"Little dragon, does the dragon have cloning technology?" Chu Yi felt that if the dragon's technology was so advanced, if he could learn the dragon's cloning technology, he might completely rewrite the history of human medicine.

For example, organ cloning, if this problem is solved, the human mortality rate can be reduced. In addition, life can be extended a lot.

Of course, there may be war behind this.

After all, the resources of an earth are limited.

"Cloning?" The little dragon was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head.

"No, the Dragon doesn't have this technology. At least in my database, I don't have any information about cloning technology, not even related information." Little dragon seems to know what Chu Yi is up to, and his eyes are shining.

"Well, I think the dragon clan has more advanced technology. If it doesn't, I'll have to do it by myself. You can collect this information for me, and then help me steal some equipment."

"Steal?" Little dragon Leng for a moment, steal a word, it naturally know what it means.

But I never did.

"Yes, don't you have teleportation capability. This ability is not only effective for living people, is it? So, as long as I need the equipment, you can help me steal it to the Dragon Palace. Do you understand? " Chu Yi winked at the little dragon.

After all, a lot of equipment, not you want to buy, people will sell. Many countries have imposed a technical blockade on China. So, steal, Chu Yi thinks best. Anyway, the little dragon can be silent. Why not steal it?

"As long as you give orders, I can carry them out." The little dragon thinks that this pot still needs Chu Yi to carry. It's just the executor.

"Collect the cloning technology for me first, and see which laboratories have already had very successful examples." Chu Yi knows that many countries do not allow the use of cloning technology, but there will still be secret research. After all, morality is related to longevity, and capitalists definitely choose the latter.

"Yes, my master." The little dragon threw the dragon's tail at Chu Yi and began the work arranged by Chu Yi.

It's a powerful intelligent system that can operate countless things at the same time.

"Also, prepare to help me to prepare the base liquid of LONGYE." Chu Yi gives another task, which is the best thing for little dragon.

"Finally, open up a big space for me, and I'm going to build a super laboratory here." Chu Yi felt that the cloning laboratory, as well as more high-end laboratories, could be put in the Dragon Palace.

This is the safest and least likely place to reveal secrets.

If his heart is hard enough, we can catch some experts here to help him do research. However, he can't do such inhuman things.

Little dragon's action is very fast, soon to Chu Yi whole out of a big laboratory.

Because the movement is too big, it also attracts Xiyin and Xiyan.

"Brother Chu Yi, what are you doing? I feel that the whole dragon palace is shaking. It's not going to fly to the universe, is it?" Xi Yan blinks his eyes and looks at Chu Yi. His eyes are full of curiosity.

"No, now the Dragon Palace doesn't have the ability to fly. Just now, I asked little dragon to prepare a laboratory for me. " Chu Yi explained a sentence, touched Xi Yan's small brain.

When he thought of space, Chuyi thought of the moon.

Maybe I can use the super space-time transmission technology of dragon palace to send myself, Xiyin and Xiyan to the moon to feel the feeling of landing on the moon.

As a result, the little dragon asked Chu Yi to stop thinking.

Because it takes a lot of energy to carry out such an ultra long distance transmission.

The energy output of Longgong's energy reactor is very small, and there is no way to carry out this level of transmission.

At the beginning, the Dragon Palace was abandoned because of the failure of the energy reactor and the damage of the propeller. Otherwise, the dragon clan will not give up the Dragon Palace of Qinglong level.

"Little dragon, how can you repair the energy reactor of dragon palace? Can't you make a repair robot?" Chu Yi thinks that the dragon palace can be saved.

"The repair of the energy reactor is very slow, and only certain mechanical personnel can carry out the repair in it. Now, there is only one robot in it for maintenance, so it will take a long time. "

Chu Yi looked at the little dragon's eyes, probably poor, this long estimate is a hundred years as a unit.

After all, it has been restored for thousands of years, and it still looks like this bird. No wonder it was abandoned by its original owner.

Fortunately, it has been repaired for thousands of years, otherwise there is no way to use it.

The little dragon has searched all over the world, and no other Dragon Palace exists.

In fact, Chu Yi did not think so. After all, none of the little dragons in the Dragon tomb were found, indicating that the little dragon may not be able to perceive or discover other dragon palaces.

Chu Yi thinks that Xi Yin can pay more attention to it.

When Yu Xiyan arrives, Chu Yi plans to turn her into a science maniac. Because she has the potential.

For example, the cloning technology, Chu Yi thinks, can teach Xi Yan first.

She's going to be interested.

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