"Well, the expert happens to be in the city. He can come to our village in the evening." Qin Yue hung up and said excitedly.

"That's great, so that my shed can start as soon as possible." Chu Yi didn't expect that the other party would come in the evening, so that he could go to the saline land tomorrow to investigate and measure.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that his design fee may cost 20000." Qin Yue suddenly remembered that he didn't mention it to Chu Yi. If Chu Yi couldn't accept it, wouldn't both sides offend people?

Ah, I'm still too young to do things well.

"Twenty thousand is not expensive. It's cheap among experts." Chu Yi Qin Yue said that the other side is an expert, certainly not flattery, it must be the other side has such strength and qualifications.

Therefore, the design fee of 20000 yuan is really not expensive.

"Eye power!" Qin Yue against Chu Yi established a thumb, the 20000 really not expensive, is the price of friendship. It would cost at least 50000 to replace it with someone else.

After they returned to the village, they rushed to the village committee building.

It's only 20 minutes short of the meeting time.

When they arrived, almost all the villagers arrived.

"I'll call you all together today. I think we all know what it is. Yesterday, our village committee said door-to-door that the county is going to allocate funds to build sewers for our village. "

"Village head, what kind of sewers should be built? The drainage of our village is OK. If you have money, you might as well send us some."

"I don't think it's necessary to repair sewers, but it's OK to repair public toilets."

"If the sewers are not repaired, can the sea be clean? What will our children and grandchildren eat in the future?"

"Village head, I support the construction of sewers. I'm willing to work."

"I'm willing to work, too. It's a good thing to repair sewers."

"I think we'd better build roads. Cement is only built to the head of the village. The village is full of mud roads. When it rains, we can't walk at all."

"The road in the village is so narrow that it's crowded for four people to walk together. There's nothing to repair."

We had a heated discussion with you and me.

Qin Yue standing on the stage did not expect that it would be so chaotic.

At this time, Chu Yi stood up, pressed his hand and said, "everyone, be quiet first and listen to me."

The scene gradually subsided.

"It's for us to build sewers, so the money can only be used to build sewers. As for the matter of repairing public toilets, we Qin Zhishu also won it for us, so the two things will be carried out at the same time. "

"To call you all together today is to discuss what every family should do. No matter men or women, each family has to provide a labor force. So, do you have any opinions? " Chu Yi took a look at the villagers and said it out loud, giving things down.

"We will do what the village head says."

"Yes, we listen to the village head. It's a good thing. How can we not contribute?"

Chu Yi didn't expect that no one raised any objection, so he went on to say, "in addition to repairing sewers and public toilets, I have another thing to discuss with you."

"Today, I registered an agricultural products company in Chuyi, and I plan to plant in the village in the future."

"Village head, do you want to recruit workers? Do you think I can do it?" An old lady stood up. She couldn't do anything else. Could she farm?

"Recruitment is the future. What I want to say is that I want to rent the collective land in the village." Chu Yi continued.

"This is a good thing. I don't know which piece of land the village head wants to rent." Another villager made his own voice because there was not much collective land in Dongqi village.

"I'd like to rent qianlongtan and wolongshan for 70 years at an annual rent of 10000 yuan, totaling 700000 yuan."

"700000... So much?"

Ten thousand a year is not much, but when it comes to 700000, everyone's eyes are bright.

"I'll give it to the village in three times." Chu Yi looked around the crowd and released the heavy news.

"Well, there were more than 200000 at that time. With so much money, each of us can get a lot of it?"

"There are more than 200 people in our village, a total of 700000, who can get more than 3000."

"Ah, it's only over 3000, isn't it 700000?"

"Lao Cai, you haven't studied arithmetic. If you divide 72000 people into three thousand people, that's more than three thousand people. There are three people in your family, and the total is nearly ten thousand."

"That's great. Ten thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan."

"Calm down, everyone. I'm not going to share the money." Chu Yi raised his tone again.

"Why, it's not the collective land rent in the village. It's not given from above. Why don't we divide it?"

"That's to say, why don't you divide the money in the village? Do you want to embezzle?"

"Fellow villagers, do you want to take the three thousand all your life, or do you want to take the three thousand every year?" Chu Yi didn't expect that 3000 yuan would make them lose their sense.

"Bullshit, of course, it's the best to get 3000 every year. It would be better if I could die." A villager stood up excitedly. Three thousand yuan is enough to buy rice for three years.

He is over seventy years old and has no strength to grow rice. He can only grow some vegetables, but he can't save 3000 yuan a year.

If there were 3000 yuan a year, he would not have to work.

"I'm going to invest the 700000 yuan in my agricultural products company in exchange for 30% of the shares. After that, 30% of the annual profit will be distributed to every resident in the village. " Chu Yi released the last words.

"Village head, what are you doing? You rent land with your own money, and then you invest the money in your own company?"

"That's right. We're confused. Who knows if your company will make money, village head? If we lose money, then we don't have nothing?"

"Yes, village head, it's no good for us to change your left hand for your right hand. You have given you the property rights of qianlongtan and wolongshan."

"I thought you elected the village head for the sake of the village. It turned out that you were only for yourself. I was blind and would vote for you."

"Calm down." Qin Yue quickly stood up and yelled.

Because the villagers are getting more and more excited.

Further down, I'm afraid I'll rush up to fight Chu Yi.

"Fellow villagers, don't you know what qianlongtan is like? Are you willing to rent a useless place for ten thousand a year? "

Hearing Qin Yue's words, everyone immediately calmed down.

We are all in the village, where can we not know what is the situation of the shallow dragon beach. There, it's the stink pool. It can stink people. Only a fool would rent it.

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