Looking for a cheap Shaxian, Chu Yi ordered a mixed flour for himself, then asked Zhang qiaolu to order one himself, and packed a takeout for Li Lianzhi.

After eating enough, Zhang qiaolu realized that Chu Yi was actually staying for his own meal, because he ate two.

"OK, I'll go back to get things first. You can go up and take care of Aunt Li first. Remember, don't think about it. I'm in charge of everything. " After that, Chu Yi didn't stay any longer. He found a motorcycle at the door of the hospital and went back to the village to help Zhang qiaolu get things.

Just back in the village, Chu Yi found a group of villagers gathered in Zhang qiaolu's home.

"Well, Chu Yi is back." A village woman called out, drawing everyone's attention in the past.

"Chu Yi, what's the matter? I heard that an ambulance has entered the village. Who is sick? Is it serious?"

"Whether it's Lianzhi or qiaolu, I think their doors are open."

"Oh, how lucky the Li family is! No good thing will fall on them. Now it's not easy for the two of them to live. What's the matter with God? "

"Be quiet and listen to me." Chu Yi raises hand, pressed pressure, signal everybody is quiet.

"Today, an ambulance came to the village. It was aunt Lianzhi. She had a bad heart, but her life was not in danger. Now, she has been hospitalized in the hospital. In a few days, she can go back to the village to play cards with you. Do you have any questions? "

"It's good that there's no life in danger. Everybody heard that. There's no life in danger."

"Fortunately, Chu Yi is in the village. If he didn't rescue her in time, Lianzhi would be gone. By the way, Chu Yi, how many floors is Lianzhi on in the county hospital? We're going to visit. "

"It's on the third floor, bed 21. I'll just get something." Chu Yi told everyone about the ward, and then went into Zhang qiaolu's room.

Zhang qiaolu lives on the left side of the second floor. When she got married, Chu Yi went to her wedding room to make a bridal chamber. At that time, Chu Yi was a junior in high school. He felt that Zhang qiaolu was not very beautiful. He thought that if he could marry a beautiful daughter-in-law like Zhang qiaolu, his life would be worth it.

But in the twinkling of an eye, five years later, Chu Yi also failed to realize his original wish.

Push open the room, Chu Yi smelled a light fragrance, if not for his nose is particularly sensitive, simply can't smell out.

Zhang Qiaolu can't use perfume, nor can he afford it. The smell should be her own.

There was no furniture in the room. It wasn't like this when I got married. I had a TV, a cabinet and a dresser. But later, I sold it to the villagers at a low price and raised money to cure her father-in-law.

A dozen of Zhang qiaolu's clothes are hanging on a bamboo. Each one looks very old, but they are washed very clean.

There are also some cartons, which should be filled with clothes she doesn't usually wear, or close fitting clothes.

Just as he wanted to roll up Zhang qiaolu's quilt, Chu Yi's mobile phone received a wechat message.

Qiao'er: can you bring me a pair of shorts and sanitary napkins? I'm here. Please.

Not easy: where to put it? I just arrived at your house.

Qiao Er: in the Yellow carton

Not easy: OK, what else do you want?

Qiao'er: not for the time being

Not easy: OK, when I get back.

Put away the mobile phone, Chu Yi will open the Yellow carton, which only put some underwear.

"It's still wearable. It's broken like this?" Chu Yi turned over and found that these underwear were old and different, and each pair of shorts had several holes.

Chu Yi picked one and, by the way, recorded Zhang qiaolu's size. He was going to buy some for her in the county.

This is close fitting clothes. Zhang qiaolu's clothes are very unsanitary and easy to cause infection.

After finding a clean bag, Chu Yi rolls Zhang qiaolu's quilt and leaves her room.

Back at home with some things, Chu Yi rode a tricycle toward the county hospital.

On the way, he met the villagers who went to visit Li Lianzhi together, and Chu Yi took a few actions together, which was a little difficult.

After arriving at the hospital, Chu Yi also asked Zhang qiaolu for an escort bed, and paid three days in advance, so that Zhang qiaolu and Li Lianzhi could squeeze the bed together to save money.

People in the village came to see them one after another, some carrying fruits, some carrying eggs, and some promising to catch ducks to make up for them after Li Lianzhi was discharged from hospital.

This can move Zhang qiaolu and Wang Lianzhi a step confused, naturally can't help wiping tears this kind of thing.

When these villagers left, they would give some money to Li Lianzhi, saying that they would buy nutrition for her. Some gave her 50, some gave her 100, and almost every family had their share.

Only in the countryside can we feel this kind of neighborhood.

Chu Yi grew up in such an atmosphere when he was a child. When he came to a big city and saw the cold human feelings, his idea of returning to his hometown became more firm.

At about ten o'clock in the night, the villagers all went back.

Wang Lianzhi was also tired. As soon as the last wave of villagers left, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, snoring.

She is the only patient in this ward, but she is quiet.

"No, this is what you want. Go and change it. I haven't moved all night. My legs are numb." Chu Yi takes out a bag from the center of the quilt and hands it to Zhang qiaolu, which contains what she needs.

"Thank you." Zhang qiaolu whispered, and her face was covered with rosy clouds.

In addition to shyness, Zhang qiaolu's heart is moved.

In the evening, Chu Yi greets the villagers all the time. She gets blood in her pants because of the moon. She is embarrassed to stand up and can only sit still and massage Li Lianzhi.

Now it seems that Chu Yi found his embarrassment and did so.

After she goes to the bathroom to change, Zhang qiaolu finds that Chu Yi is not in the ward.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to send a wechat to Chu Yi to ask him where he had gone.

It's just that as soon as she finished typing, she deleted it.

Not suitable. Her identity is not suitable to ask Chu Yi.

Today, Chu Yi is tired enough. Maybe he has gone back to rest.

Zhang qiaolu took a few deep breaths, then spread the quilt on the folding bed, ready to rest.

Strangely enough, she was so sleepy that she couldn't sleep.

In my mind, Chu Yi left the hospital this evening with the words: it's not easy to repay, just follow my brother.

Her ears, more and more hot, as if Chu Yi is attached to her ears, blowing heat, said such a sentence.

Her heart, more and more chaotic, faster and faster.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Chu Yi put his head in.

"Qiao Er Sao, you come out for a while."

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