"What's the matter? Tell me what's the matter. Why are my fish, my crab and my shrimp all dead?"

In the hall, SUN Hao's roar spread all over the restaurant.

"Mr. Sun, I, I don't know what's going on... It hasn't been like this before." A man pointed to his nose by SUN Hao wants to cry without tears. Usually, the fish live well in the aquarium. Who knows why they all die today?

"Do you think you've killed these fish, you say, you say!" SUN Hao wanted to kick each other. The total price of these fish was more than 100000.

A hundred thousand. All the fresh seafood that can make a net profit of one hundred thousand are dead.

If dozens of dead, the kitchen can secretly sell live fish, but now the number is too much, his restaurant simply can't deal with it.

"Mr. Sun is wronged. How dare I do that. What's more, there is monitoring in the shop. Who dares to do that? "

"Get out of here, get out of here." SUN Hao roared and ran to his office.

He felt that it was not natural for his fish to die in batches. Someone must have killed the fish in his shop on purpose.

However, after watching the surveillance, he found that the fish in his shop died one after another, like a plague.

"No way. How could that be?" SUN Hao's face turned pale and he couldn't believe what he saw.

After a few puffs, SUN Hao calmed down. The loss has been caused, and the customers who are already eating in the shop will know that if it comes out, his restaurant's reputation will be ruined.

Now it's the world of the Internet. Customers' comments are open to the outside world. If today's diners say that their restaurant uses dead fish, it's not far from closing.

Quickly pick up the mobile phone, SUN Hao quickly let people send a batch of new live seafood.

After the phone call, SUN Hao went back to the hall, called a few waiters, and said in a loud voice, "all the fish have been fished out and thrown away. We only use live fish in our shop, and all the shrimps, crabs and shellfish have been poured out."

In spite of the blood in his heart, he had to do so. Because some guests have gathered in the hall, asking if they have just eaten dead fish.

"Boss, are these really thrown away?" A chef took a puzzled look at SUN Hao. From time to time, he said that the live fish outside were used to pretend. The dead fish in the kitchen were always used. Besides, these fish have just died and are quite fresh.

"Don't you understand me? I told you to throw it all away, and then the water tank cleaned, disinfected and replaced with new seawater." SUN Hao black face reprimand a, then said: "soon there will be new seafood shipped over, hurry to deal with."

Just then, Chu Yi stepped forward and patted SUN Hao on the shoulder.

SUN Hao wanted to curse, but he was shocked when he saw that it was Chu Yi.

"Mouse, do you really want these fish?" Chu Yi pretends to look at SUN Hao heartily, but his heart is happy to bloom.

Damn, if you want to kill me, I can't compensate you!

"No, no, it's all dead fish. What am I doing here?" SUN Hao pretended to be calm and said, slowly away from Chu Yi.

"What a pity. If you throw them away, you might as well give them to me. They are all just dead fish. What a pity to throw them away." Chu Yi said that on purpose.

After listening to Chu Yi's words, SUN Hao felt that his heart ached badly. A hundred thousand, my hundred thousand!

"Since it's your brother, how can I refuse? I'll give you everything. However, you can take it back to the villagers, but you can't sell it. It will damage my reputation. "

SUN Hao is very good at surface work, while the customers were watching, he quickly brushed a wave of favor.

Then, he specially said to the diners, "please rest assured that we use the freshest seafood in the restaurant every day. There will never be any adulteration. I hope you can supervise it more."

It has to be said that SUN Hao said so, the customers immediately gave a cheer, and then scattered one by one, went back to eat the food processed with dead fish on their table.

Half an hour later, Chuyi's tricycle was full of seafood from SUN Hao's shop.

"Mouse, don't send it. You can't leave even if there's such a big problem in the shop." Chu Yi holds a cigarette in his mouth and waves to SUN Hao.

Send, send NIMA B. I love my fish. Even if I die, I can sell them for forty or fifty thousand in La Cai market!

SUN Hao scolded in his heart, but forced a smile on his face.

Not far away from Chu Yi, he began to sing.

Host: Chu Yi

Primary energy: 25.2419

Number of points: 1

Optimization progress: 0 / 10000

Seeing that the energy above has reached 25, Chu Yi is not happy.

Today, he not only got so much energy, but also seven or eight hundred jin seafood, which made SUN Hao lose a lot of money.

Humming all the way, Chu Yi drove the car home.

"Chu family boy, where did you get this truck of fish?" Li Lianzhi looks at the seafood full of the car and says hello to Chu Yi.

"Auntie Li, these fish are from others. They are just dead. I'll pick some big ones for you." With that, Chu Yi turned over in the body of the car.

"Who is so generous to send so many fish? Oh, it's red melon seeds." Li Lianzhi also stood by the car and turned over a few times.

"Auntie, you have to choose what you like. Anyway, you don't need money." Chu Yi grinned, but his eyes drifted to the courtyard of the Wang family.

My mind is full of the beautiful scene with Zhang qiaolu this morning.

"I really don't want any money, so I'll take a bucket and pick out some." Li Lianzhi was overjoyed and quickly turned back to get the bucket.

"Aunt Li, I'll help you..." Chu Yi thought about Zhang qiaolu in her heart, so she took the opportunity to follow her. At ordinary times, he didn't dare to go into Wang's yard, but today with these fish as the foundation, he didn't worry about Aunt Li's giving him cold eyes.

"Chuyi, you came back just in time. I was just about to call you."

Just entering the Wang's house, Chu Yi sees Li cunxing, the old village head, staring at himself happily. In addition to Zhang qiaolu, whom Chu Yi wants to meet, there is a strange girl.

No need to guess, Chu Yi knew that this strange girl was their new branch secretary in Dongji village.

"Village head, what can I do for you?" Chu Yi didn't know to ask a sentence inside, but the vision floated to Zhang qiaolu and that new branch secretary body.

At this time, Chu Yi felt that what sun qiaolu said today was right. The new branch secretary is indeed very beautiful, a bit like Zhao Liying, but his face should be more delicate, which is really a rare beauty.

"This comrade Qin Yue is the new village Party branch secretary of our village. You two will set up a stage together and introduce yourself quickly." With that, Li cunxing frowned at Chu Yi.

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