Now the weather is very hot, and just now Qin Yue dragged a suitcase to Chu Yi's home. He had sweat on his body.

How could she bear the sticky feeling? Seeing Li cunxing leave, she locked the door of the room.

She also heard Li cunxing say that the door of Chu Yi's house is not closed. Anyone can come in. Therefore, the door of the room must be locked.

With a change of clothes, Qin Yue went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

After a while, Qin Yue found that there was a knock on the door. She was so scared that she quickly wrapped herself in a bath towel.

In my mind, I can't help but come up with some of the country novels I have read in school in the past. My inner fear is even stronger.

"Chu Yi, are you at home?"

A voice came through the door.

Qin Yue heard it. It was a woman's voice.

At this time, Qin Yue was relieved, went to the door, across the door: "I'm Qin Yue, Chu Yi, he went fishing, who are you?"

"Is it Qin Zhi Shu?" Outside, the voice of the woman came again.

"Yes, you are?" Qin Yue couldn't tell who was outside.

"I'm Zhang qiaolu, Qin Zhishu. How can you be in Chu Yi's home?" Zhang qiaolu is very puzzled, how can Qin Yue be in Chu Yi's house and lock the door.

No, Chu Yi and Qin Yue are in it

Think of here, Zhang qiaolu's face a red, immediately turned his head, ready to leave.

Just then, the door creaked open.

"Sister Lu, you're back. Is your mother-in-law OK?" Qin Yue stood at the door, looking at Zhang qiaolu, found her face red, immediately thought of the reason, his face also flew a red.

"I'm out of the hospital. There's no big problem." Zhang qiaolu takes a look at Qin Yue and wants to go into the room to see if Chu Yi is really not there.

If Chu Yi is here, she can die.

But, she really hoped, Chuyi wasn't in that room. Even Qin Yue had better not appear in Chu Yi's home.

Although, she knows, Qin Yue may be Chu Yi's favorite type, and the two are suitable.

"Well, I'm worried about you and your mother-in-law. By the way, what's the matter with Chu Yi? He's out to sea. If you have something urgent, you can call him After Qin Yue finished, she went to the room. After all, her hair was still wet, so she had to wipe it with a towel.

"No, nothing. Qin Zhishu, why are you here? " Zhang qiaolu has a peep. She has been to the second floor of Chu Yi's house before. This room has no bed.

"Oh, it was the old village head who ordered me to live here. He said it was not safe for me to live alone in the village committee building. I wanted to refuse, but I have no choice but to live here. " Qin Yue cheekily pushed the pot to Li cunxing. Although, the main reason is Li cunxing.

"Oh, the old village head did a good job. The village committee building is not inhabited by people. It's not only remote, but also smelly." Zhang qiaolu echoed, but there was something in her heart that was not so good.

Qin Yue can live in Chu Yi's house.

Can you do it yourself?

Obviously, I can't. It's inconvenient even to be furtive.

"There's nothing else. I'll go back first. My mother-in-law needs to be taken care of." Zhang qiaolu took a look at Qin Yue's snow-white skin and put away her eyes enviously.

She found that whether Zhao Yuefen or Qin Yue, their bodies are particularly white, white and pink. If you were a man, you would like this skin.

Unlike her, her skin is yellowish and rough.

After leaving Chu Yi's home, Zhang qiaolu calls Chu Yi.

However, it indicates that the other party is not in the service area.

This situation is very common at sea, unless the satellite phone is used.

Zhang qiaolu didn't think much. She came to find Chu Yi. She wanted to return the money returned by the hospital to Chu Yi first. Since Chu Yi has gone to sea, he can only wait until he comes back.

Qin Yue dried his hair, changed his clothes and went downstairs to Zhang qiaolu's home.

The room was empty and there was not even a wardrobe, so Qin Yue wanted to ask Zhang qiaolu where to buy a cheap and good-looking wardrobe.

Zhang qiaolu really knows about this. Because one of her mother-in-law's cousins is a furniture seller. At the beginning, the furniture she married her husband was bought by that cousin's family.

These years, the two families go quite frequently, so Zhang qiaolu immediately gave Qin Yue a mobile phone number and told her cousin's shop location.

Originally, Qin Yue wanted Zhang qiaolu to take her, but she was embarrassed to think that her mother-in-law Li Lianzhi had just been discharged.

However, she still brazenly borrowed Zhang qiaolu's electric tricycle.

In order to go to work in the countryside, she specially learned this thing. That's why I dare to borrow from Zhang qiaolu.

Looking at Qin Yue flexible driving tricycle to leave, Zhang qiaolu can't help but sigh.

"Sigh, what's the matter?" When Li Lianzhi heard Zhang qiaolu sigh, she couldn't help frowning.

"Mom, it's nothing, just a change of breath." Zhang qiaolu where to tell the truth, quickly found an excuse.

"How did Secretary Qin come out of Chu Yi's house? She and Chu Yi won't go together, will she?" Li Lianzhi looks at Zhang qiaolu suspiciously. She feels that her daughter-in-law sighs and has a lot to do with Qin Yue.

Otherwise, why didn't you sigh long ago, but Qin Yue had to leave to sigh?

"Mom, don't talk nonsense. Secretary Qin just lives in Chu Yi's house." Zhang qiaolu helped to explain, after all, this matter affects a girl's reputation, after all, is not a real hammer thing, how dare to say, spread.

"Well, it's my mother who made you wrong. If I had let you go earlier, I would not have been able to take advantage of the villagers. " Li Lianzhi shakes her head and lives in Chu Yi's house. Can she do anything?

She, can't believe, Chu Yi really can and the other party live in the same eaves.

"Mother, stop talking. Chu Yi is the head of the village now. Don't chew your tongue. It's not until Chu Yi tells us whether it's going to happen or not. " Zhang qiaolu still thinks that Chu Yi may have nothing to do with Qin Yue. After all, some time ago, she saw a girl as beautiful as Qin Yue come to Chu Yi.

No, not one. Two. Later came a more beautiful girl, with fairy like, also led a little girl to find Chu Yi.

Therefore, relying on Qin Yue's portrait, Zhang qiaolu thinks that Chu Yi should not be lost.

Of course, she also knows that this is her consolation.

After all, two people together, not necessarily because of each other's appearance. At the beginning, she fell in love with Li Guiping, not because he was handsome. On the contrary, Li Guiping is very ordinary, but Zhang qiaolu just likes her.

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