"Three thousand? What a pit Chu Yi didn't expect that uncle Hai would go to such a pit for three thousand one days. I went out to sea alone, not with tourists.

"Three thousand is already very cheap. You know, it's impossible to rent such a big boat in someone else's place without five thousand a day." Uncle Hai choked Chu Yi. After all, this is the price agreed by their village. The possibility of reducing the price is too low.

"It's for the travel company. I rent it for myself. Uncle Hai, it's not the same thing. " Chu Yi curled his lips and snuffed out the idea of renting Xinghai.

The best way is to buy Xinghai. Of course, if he wants money.

Xinghai, 33 meters long and 7.2 meters wide, sells for 6 million yuan. Even if we sell second-hand products now, it will cost at least 4 million. He really can't afford so much money.

He would like to know who encouraged the villagers of Zhangyu village to raise funds to buy it. This man is very capable. I'm afraid it's the shipyard people who really make money.

"Then you'd better continue to rent my boat." Uncle Hai showed a proud smile, after all, can earn a little is a little.

"Look again, there's something else to do today." Chu Yi also didn't agree directly, and the sea uncle said goodbye directly.

Before returning to the village, Chu Yi made a phone call to Zhang qiaolu. She wanted to ask if she had not been discharged. As a result, Zhang qiaolu tells Chu Yi that Li Lianzhi has been discharged.

Knowing that Chu Yi is in the county, Zhang qiaolu asks Chu Yi to have a look at Zhao Yuefen. After all, Zhao Yuefen's family doesn't know what's going on with her, and no one is around to take care of her.

Chu Yi naturally won't refuse. After hanging up the phone, he went to buy some things and visited Zhao Yuefen.

When finding the ward, Chu Yi finds Zhao Yuefen sobbing in a low voice.

Or he coughed twice, let Zhao Yuefen back to God.

Zhao Yuefen is still lying on the bed, after all, the wound behind her has not been completely healed.

"Chu, Chu Yi, why are you here? Sit down, sit down." Zhao Yuefen quickly wiped her tears and wanted to stand up. However, Chu Yi's hand was pressed on her shoulder, indicating that she did not need to get up.

"I happened to be free, and I was in the county, so I stopped by to see you." Chu Yi looks at the gaunt Zhao Yuefen and puts the fruit aside.

"How about recovery?" Chu Yi peels off a banana and hands it to Zhao Yuefen.

"All right, but the doctor refused to let me out of the hospital, saying that I would have to observe for a few days. Chu Yi, can you help me? I really can't stay in the hospital. The child hasn't been taken yet. " Zhao Yuefen wanted to leave the hospital for a long time, but the hospital didn't go through the formalities for her.

"Let me see." Chu Yi stood up and lifted the quilt.

Zhao Yuefen is still wearing a medical suit, so she can only see it clearly by lifting it up.

"When was the line removed?" Chu Yi looks at Zhao Yue Fen to still have some red and swollen wound, asked a sentence.

Her condition really needs to be observed and hospitalized. In case of infection, it's no small matter.

"It was just demolished at noon today. Can I leave the hospital?" Zhao Yuefen doesn't want to stay in the hospital for a moment. Staying here not only costs money, but also can't take care of her children.

Chu Yi did not speak, but communicated with the system.

"System, can we optimize the package of Zhao Yuefen's wound?" The last time Chu Yi helped Xiao Hui deal with the wound, he also optimized the cells in the wound.

So, he wanted to try to do it on people.

If you can, doesn't that mean that you can use the super optimization system to treat diseases?


The sound of the system rang in Chu Yi's mind.

This answer almost made Chu Yi jump up happily.

"It is recommended that the host use local scanning before optimization."

Chu Yi nodded and silently opened the local scan.

After that, Chu Yi felt as if he was looking at an electron microscope.

Because he saw a lot of cells moving.

These are undoubtedly the cells in Zhao Yuefen's wound.

"I'll talk to the doctor and see if I can arrange discharge. After discharge, I'll give you some Chinese medicine and wipe it. It'll be fine soon. " Chu Yi did not immediately optimize the cells in Zhao Yuefen's wound. After all, it was cured in an instant, which would make the county doctors suspect.

It's also persuasive to take Zhao Yuefen back and "treat" him with traditional Chinese medicine.

"Thank you very much." Zhao Yuefen did not expect that Chu Yi was really willing to help.

Chu Yi dials Ye Jiasheng in front of Zhao Yuefen. This hospital, Chu Yi also knew him.

"Chu Yi, how can you remember to call me? Is there another patient in the village?" Ye Jiasheng answered the phone and asked nervously.

It seems that I saw Chu Yi twice because someone needed to be hospitalized.

"Dr. ye, Zhao Yuefen in bed 33 on the fifth floor is my elder sister. Can she leave the hospital first? I want to take her back for treatment so that she can take care of her children." Chu Yi said the purpose directly, after all, detours are too troublesome.

"It's impossible for others to speak, but I believe in your medical skills. OK, you tell me the name of the doctor in charge. I'll call him and ask him to discharge you Ye Jiasheng remembers that Zhao Yuefen doesn't even have medical insurance. It's estimated that he doesn't want to bear medical expenses, so he wants to leave hospital.

However, he knew that the wound had begun to heal. If Chu Yi was there, there should be no infection. Therefore, ye Jiasheng felt that Zhao Yuefen's return would not affect his recovery.

After Chu Yi told ye Jiasheng the name of Zhao Yuefen's doctor, the doctor came in less than ten minutes.

After checking Zhao Yuefen, he tells Chu Yi that he will be discharged from the hospital.

After half an hour, Chu Yi left the hospital with Zhao Yuefen.

Before leaving, Chu Yi optimized the cells near Zhao Yuefen's wound.

Although it needs 1 point of energy, Chu Yi thinks it's worth it.

This time he went to sea, he absorbed a lot of energy.

Now, his energy value has been 107.321, and he won't feel distressed at all.

After all, Zhao Yuefen is his neighbor. Now, he is the village director again. In order to cure the people in the village, it is the energy of several fish to spend a little energy?

Go back to SUN Hao's shop and collect a little to make up for it?

"Chu Yi, when do you think I can divorce Li Youwang?" Besides caring about her son, Zhao Yuefen is most concerned about whether she and Li Youwang can divorce.

"You can do it at any time. Have the relatives of qiao'er's sister-in-law written a divorce agreement for you. If so, tomorrow we'll go to Li Youwang and ask him to sign it. " Chu Yi said as he helped Zhao Yuefen into the taxi.

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