But who would know that after Chu Yi stepped on the plane, he lost the news completely with Liu Fu and Han Ying?

When Chu Yi returns home and finds that he can't get in touch with them, he returns to Lijiang and goes to the inn to find Liu Zhen.

However, he was told that after Liu transferred the inn, it disappeared.

And Han Ying is the same, the airport only received her resignation letter.

If it wasn't for Lin Ruo and Su ya, Chu Yi would have thought it was a dream he had woven.

If it wasn't for such an experience, Chu Yi would not return to Dongji village so resolutely.

"Chuyi, Chuyi, have you drunk too much?" A voice came in my ear, and Chu Yi gradually recovered.

He took a look at Qin Yue and then laughed.

But he felt that his nose was sour, so he touched it. It turned out that his face was full of tears.

It turned out that unconsciously, he actually cried.

"It's nothing. I just think of something in the past." Chu Yi smiles and drives out the confused memory from his mind.

"Think of your ex girlfriend?" Qin Yue had been looking at Chu Yi's silent tears for a long time. He also drank a lot of wine. Seeing that he hadn't recovered for a long time, he called a few times.

"My ex didn't think much about it. She thought of other people." Chu Yi laughs at himself. Maybe Liu can't find it. He can only take it as a dream.

He admitted that he would not have been like this and would not have dared to go to Zhang qiaolu's bed without Liu.

"It seems that you have a lot of stories. Well, it's very late. I'll go to bed first. She said, "I'll leave it to you." With that, Qin Yue stood up.

Take two steps and you'll shake.

"No, no, you'd better give me a hand." Qin Yue found that he had some bravado, so he just leaned against the wall and asked Chu Yi for help.

Chu Yi nodded, helped Qin Yue back to her room, and then went downstairs to clean up the mess.

Zhao Yuefen fell down on the chair and didn't slide directly under the table. It's terrible.

Pick her up, Chu Yi ready to send her back to her own home.

"It's quite heavy." Chu Yi picked Zhao Yuefen up and was about to send her back when she heard her mutter: "Chu Yi, don't..."

Don't do what?

Chu Yi rolled a white eye, don't send you back.

There is no other place for you to sleep in my house.

Can't you sleep with me?

After a look at Zhao Yuefen, she finds that she doesn't mean to wake up at all. Chu Yi hugs her directly.

After sending Zhao Yuefen home, Chu Yi went back to his home.

He didn't bother to clean up the mess. He closed the door and went back upstairs.

"How did the girl open the door? She was really relieved of me?" Chu Yi found that Qin Yue's door opened after he left.

Qin Yue's bed can be seen at the door, and she has fallen on the bed, only wearing a red white inside, with nothing on her upper body.

Fortunately, I was lying on my stomach, or I would be gone.

Chu Yi shook his head, closed the door and went back to his room in silence.

Lying on the bed, Chu Yi finds that he can't sleep anyway.

"Sister Pang, Yingying, are you a dream of mine or do you really exist?"

"If it's something that happened, why don't you pay attention to me? Why can't you find any information?"

Chu Yi didn't find the police, but he had nothing to do with them. He didn't even know their real address. The police couldn't help Chu Yi find someone. Even if they did, they couldn't tell Chu Yi.

Chu Yi would not know that Liu would be in another country at the moment.

When it comes to Las Vegas, the first thing people think about is the word "Las Vegas.".

People who have been to Las Vegas know that the social security there is very good. Although there are a lot of people on the street, there has never been a thief or street violence.

Of course, those in the know know know that all this has an inseparable relationship with the tight underground gangs.

Standing on the roof of baijingli palace, Liu Chou Chou Chou opened a folder in his hand.

Menisler, the first-class master in the dark world, is cruel by nature. Good at sniping and close combat, like to use violent way to kill the target.

In addition to this brief introduction, the folder is full of photos of menzier.

A head of brown hair, a white face with a hawk hook nose, tough lines, coupled with his sexy Hu dregs, the two words Yingwu do a good interpretation.

"Is this miss Ben's last goal?" Liu's hand trembled, the lighter turned around in his hand and fell to the palm of his hand. Then the flame jumped out and burned the data to ashes.

As long as this list is finished, she can fly directly to her native land, far away from the foreign country where she has to speak birds. Therefore, she felt that she should play this action perfectly and let the dark world remember that her retirement was unprecedented.

Looking at the neon bar in the distance, Liu knew that it was the end of menisil's life. With a hood set, Yifeng can quickly land along the sliding rope, enjoying the pleasure of falling.

After landing on the ground smoothly, Liu walked towards the bar.

"Sir, this bar is contracted by our boss. Please go back." Two burly bodyguards stand in front of Yi Feng, and English with a Western accent stops Yi Feng.

Damn Benjamin, didn't you say it's very busy here today?

Before that, Liu Fu got menisil's foothold through the intelligence organization. Ten minutes ago, it was confirmed that menisil had entered the bar. How could someone else make a reservation in the twinkling of an eye?

Lowering her hat, Liu saw the other side's small touch of the gun, and expressed her apology in fluent English. Then she turned and left.

After walking to a corner, Liu took out seven copper coins from his pocket and said to himself, "old man, it depends on you if you can go in."

After taking a deep breath, Liu's hand shook and threw one of the seven forward. Copper coins fall to the ground, but there is no sound.

She jumped to the coin and stood on it.

Then, she threw out another one and jumped to the top of the coin, until she was stopped by two bodyguards.

However, the other side did not seem to see Liu.

After taking a look at the last copper coin in his hand, Liu looked around and threw it into the door. At the moment when the copper piece flew away, Liu's body also moved.

When the coin landed, Yi Feng's foot just stepped on it.

Behind came a question: "do you feel a wind blowing?"

"It's just the wind. Why are you so nervous?"

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