"Village head of Chu, is he at home?" There was a sound outside the yard.

"Yes." Chu Yi pokes out her head and finds a woman standing outside the yard with her child in her arms.

Chu Yi didn't know this man.

Therefore, she is not a villager of Dongji village.

Chu Yi hurried downstairs, feeling that the other party might be looking for his own doctor.

"Mr. Chu, please take a look at my son for me. He has had fever repeatedly in the past half a month and has not been cured in hospital."

"Come on in, I'll see." Chu Yi took a look at each other and found that they were driving a red BMW and were very fashionable. They didn't look like people from the nearby fishing village.

"Do you have a list of hospital tests?" While listening to the pulse, Chu Yi asked the anxious woman in front of him.

"Yes, yes. It's in the car. I'll take it for you." With that, the other party immediately turned out and went back to the car to get the checklist.

"You're pretending to be sick, aren't you?" Chu Yi suddenly winked at the little girl, a pulse, he knew that the girl repeated fever does not exist.

"You're bullshit. I'm sick." The little girl changed her face and insisted that she was ill.

"Do you want me to tell your mother, or do you want me to help you hide it?" Chu Yi asked in a low voice, the little girl is seven or eight years old, not like that kind of childish.

But he was a little curious about how she managed to convince her mother that she really had a fever.

Is it hard, or do you think you're wrong?

"Help me." The little girl muttered, not daring to speak out. Because her mother has come back with the checklist.

"Here, little doctor, you must help you cure my daughter, please." The woman's tearful eyes were whirling, so she almost didn't kneel down to Chu Yi.

"Don't worry. I just looked at it. Your daughter's condition is not so serious." With that, Chu Yi looked through the inspection record.

In addition to the first examination for influenza, the subsequent examination was normal.

It can only be said that the doctor who treated the little girl didn't tell the truth.

"Well, is my daughter OK?"

Maybe Chu Yi's calmness made the woman feel at ease. When she asked this, she was obviously calmer.

"Well, it's not serious." Chu Yi said a word, and looked at the little girl by the way, and found that she used innocent eyes to ask for help, and then said: "but we can't ignore that many serious diseases are because we don't care about minor diseases. I'll give her a few patches of medicine first. If you go back and give her some for a few days, it should be stable. "

"That would be great, little doctor. Thank you. Thank you very much." The woman grabbed Chu Yi's hand and said excitedly.

Chu Yi drew his hand back, returned to his seat, spread out a piece of paper and wrote the prescription.

Anyway, he is so scribbled that he can't understand it, so he is not afraid that the other party will see what the prescription is.

Although the little girl will not continue to have a fever, but the spleen and stomach are not good. Just give her some medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach.

"I don't have any fragrant sand here. Could you please go to the traditional Chinese medicine room in the county and buy half a catty so that I can make medicine for your daughter?" After the prescription, Chu Yi said something to the woman.

"Xiangsha, OK, I'll go right now." The woman nodded her head and left immediately.

"Please take care of my daughter. I'll be back soon." The woman seems not quite at ease, turn head to say with Chu Yi, then just leave.

When the car started and drove away, Chu Yi clapped his hands and said, "OK, your mother is gone. Now you can tell your brother the truth?"

"I'm sorry, Xiang'er shouldn't pretend to be sick or cheat her mother." Ling Xiang found that her mother was scared by herself, and she couldn't help lowering her head.

"Is your mother often away from home?" Chu Yi feels that Xiang'er's mother should be a businessman and may not be at home all the year round, so she wants to make her mother stay with her by pretending to be ill.

Today's children are ghosts, and Chu Yi doesn't doubt their means.

"Yes, my mother is outside every day. Xiang'er misses her mother so much that she will let the doctor cheat her mother... Brother, what should Xiang'er do now?" Ling Xiang grabs Chu Yi's big hand and looks at Chu Yi with her big eyes.

Well, it's being cute on purpose, trying to fool her mother by cooperating with her.

Chu Yi didn't expect that Ling Xiang's young age would have a beauty trick. No, it's cute.

After the story of the little girl, I know that the little girl's name is Lingxiang and her mother's name is Linglin. She is a single parent family. Her father abandoned her and her mother when she was two years old, so she later changed her name to her mother's.

In her early years, Ling Lin always stayed at home with Ling Xiang, so she was particularly attached to her mother. In the past three years, Ling Lin has been doing business in the city. She has less and less time to come back. Sometimes she can only come back once every two or three weeks.

Ling Xiang is in her grandmother's home, usually taken care of by her grandmother and nanny.

More and more sensible, she worried that her mother would find a new father for her, and then give birth to a younger brother or sister, so she was completely abandoned.

Once, Ling Lin came home with a man. Ling Xiang found that they were holding each other, so she was afraid that what she was worried about would become true immediately.

So, taking advantage of the school students got flu, Lingxiang went up every day, and finally got a cold.

During her stay in hospital, she persuaded the doctor, so she stayed in the hospital for half a month.

Ling Lin in order to cure Ling Xiang as soon as possible, back to take care of the business, just heard a relative said Chu Yi things, want to take his daughter to try.

After hearing Ling Xiang's story, Chu Yi can understand why the doctor is willing to help Ling Xiang. Because, she is very good at making use of her own advantages to make people sympathize.

What's more, she deserves sympathy. After all, she won't break the law and so on, so she doesn't need any psychological burden.

"Brother, can you help me? Now Xiang'er doesn't know what to do." Ling Xiang knows that it's definitely not the way to cheat.

Because if not today, my mother will let Grandma take her to the city to see a doctor tomorrow. To that place, Ling Xiang is not sure to persuade other doctors. In the end, they will only expose their original behavior and make their mother angry.

"Well, don't cry. I'll have a good talk with your mother and let her care more about you. However, you should promise your brother that you will not cheat your mother in the future. In this way, I won't tell your mother that you are pretending to be sick. " Chu Yi touches Ling Xiang's brain. After all, her mother will find out sooner or later if she deceives her. It's better to take this opportunity to cure Ling Xiang's illness.

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