Chu Yi found that his hand went directly through the gate.

It seems that this door is just a virtual shadow, there is no real door.

But he didn't know that he had passed the test of the door.

Chu Yi looked back at Xi Yin and Xi Yan, nodded to them, and then took a step.

"Go in, sister. Brother Chuyi really went in. That's great." Xi Yan looked at Chu Yi "through" the gate and said excitedly.

"I hope he can come out safely. During this time, we are here. " Xi Yin hugged his sister and said it gently.

Over there, Chu Yi found himself in a black passage.

"Little dragon, can you hear me, little dragon?" Chu Yi called a few times, because when he looked back, he found that the door was missing, and he was standing in the middle of a passage.

"Little dragon, can you hear me?" Chu Yi is a little worried, yells out loud, and pats the communication bracelet on his hand.

Little Dragon said that anywhere in the world, even if you go to the moon, you can contact little dragon.

As a result, NIMA was unable to get in touch after entering a door.

"Fortunately, I'm ready to take everything with me. Otherwise, if I'm trapped in such a place and can't find a way out, I'll be trapped here." Chu Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Xiaoyou, come out." Chu Yi called a small excellent, feel even if there is a small excellent accompany in his side, also not so terrible some.

Otherwise, I'm in a claustrophobic place, and I'm really worried about my psychological problems.

"Master, where is this? There are strange fluctuations." As soon as Xiao you came out, he frowned.

"It's called Dragon Cave. I don't know exactly where it is." Chu Yi curled his lips. After all, no one has ever been to the Dragon Cave.

"The time here seems to be different. It seems to be very slow, very slow." Xiaoyou went on.

"Oh, time is very slow?" Chu Yi had some differences, and then he ran forward quickly.

Since it is a passage, there must be an end.

Maybe the door is at the end of the passage.

"Well, according to the rough step of the system, the time here is more than 400 times slower than that outside." Xiaoyou gives a general figure.

"You mean I've spent 400 days here and only one day outside?" Chu Yi stares big eye clear, this difference is not general big.

"That's understandable." Small advantage nodded, the Chu Yi was all stunned.

Such a big difference is incredible.

If you want to put a bottle of wine here and come in for half a year, isn't it all old wine?

Darling, if we make good use of this place, it will be a great achievement.

For example, qingshuizhe No.1, which is used to cultivate itself, only needs half a day.

If you don't say anything else, just rush at this point, Chu Yi will fall in love with this Dragon Cave.

"Xiaoyou, is the air here poisonous? Is the composition of oxygen different from that outside?" Chu Yi thinks that this is also more important. If there is harmful gas in the air, he will take out his own oxygen cylinder from the system space.

He only prepared 20 bottles, which made the owners of a diving equipment shop in the county very happy. In the past, he used to rent it, and no one even wanted a bottle of gas, which made him a lot of money.

"The air test shows that the air here is much better than that outside. There is no pollution at all. It is most suitable for human breathing. Yes, there is a biological support system. "

Hearing Xiaoyou's answer, Chu Yi was relieved.

There's no problem with the air. There's only one food left. If he can't get out for a while, Chu Yi can stay here for three months.

Because he prepared enough food for himself for three or four months.

"It's strange that this passage is too long. I've been running for such a long time and there's no end to it?" Chu Yi murmured, thinking that it's good to have Xiaoyou. Otherwise, he didn't know how far he had run.

"Xiaoyou, how far have I run? Can you scan where is the end in front of me?"

"Master, you have run 421 meters since you started running. There are 341 meters in front of you."

"It's only 421 meters. It's impossible. I feel like I've been running for more than ten minutes. At my speed, isn't it?" Chu Yi frowned, some don't believe small excellent words.

"It's because the time here is different from that outside, which makes the host feel puzzled. In fact, according to the time here, only more than one minute has passed. "

Chu Yi quickened his pace, but he was worried.

People's spirit is sometimes very weak, especially when they are lonely for a long time.

I feel more than ten minutes in one minute. If it's one day, isn't it more than ten days?

Well, if you want to stay for a month, I'm afraid you're going crazy, right?

Chu Yi thought, while speeding up, he wanted to find the door out.

Finally, after a period of time, Chu Yi saw a door, a red door.

In front of the door sat a skeleton.

"Is it the dragon clan?" Chu Yi squatted in front of the skeleton and carefully observed it.

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