In addition to the heart can not accept, Chu Yi also had to face the reality.

Go back, walk 20000 meters, and return to the place where you met Chu Cheng's remains. Is it meaningful?

Chu Yi felt that it was meaningless. At most, he had to go one more time.

He especially regretted that he didn't bring in some UAVs and other equipment. Maybe from a different perspective, there will be new discoveries.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of movies on my mobile phone, books and enough food." Chu Yi comforted himself, moved things out of the system space, and then made a style of staying here for a long time.

The simple hot pot is playing and the small wine is drinking.

Chu Yi felt that if he was not trapped here, he would be very comfortable.

After having enough wine and food, Chu Yi takes out a sleeping bag and sleeps peacefully.

Anyway, it's a fact to be trapped here. If the mentality collapses, it will really go crazy.

Therefore, he did so in order to adjust his mind.

When he woke up the next day, Chu Yi Ran in the opposite direction.

No matter it is futile or not, there must be some action, at least not to let yourself idle. If you can't find the exit, you will have nothing to do sooner or later.

The time inside goes too fast. After a month outside, it's been many years inside.

After running to the other end, Chu Yi looked for another circle and didn't find any mechanism. Or he couldn't find it.

Chu Yi touched every inch of the door and the place near it, and even let the system use the scanning function.

But the result is the same, no harvest.

Unconsciously, Chu Yi has been here for ten days.

Ten days, for the outside, is just a few minutes.

Maybe, Xiyin and Xiyan are still chatting at the door.

"Ten days, I can still run back and forth, I think it's very breaking. What kind of mood is that of a prisoner?" Chu Yi murmured to himself, for the prisoners. It should be very painful to be in prison. Why go to the palace again?

Just as he was talking to himself, Chu Yi suddenly heard a movement.

The door rose slowly.

"That's it?" Chu Yi thought that he was hallucinating and patted his face.

"Xiaoyou, are you there?" Chu Yi decides to call Xiaoyou out to see if he is dreaming.

"Our host is always at your service." Small excellent to Chu Yi Yi Li, the face took a smile to say a sentence.

"Unfortunately, you are just a projection, otherwise we would not be so boring here." Looking at the appearance of small excellent, Chu Yi couldn't help licking his tongue.

In the past, I often heard people say that I haven't seen a woman for many years, and I would race Diao cicada when I saw a sow. This time, he really had such an experience.

It's only ten days. He has an idea for Xiaoyou. If I really stay here for a few years, I'm afraid I'll do all kinds of things to Xiaoyou that have no lower limit.

One day in the future, he will be embarrassed to use Xiaoyou as a system assistant.

Patted clean buttocks, Chu Yi stood up and stepped toward the door.

Then, he was stupid.

"This simple hot pot is mine, isn't it?" Chu Yi goes through the door and sees the pot he left at the other end.

"Feelings, in a circular channel?" Chu Yi can't help roaring out his anger.

He thought he could go out or get to another place.

However, after the door opened, it turned out to be the place where he stayed yesterday.

He had a feeling of being teased, but he could not vent his dissatisfaction and anger.

At this time, Chu Yi heard a sound coming from a distance, which seemed to be the sound of water flow.

Without saying a word, Chu Yi ran away in the direction of the sound.

Almost half of the way, Chu Yi found that on the gray wall, there was a door, a kind of door when entering the Dragon Cave, with a dragon shaped pattern.

Without saying a word, Chu Yi put his hand on it.

At first the touch was hard and cold, but soon it became soft.

As he thought, his hand went straight through the door.

After a moment's hesitation, Chu Yi went through the door.

He wanted to know what was behind the door.

Yes, you can go through it and leave.

As soon as he went through it, Chu Yi felt that he was empty, and the whole person "fell.".

"Xiaoyou, is this place upside down?" Chu Yi quickly looked around, this place is very big, it looks very empty.

It's like putting a football into an indoor football field. Football, too small.

"The space here is really strange. Master, please be careful and protect your life. Once the owner dies, the system will fall asleep. " Xiaoyou seems worried.

"It's amazing that it's the opposite of the outside passage? The ground here is on the top of the passage. It's interesting. " Chu Yi murmured to himself and took a look at Xiao you.

Without her prompt, Chu Yi would be careful.

Now, he is very reluctant to bury himself here.

This place is called Dragon Cave, not dragon tomb.

"It seems to take a long time to look for such a big one." The most important thing Chu Yi needs now is time. The time inside is different from that outside.

"It's impossible to have nothing. What on earth did the Dragon build this place for?" Chu Yi opened the ability of farsightedness and talked to himself.

The sound is far away, and then it is very loud.

The more open it is, the easier it is to cause this phenomenon.

"But there seems to be a bulge in the middle." Chu Yi looked around, found a difference, and quickly ran towards the middle.

"This is a tomb of NIMA?"

After going to the middle, Chu Yi was stunned.

In the middle, there is a round "Tomb", which is completely transparent.

Inside, there is a man.

For the time being, call it human.

It's the first time that Chu Yi faced the dragon people.

It's a giant. It's at least three meters tall, and it's very big.

In terms of appearance, there is no difference between human beings. It's just an enlarged version of human beings.

Yao Ming is thinner than the dragon in it.

Because, the dragon is very big, just like the giant in the legend.

"Slafeng, the son of the magic dragon, and the adherents of Zixing, fell on the occasion of escape. This tomb is specially set up."

Chu Yi looked at the inscription below and read it out.

"I know their words?" Chu Yi felt a little incredible. He didn't know when he could understand the characters of the Dragon nationality.

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