"Are you really a doctor?" Qin Yue still doesn't believe in Chu Yi. After all, he looks like a little fisherman. His skin is dark and strong. He can't get in touch with the doctor.

Chu Yi didn't pay attention to Qin Yue. It's meaningless to just talk about it.

After carrying Zhao Yuefen home, Chu Yi pushes open a wooden door.

Seeing what was inside, Qin Yue believed it.

There are shelves on all sides, on which there are all kinds of medicines, and more of them are Chinese herbal medicines.

Let Zhao Yuefen lie on the wooden bed, Chu Yi took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

"Sister Yuefen, bear it. It hurts a little." Chu Yi said gently.

"It's OK. Just come on. There's no pain like when you have a baby." Zhao Yuefen smiles and says it calmly.

"Well." Chu Yi nodded and began to deal with the wound on Zhao Yuefen's forehead. Blood, has stopped, as long as clean up the wound, eliminate a poison, there is no special treatment place.

But Chu Yi knows that the injury on her body is the key.

Zhao Yuefen didn't even frown. She was calm in the whole process.

On the other hand, Li Youwang, who was standing at the door, kept humming and hawing all the time.

"Don't you mean to have an injection, that's all right?" Qin Yue saw that Chu Yi helped Zhao Yuefen up and wrinkled his head again.

She felt that Chu Yi seemed to be a little perfunctory.

"Sister, go in and have a skin test. Then you can see for yourself that there are several injuries on your body. I'll give you some medicine to wipe them. It won't hurt in two days." Chu Yi helped Zhao Yuefen up, and then raised a curtain, in which there was a small room.

"Yes, please." Zhao Yuefen stood up, because her buttocks are very mellow. When she twisted, her buttocks were shaking, and Qin Yue's eyes were straight.

She used to keep fit when she was at school. She also met some girls who specialized in hip training, but compared with Zhao Yuefen, she couldn't see it at all.

It must be great to touch such a butt!

Qin Yue's heart suddenly came up with such an idea, and then his eyes couldn't help sweeping to Chu Yi's body. Because she wanted to feel it with her hands, but Chu Yi was calm.

"Come here and lie down." Chu Yi points to Li Youwang, then goes to one of the medicine racks, takes a needle tube and liquid medicine, and follows Zhao Yuefen into the inner room.

The curtain was lowered and only two people's shoes could be seen.

Qin Yue found that the two people on both sides seem to stick very close.

Near, of course near, Chu Yi almost all pasted on Zhao Yuefen.

Because the space inside is very small, you can only put down a bamboo bed.

"Sister Fen, roll up your sleeves. I'll do a skin test for you first. If there is no allergic reaction, you can break the cold."

"Well, can we not have an injection?" Zhao Yuefen blinked at Chu Yi with a pathetic look.

Pain is not afraid, but the feeling of needle, she is very afraid.

"You've got mud on your forehead, and there's a deep scratch. There's a possibility of tetanus infection, so you have to fight it. Don't be careless, sister Fen. If you get tetanus, it's very dangerous and will kill you. " Chu Yi explained very carefully, because he had learned too many cases in school.

"This is so serious?" Zhao Yuefen was startled by Chu Yi's remarks, and then quickly rolled up her sleeve.

"Don't think I'm scaring you. If it's really infected, it will cost at least 100000 yuan to cure it." Chu Yi knows that Zhao Yuefen may not agree with how serious the disease is, which is also a common fault of many people who have not received higher education.

But they can accept the cost of treatment, because the amount is too high for them to bear.

Sure enough, hearing Chu Yi say so, Zhao Yuefen's face changed.

Not only she, but also Li Youwang outside the door was frightened by the number Chu Yi said: "beat, beat her quickly, or you'll have to wait to die."

"Wait half an hour to see if you can play." Chu Yi pricked a needle and then withdrew from it.

After withdrawing, Chu Yi took some Chinese herbal medicine and put it in the pot to grind it.

"I can't mend your tooth. I'll go to town and pay for it." Chu Yi looked up at Li Youwang, who was sitting there looking a little uneasy, and said with an eyebrow.

"No, no, I'll do it myself. I'll do it myself." Li Youwang was shocked by Chu Yi's force. He didn't dare to ask for Chu Yi's money. He quickly waved his hand and refused.

Chu Yi doesn't talk nonsense with him either. After making the medicine, he takes out a wine bottle and mixes the powder with some liquid.

"Pull up the clothes."

Li Youwang did as he did. He pulled up his clothes and then turned his head away. He didn't dare to look at Chu Yi's eyes.

Chu Yi took the opportunity to take a look and found that there was an area in Li Youwang's abdomen that had turned red.

If there is no medicine, it is estimated that it will be bruised tomorrow.

Without saying a word, Chu Yi put the medicine in his hand on Li Youwang and rubbed it hard.

Li Youwang took a cold breath in pain, biting his clothes to death, and didn't seem to dare to call out.

"Well, don't touch the water these three days. A man is not as good as a woman. " After that, Chu Yi took out some money from his pocket, counted eight and handed it to Li Youwang.

"Take it to fill your teeth. Remember, next time you bully Yuefen, it won't be so light today."

Li Youwang looked at Chu Yi and the 800 yuan in his hand.

"Take it if you want. Now go to the dentist in town. If you let me know that you drink with this money, I will not throw you into the sea for a few days and nights. " After that, Chu Yi uses money to shake Li Youwang's face.

He really might take the money to drink in the town, and then fight Zhao Yuefen when he comes back.

"No, it won't be." Where dare Li Youwang? He didn't want the money. But seeing Chu Yi's eyes, he knew he couldn't do without it.

Qin Yue looks at Chu Yi and Li Youwang who left Chu's home.

Overbearing, Qin Yue feel Chu Yi this person is very overbearing, proper village bully, how can such a person become his own work partner?

"Secretary Qin, there is nothing else to do here. Do you want to find out with the old village head?"

"Well." Qin Yue glanced at Chu Yi, then answered.

First, Li Youwang, and then himself.

Is the relationship between the two impure?

This is a matter of one's style.

If there is such a problem, how can we be qualified to run for the village committee director?

No, for the development of Dongji village, I absolutely need to find out the character of Chu Yi.

Thinking, Qin Yue quietly quit the private consulting room of Chu Yi, and then closed the door.

But she did not leave, but around the back door of the Chu family, because there is a window, just suitable for their own inquiry.

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