Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1024: I will be the top of the mountain, looking at the small mountains

Seeing the words on the rock, everyone was stunned.

This is a rather hard rock. If you want to leave words on it and write the words so freely, this is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Who left these words on earth? Doubts arose in everyone's hearts.

"Let's take a look at the content first, after reading it, maybe you will understand." Someone said.

Everyone nodded, and someone said aloud.

"How about Dai Zongfu? Qi Lu Qingwei is now.

Ok? What does it mean? Is it a poem? "

"It should be poetry, I just don't understand what it means."

"Whatever it means, let's continue to look down."

"Good luck Zhong Shenxiu, yin and yang cut the faint dawn.

Well, this sentence can barely be understood, let's look at the next sentence. "

"Zeng Yun was born with a chest, and he decided to enter the home bird.

Well, this sentence seems to be understandable, but it doesn't seem to be able to fully understand it, and there is one last sentence. "

"It will be the top of the mountain, looking at the mountains and small mountains."

If the first few sentences make everyone unable to fully understand, then this last sentence can be understood at a glance.

Moreover, in an instant, a kind of arrogance is born.

Everyone was aroused, and then, no one spoke, and no one applauded. Everyone just stood on the top of Mount Tai, raising their eyes and jumping long, the mountains were endless, looming in the clouds and fog, all the mountains were under their feet .

A kind of pride that the mountains are all under my feet, under the whole world, let me be someone else, is constantly surging in my heart, and there is an unparalleled pride in my heart, which seems to be vented out of my mouth.

This kind of feeling, unprecedented invigoration and comfort, this is the real refreshing and happy.

They have stood here for so long before, and they have never felt such a strong feeling before.

Now, the sentence "I will be the top of the mountain, looking at the mountains and small mountains." Brings their mood and feelings to a very high level, making them want to laugh out very freely.

After a long time, the excitement of everyone calmed down a little, and they all said excitedly:

"Standing on the top of Mount Tai, feeling this poem is absolutely a kind of ultimate enjoyment. Moreover, we only felt the last sentence. I have a feeling that the first three sentences should be equally extraordinary. ."

"Yes, it's a pity that our level of poetry is still a little worse after all. Who can appreciate it. I feel that connecting the four lines of poems should give people a stronger feeling."

"I didn't expect a poem to have such an effect. This is the effect of personal experience. I am really lucky today."

"Wait, who wrote this poem? There is no name on the stone, could it be..."

"You mean, it was written by the enviable brother just now?"

"Impossible, don't say anything else, just the little brother who has thin arms and legs just now, he has so much strength to leave these words on this rock?"

"That's true, but if it weren't for him, who would it be? If it was there before, it would be even more impossible."

"This is really weird."


Everyone frowned and thought, and the scene calmed down a bit, but the voice of the Yayun Poetry Society chanting poems came over not far away.

Everyone looked up and smiled unconsciously, wondering if they should say, "Coincident."

I saw that the other "Brother Yan" was the young man who was reciting his masterpiece in full emotion.

After a while, "Brother Yan" finished chanting, and the people around him shouted again and again, and there were also decent comments from people.

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly laughed at the same time.

Yan Yunqiu chanted another poem again. While he was proud, he heard bursts of laughter from the opposite side. I don't know if it was a little too sensitive. He always felt that the laughter contained some ridicule.

He snorted and said loudly: "What are you laughing at?"

Everyone here looked at each other, and a tall and thin man said, "I didn't laugh at all, I just thought that some people had chanted a bad poem, but they were so self-satisfied that they felt a little funny."

"Oh, isn't it?" Yan Yunqiu was not angry, and said, "Maybe my poem is a bit bad. I wonder if you have made a good poem to open our eyes?"

The tall lanky man here chuckled, and said: "This is a coincidence. We did make a good poem here, um, no, it's a great poem. Since you want to hear it, then we will read it to you. Listen, so that you can know what really good poems are, so that you don’t continue to be embarrassed."

With these words, not only Yan Yunqiu, but most of the people in Yayun Poetry Club gave a "pouch" and laughed.

Although they did not agree with Yan Yunqiu's act of provoking each other, but the other party said it was indeed funny.

People who don't understand poetry at all can dare to say that they have made a wonderful poem, and let him be the professional poets of Yayun Poetry Club. This is indeed a big joke.

Yan Yunqiu suppressed a smile and said, "Then I don't know what your wonderful poems look like?'Lin Yuan is proud of this place, we are smiling here' like this? Wow haha!"

The thin and tall man smiled faintly and said, "What does it look like? Don't you know when you hear it?"

Yan Yunqiu sneered and said, "Yes, let's listen carefully, and read your masterpiece. We promise not to laugh."

The thin and tall man also sneered, and said, "Then you just listen. "How about Dai Zongfu? Qi Lu Qing is not here."

Although they cannot fully understand the meaning of the first three poems, they absolutely believe that the first three poems will also be extraordinary.

As for the Yayun Poetry Club, although they promised that they would never laugh, after the thin and tall man had read the first poem, Yan Yunqiu and some of the Yayun Poetry Club still laughed unceremoniously.

After Yan Yunqiu laughed, he said, "Let me go, what do you mean by this poem? Isn't it because you think that combining some characters with a high degree of force together is a good poem?"

Others suddenly felt a sudden burst in their hearts. After pondering for a while, they all took a breath and looked at each other in disbelief, and then quickly stopped Yan Yunqiu and others from laughing, and said, "Brother Yan, everyone. Brother, don't laugh, this poem seems not that simple."

After Yan Yunqiu and others listened to it, they were quite unconcerned. With this mess of poems, how could it not be simple?

Yan Yunqiu and others were laughing, while the thin and tall man and others secretly despised, "Cut! What kind of professional poet do you even say you are a professional poet, why can't you understand this poem?"

The thin and tall man sneered, and continued to say: "Fortune Bell is a **** show, yin and yang cut into the dark."


Yan Yunqiu and some of the people from Yayun Poetry Society who just laughed, heard this sentence, their hearts also burst, and they stopped laughing.


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