discovers wild ginseng, the news will probably be hidden!

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuan decided to go up the mountain again in the afternoon to see if he could find any traces of wild ginseng!

After lunch, Zhang Yuan went up the mountain with his backpack.

This time, he still couldn't find wild ginseng, but he had a new harvest!

He smelled the faint scent of wild ginseng in another inaccessible place!

But when he searched around, he couldn't find any trace of wild ginseng.

This discovery surprised Zhang Yuan.

He could smell the fragrance of wild ginseng, which proved that there were wild ginseng on the back mountain!

And maybe, it might be the one that slipped away from me last time!

At the same time, Zhang Yuan also felt strange.

Could it be that ginseng really moves on its own as the legend says?

According to legend, ginseng will turn into ginseng essence as it ages.

Ginseng spirits will move on their own. If a ginseng picker saw ginseng in one place last time, the ginseng may have moved the next time he goes there!

For this reason, when many ginseng pickers find wild ginseng that is not old enough, they will choose to tie the ginseng with a long red rope.

In this way, even if the ginseng becomes essence, it will leave traces when moving, and ginseng pickers can still find it!

But this one

It's just a legend.

How could there be ginseng essence in this world?

Full of doubts, Zhang Yuan went down the mountain and made up his mind to find the "running wild ginseng"!

In the morning of the next day, Zhang Yuan came to the back mountain as usual.

This time he did not run around, but chose a location as the center and radiated around like a light source.

This is a good idea that Zhang Yuan came up with last night!

No matter whether that wild ginseng plant can run away on its own.

But as long as it is still in the back mountain, it cannot escape from his grasp.

Moving radiating in all directions like this, I believe it won't be long before you can smell the aroma of wild ginseng!

By then, finding wild ginseng will no longer be a dream!

I searched this way all morning.

Until noon, when the sun was high in the sky and the sun was scorching, Zhang Yuan still found no trace of wild ginseng.

He almost gave up!

This wild ginseng is truly evil!

Forget it if you can’t find it!

At worst, call Chu Xueyan to apologize and explain the situation.

Anyway, Chu Xueyan's family has a big business, so even if he can't buy his own wild ginseng, he can still buy wild ginseng from other channels.

Just when Zhang Yuan was about to end this "radiation" and walk back.

Suddenly, his nose twitched and he smelled the smell of wild ginseng!

Zhang Yuan was stunned.

He just stood still, why could he smell the aroma of wild ginseng?

Unless... that wild ginseng plant is approaching him right now!

Zhang Yuan swallowed and stood there without moving or making any sound.

As the scent of wild ginseng became stronger and stronger, Zhang Yuan felt that the wild ginseng was getting closer to him!

Until...a two-month-old black kitten appeared in Zhang Yuan's sight! \u003c


This is a very beautiful little black cat, all black, and the blue film on its eyes has not faded.

It’s not unusual to encounter kittens in the mountains.

After all, there are wild lynxes in the mountains, and spring cats often come to the mountains in the village.

What's really strange is that this kitten is actually wrapped in a bunch of vines.

And behind the vines is a wild ginseng wrapped in a clod of soil!

Zhang Yuan was shocked!

He finally understood why the wild ginseng moved!

Feelings: This little black cat accidentally got tangled in vines.

But the vines were also entangled with a wild ginseng.

So when the little black cat ran around, he brought out the wild ginseng.

This is why I smelled the smell of wild ginseng twice, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Because this wild ginseng plant has grown into a cat!

Looking at the pitiful and listless little black cat, Zhang Yuan's expression became strange.

This little black cat has to bear a weight that it should not bear at its age!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yuan tried his best to put on a kind expression and slowly walked towards the little black cat.

Seeing Zhang Yuan approaching, the little black cat instinctively took two steps back.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan turned around in his pocket and took out the snacks he had prepared for himself.

That's a ham sausage.

Zhang Yuan peeled off the ham sausage, placed it on the ground, and took a few steps back.

The aroma of ham sausage quickly attracted the little black cat.

It tentatively walked up to the ham sausage, looked at Zhang Yuan, and saw that Zhang Yuan was not approaching, so it lowered its head and started eating in big mouthfuls.

The little black cat seems to be really hungry.

When eating ham sausage, there was a whining sound in my throat.

This is a warning to the same kind not to compete with it for food, and it is also a sign that the little black cat is extremely hungry!

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