"Good support acridine, for a long time did not eat so support." Zhao Yue leans on the chair, touching his round stomach, with a happy expression on his face.

"Yes, I didn't expect that my aunt's cooking skills were so good. I lived so long. For the first time, I found that ordinary vegetables were so delicious." Chu Yi also touched his stomach. Just now, he only paid attention to the delicious food. He didn't have a good chat with Zhao ruoyi and sun ya.

"That's great. If you like it, you can come often. I'll make it for you." Zhao ruoyi's face is like the spring breeze, with a faint smile, giving people a particularly comfortable feeling.

Chu Yi can't help looking sideways. Zhao ruoyi is mature and feminine. She has too much charm. Unconsciously, her attractive eyes sweep away from her.

This is the third time that Chu Yi has won.

"Aunt, you are eccentric. You haven't told me that in the future." Zhao Yue sat up very unconvinced, and then looked at Chu Yi enviously: "after you come here, you must take me by the way."

"You girl, it seems that I am so eccentric. But even if your aunt is partial, what can you do with her? " With that, Zhao ruoyi looked at her niece with a girl's heart.

She is only 13 years older than Zhao Yue. She grew up with Zhao Yue. The two are not cousins, but sisters.

"Aunt, you are a rascal!" Zhao Yue did not expect that Zhao ruoyi should be so single, and he was helpless.

"Yes, my aunt is a rogue." Zhao ruoyi is single and thorough, and even spits out her tongue at Zhao Yue, a little girl's style.

Maybe it's her girlish mentality that makes her look like a girl.

"By the way, Xiaoyi, I heard that you have quit your job as a lifeguard and been elected the village director?" Sun Ya looks at Chu Yi and asks curiously.

"Well." Chu Yi nodded and looked at Sun ya.

"Then you don't make money?" Sun Ya thinks that it's a waste of talent for Chu Yi to be a lifeguard. She remembers that Chu Yi is a doctor.

"Make money, how to live without it." Chu Yi felt his nose embarrassed.

"Well, what's your plan?" Sun Ya is like a parent to see her daughter's boyfriend mentality.

"I want to set up an agricultural products company for the time being, which can also help the village." Chu Yi said his idea, which he must do.

"Oh, agricultural products company, are you going to plant vegetables?" Zhao ruoyi suddenly asked.

"Well, yes, I'm more interested in fruits and vegetables myself, and I studied them in school." Chu Yi finds an explanation for himself. After all, he wants to say that after he returns to the village, he makes fairy fruit. I'm afraid that no one believes it.

But it's easy to accept that I did it in college.

Apart from his roommates, his classmates are not sure whether he has studied agricultural products in his university.

"Green and organic, even the country is developing this area, which is really very promising. I don't know if your company has been established. Do you need a little help from your aunt? " Say, sun Ya enters Chu Yi to blink an eye fine.

"My mother is a deputy to the National People's Congress, and her classmates are in charge of it. Chu Yi, you've come right this time." Zhao Yue grinned, in front of her mother's face, she exposed the bottom to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi is a Leng, did not expect sun ya to still have such an identity.

"Please, auntie. I just don't have any clue, and I don't know what kind of procedures it takes to set up a company." Chu Yi knows that sun Ya wants to return the favor.

Help oneself to register a company, this is not a big help, just arrived at human feelings.

In this way, people will be more equal when they communicate with each other in the future. Otherwise, Chu Yi always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Leave it to me. I'll tell you what I need. Now, just tell me the name of your company. " Sun Ya smiles, adding a point to Chu Yi's appreciation.

No affectation, push the boat with the current, let oneself return the human feelings, very understand advance and retreat.

"It's called friendship, friend of friend, fate of fate." Chu Yi thought of a name temporarily, and felt better after explaining it.

"Friendship, friendship, not bad." Sun Ya read it twice, then nodded.

"Chuyi, when your agricultural products are on the market, you must send some to me. If you can meet my requirements, my aunt will give you a big order. "

"Thank you, aunt." Chu Yi didn't think much, so he agreed. I know. This is Zhao ruoyi's return of her own favor.

This aunt and sister-in-law are still separated.

"Don't thank me. I have high requirements for fruits and vegetables. I won't take them if they don't meet the export standards. You don't blame your aunt for talking business, do you Zhao ruoyi said it seriously.

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "of course, I Chu Yi will not smash the signboard. I would rather give up production than quality. "

"Well, if we give up production, we will not give up quality. Just for you, my aunt believes that your agricultural products will certainly meet my requirements. " Zhao ruoyi's eyes became more charming.

Zhao Yue saw that he couldn't put in his mouth, and he was a little sullen.

However, she has no time to sulk here. After all, she's on duty at night.

"Mom, I'm going back to my duty. Do you want to stay with my aunt or go back with me?" Zhao Yue stood up and looked at his mother.

"Come back with you. I have something to do in the evening. Xiaoyi, Chuyi, I'll go with Yue. " Then sun Ya stood up and put her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"OK, I'll talk with Chu Yi for a while, and I'll send him back later." Zhao ruoyi's eyebrows trembled slightly and looked at Sun Ya strangely.

Agreed to sleep with her tonight, how can you leave suddenly?

However, sun ya all said so, she also can't open mouth to detain.

"Chuyi, let's go. Don't bully my aunt while I'm away." With that, Zhao Yue winked at Chu Yi.

"What are you talking about? Watch out for your aunt." Zhao ruoyi raised her hand and grinned at Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue's words are too ambiguous.

Bullying, what is bullying yourself.

"Hee hee, that's right. Only aunts bully people. How can others bully aunts. Well, we're really going. " Zhao Yue vomits his tongue and sweeps his eyes at Chu Yi.

Her aunt, who never liked men very much, is a little strange today.

I didn't find anything special when I used words on purpose.

Moreover, this Chu Yi looks at also this duty, should not be that kind of person.

In the mind idea flies to turn, Zhao Yue put away the vision, took his mother's arm to leave Zhao ruoyi's mansion.

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