Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 91 Zhang Yuan’s Little Treasury

Every time she clicked on the acupuncture points, Li Qiuju deliberately made her voice sound more charming and seductive.

Even the underwear she wears becomes sexier every time. Yesterday she even put on translucent underwear!

After being soaked with sweat, it looks almost transparent!

Seeing that scene, Zhang Yuan almost couldn't hold back.

If he hadn't pinched his thigh at the critical moment, he might have pounced on Li Qiuju, a sexy young woman, and eaten her alive!

Every time he recalled the scene at that time, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If he really captured Li Qiuju, he really didn't know how to face him afterwards.

This morning, after breakfast, his mother Wang Hui asked him to buy two cans of local honey from beekeeper Lao Fengtou in the back street, saying that he wanted to give it away.

"Brother Yuan, do you still have money in your hand? If you don't have any money, I'll give you one thousand." Wang Hui asked Zhang Yuan.

The last time Zhang Yuan got 120,000 yuan from selling wild ginseng, excluding the more than 5,000 yuan he spent to buy an electric three-wheeler, the remaining money Zhang Yuan gave to Wang Hui was 100,000 yuan, falsely claiming that he had sold more than 100,000 wild ginseng.

As for the remaining 10,000 yuan, of course it went into Zhang Yuan's small treasury and asked him to deposit it into his bank card.

You can do anything these days, but you can’t be without money!

Secretly getting a small vault will be more convenient not only when you go out.

Maybe it can still play a big role at critical moments!

Zhang Yuan's small treasury has now accumulated more than 20,000 yuan.

"It's okay, Mom, I have money in my hand!" Zhang Yuan said casually.

While he was talking, he picked up Xiao Hei who was licking his fur next to him and stroked it a few times.

Xiao Hei's hair, which he had just taken care of, was messed up again by Zhang Yuan.

Angry, it stared in the direction Zhang Yuan left.

Zhang Yuan, however, acted like a naughty kid who had succeeded in his prank. He made a face at Xiao Hei and walked out the door briskly.

Soon, he came to the back street.

Hawan Village is not a big village. There are only three main streets in the village.


They are Front Street, Middle Street where Zhang Yuan's home is located, and Back Street where he is going now.

Speaking of Old Fengtou in the backstreet, Zhang Yuan was often greedy for his honey when he was a child.

Lao Fengtou has been keeping bees all his life.

Their local honey is the most authentic local honey, and the taste is simply unparalleled!

People from the surrounding villages come to Lao Fengtou to buy honey.

When I was a child, my conditions were poor, and eating sweets was a luxury.

Not to mention, honey is sweeter than sugar!

Especially when Lao Feng collects honey, he attracts a lot of children to watch.

But at that time, Zhang Yuan could only stand in the distance, watching eagerly with his friends as Old Feng took the honey.

Once, Zhang Yuan came over alone to watch Old Feng collect honey.

Seeing how well-behaved he was, Old Feng even broke off a small piece of honey for him to taste.

Zhang Yuan will never forget the sweetness of that piece of honey!

Unknowingly, Zhang Yuan had arrived at Old Fengtou's house.

But what surprised him was that there were actually many people gathered around the door, and the yard was even noisier.

Zhang Yuan stepped forward curiously and asked a villager he knew.

"Uncle Chang, what's going on? What's going on at Uncle Feng's house? Are you all here watching?" Zhang Yuan asked.

Adults can call Uncle Feng and Old Fengtou.

But if a junior like Zhang Yuan also calls Lao Fengtou, it would be too unruly.

Moreover, Zhang Yuan respected Old Fengtou very much.

The piece of honey that Old Fengtou once gave him is still fresh in his memory!

When Uncle Chang saw that the person asking the question was Zhang Yuan, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him warily several times.

Thanks to Liang Qiaoling, many villagers now think that Zhang Yuan's madness is not completely cured.

However, when Uncle Chang found out.

The Zhang Yuan in front of him was not as crazy as Liang Qiaoling said, and he was relieved.

"It's Brother Yuan! Hi! You don't know, this old Fengtou! He committed suicide by drinking pesticide!" Uncle Chang sighed.

Zhang Yuan's pupils shrank, "What? Uncle Feng committed suicide by drinking pesticide? What's going on?"

"Isn't he his unsatisfactory son? What's not good about learning, but he is learning gambling! He stole Old Fengtou's coffin and lost it!" Uncle Chang sighed.

"That's Old Fengtou's coffin book! After learning about this, Old Fengtou was so angry that he drank the pesticide on the spot. Now he is lying in the yard waiting for the hospital ambulance to arrive!"

The next moment, before Uncle Chang could finish his words, Zhang Yuan pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

Just now he thought that Old Fengtou was dead, but now according to Uncle Chang, maybe Old Fengtou can still be saved!

Zhang Yuan rushed to the yard.

I saw Old Fengtou, who was wearing old clothes, lying on the ground with his hands spread out, his eyes closed, and there was foam at the corners of his mouth.

There is an empty pesticide bottle next to it.

The village chief Zhang Weimin also came, standing there with a frown on his face, discussing something with several members of the village committee.

As for Old Fengtou's bastard son, he was nowhere to be seen.

Old Fengtou's mother-in-law left early, and he worked hard to raise his son by keeping bees.

Before he could enjoy the blessing, his son was so angry that he drank pesticide and committed suicide!

I have to say, this is also extremely sad!

Zhang Yuan stepped forward quickly, picked up the pesticide bottle on the ground, took a look at it, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately! It's not paraquat! We can still be saved!" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but said.

His words aroused the attention of several people nearby.

people's attention.

Village chief Zhang Weimin frowned when he saw Zhang Yuan.

"Zhang Yuan, what are you doing here? Get out quickly! Old Fengtou drank the medicine and is waiting for the ambulance to come to rescue him!"

Zhang Yuan asked, "Village chief, how long have you been making emergency calls?"

"We just arrived a few minutes ago, and we just called the town hospital's emergency number. I guess it will take a while for the ambulance to arrive!" Village cadre Zhang Danian explained.

"There's nothing I can do about it, this happened too quickly! Everyone just found out about it! I guess the news hasn't spread yet!"

Zhang Danian is also Zhang Yuan's cousin. He serves on the village committee and is the only "official" member of their family.

However, Zhang Danian only plays a small role in the village committee and is in no way comparable to the village chief Zhang Weimin.

No, I saw Zhang Danian explaining to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Weimin glared at Zhang Danian and urged Zhang Yuan to leave again.

Last time he hinted Zhang Yuan to hand over the good tea he got from Zhang Jing, but Zhang Yuan refused.

From then on, Zhang Weimin didn't bother to pretend to be a good person in front of Zhang Yuan.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Zhang Weimin's urging, Zhang Yuan not only did not leave, but quickly came to Lao Fengtou, grabbed his wrist and took his pulse.

"Zhang Yuan, what are you doing!" Zhang Weimin said sternly.

Zhang Yuan glanced at him and said calmly, "It will be too late when the ambulance comes! Uncle Feng was discovered after drinking pesticide for some time."

"So even if you call the emergency number immediately, the ambulance will be too late! I must rescue Uncle Feng now!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

While everyone present was surprised, they suddenly remembered the rumors in the village in recent days.

Thanks to Liang Qiaoling’s publicity.

The villagers all knew that Zhang Yuan treated Xu Zhuangzhuang of Daliuzhuang.

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