"Have corals begun to grow?" Xi Yan took a look at Chu Yi, optimization of the beauty algae No. 3 did not spend her too much energy, and did not arouse her interest.

What she was interested in was when Chu Yi promised to see her colorful beach.

"It's already been cultivated. I've put a batch of them into the salt marsh. I think the effect is good." After all, Chu Yi hasn't gone to see the results, and he doesn't know how the pink corals are growing.

"Oh, with the actual data, remember to tell me that there are other colors of coral that have been cultivated almost." After saying that, Xi Yan put into the hands of the experiment, no longer pay attention to Chu Yi.

Xi Yin, in addition to Chu Yi appeared after a Hello, there is no active voice. Chu Yi is not easy to disturb, so he goes to his own experimental area and looks at the results of the previous experiment.

He failed in both experiments, and it didn't change much.

However, he did not give up and continued to do it again. Sometimes his success lies in countless repetitions.

After staying in the Dragon Palace for a while, Chu Yi went back to the No. 1 Experiment of the villa.

He doesn't know whether it's good to train both Xiyin and Xiyan into Research-oriented girls.

But there is one thing, that is, there is no need to worry about other men harassing them in the future. After all, I'm a nerd, and I don't like to use social software.

If you can use the little dragon's network in the future, only Chu Yi can contact them.

Chuyi has already planned to let pilose antler design mobile phones or new communication devices that can be used in this network after it has finished the network module.

After leaving the laboratory, Chu Yi took a diving camera to the salt beach and dived into the water.

Use the camera to start recording, looking for the pink coral he dropped.

It took Chu Yi an hour to shoot all the points he put in before he came out of the water.

"The effect is slightly better than I expected. Maybe the real marine environment is more suitable." Chu Yi took a pink coral the size of a little finger and said something happily.

They not only took root on the beach, but also lived better than he expected.

"The only drawback is that the color is much lighter. I don't know if it's due to the salinity. We have to study it again." Then Chu Yi appeared in the dragon palace again.

In addition to the video to Xi Yan, the samples brought back to Xi Yan.

The color becomes lighter and lighter, which also makes Xi Yan feel some unexpected.

"Give me the sample first, and I'll give it to you after I get the result clearly." Xi Yan feels that this is more challenging, so she puts down her ongoing project and plans to focus on pink coral.

After all, the color of pink coral has faded, and others may exist. If we solve this problem, others will naturally follow.

"I just wanted to be lazy." Chu Yi takes things to Xi Yan, just want Xi Yan to solve this problem. He believes that Xi Yan has this ability.

"Chu Yi, if you go on like this, you may even have to be fed." Xi Yan rolled a white eye, didn't think Chu Yi is so shameless, unexpectedly say oneself in order to be lazy to hand over this matter to oneself.

"If you feed me, I'll be so lazy!" Chu Yi joked, which was also his inner thought.

"Don't bother to tease me. You are too poor at teasing girls. You'd better go outside and tease those little sisters." Xi Yan then rolled a white eye.

"I'm not trying to tease you, I'm trying to look at your white eyes, because you look so good when you roll your eyes." Chu Yi goes further.

"Well, this routine can make progress. But benxian is not interested in mortals. " Xi Yan rolled a white eye again, it is to satisfy Chu Yi "abnormal" like.

If Xi Yan is a fairy, it's true.

In the eyes of the ancients, isn't Xi Yan a full fairy?

First of all, she's not human.

Secondly, she has all kinds of "special functions" that human beings can't have.

These are in line with the ancients' fantasy of fairies.

"Strictly speaking, I'm not a mortal, can you be interested?" Chu Yi touched to touch chin, saw one eye Xi Yan.

It's not that he didn't want to optimize himself into a chimpanzee.

In terms of Xiaoyou's theory, Chu Yi could optimize himself into a mackerel family. After all, he can get their genes, know their advantages, and as long as he absorbs their genes, he can optimize them in the right direction.

But Chu Yi didn't want to. He could optimize his organs, but he didn't want to change his whole gene.

After all, it's hard to change your race.

Of course, it's better to change your race to the Dragon rather than the shark.

From the perspective of the attitude of the chimaera to the dragon, they are willing to become female slaves of the dragon.

But Chu Yi didn't want to.

Again, he didn't want to change his race.

There is nothing wrong with human beings.

As long as continuous optimization, Chu Yi believes that his future achievements will be stronger than the dragon.

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