"She's terminally ill. I can give her anything as a brother, but I can't give her love. So, I want to ask you to help me with this matter. Zitong will experience the feeling of a love


"This is my key in Hangzhou. The address is Room 608, building 12, Jinghua community. You must have... "Before Liu Fu could smell back, Mo Qiao, who left the exact address, fell into a coma.

"Sanqing has become a Taoist. Is that meant to play with me?" Just now, she was using the life extending needle, a secret skill of the school. Once Mo Qiao fell into a coma, she would not wake up until three months later. Otherwise, he will have to report to Marx immediately.

She took out the phone and took pictures of the players one by one. Then she made a phone call.

"Benjamin, you son of a bitch, come here to sweep the field, drive your ambulance, and solve the two problems outside the door. Ten minutes, or I'll kick your head tomorrow. " If it wasn't for intelligence failure, how could I be so miserable. With mojo almost down to see the old horse, this is her debut has never happened since the huge mistake.

Benjamin on the other end of the phone shivered, pushed aside the two blondes around him and killed them in their pajamas. He knew that if he didn't, the devil would screw his head off and kick the ball.

About half an hour later, Liu took Mo Qiao to an ambulance.

"Hun Dan, take him to the best hospital and send someone to protect him. If you let him have an accident, I'll screw your head off myself. " After jumping out of Benjamin's private ambulance, Liu roared at the man who owned a picture of Asia.

"Yes, yes, my boss, you may rest assured that you will not let this gentleman have any accident. In addition, the ashes will be sent to the room of Bailey palace in 20 minutes. Do you have any other instructions? "

"Book me a ticket back to Hangzhou as soon as possible."

Benjamin nodded and said yes. Then he rushed to the ambulance, sped away and disappeared into the night.

"Chu Yi, ah Chu Yi, it's been two years. I've been abroad for two years. Do you still remember our original agreement?" Liu looked at the sky and couldn't help thinking of the days when he was in Lijiang.

"However, after returning home, I still have a lot of things to deal with. I'll come to you when I'm done with everything. I hope you still remember me, otherwise I can't spare you. "

Liu Pang licked his tongue and couldn't help thinking of Chu Yi's face.


"Here we are." After stopping the car, the driver called back.

Liu Pang, with sleepy eyes, paid to get off.

Looking up at the dense commercial housing, Liu is not used to the domestic changes.

"This is 608, building 12, Jinghua community." Put down the black travel bag, Liu Pang supporting the wall panting. Just now, she went up to the sixth floor with the huge pain left in her abdomen. It was a great torture for her, so she almost breathed.

Shivering took out the key, Liu Li pushed the door and entered.

"Strange, how can there be a faint fragrance? Doesn't it mean nobody lives here?" Moving his nose, Liu closed the door, found the master bedroom, went into the head, and fell on the clean bed.

She soon fell into a deep sleep. Of course, it's not accurate to say that she is sleeping, because she is practicing the secret art of "Gui Xi Long Yuan". It's because of practicing this strange internal skill that she has developed her abnormal fighting ability. It can be said that she was beaten up from childhood, and her life was very hard.

However, those who practice "ghost breathing dragon Yuan" have to bear more than three hours of abuse every day. Some whip, some stick, some iron sandbag, or some black artifact, brick, are all her toys. In her childhood when she was eaten by dogs, she left indelible memories.

Although pain is a torture to her, it is also a favorable condition for her to study "Gui Xi Long Yuan", which is more effective than usual.

It was getting dark soon, but Liu didn't seem to feel it. He was still sleeping.

Alternate day and night, this sleep is two days and two nights.

On the third night, Liu finally regained consciousness, and his first thought when he opened his eyes was to get up.

Unfortunately, she was so hungry that when she sat up fiercely, she felt dark and seemed to faint again. She immediately bit the tip of her tongue to refresh herself.

"Eh, where is the smell of rice coming from? Am I hungry and my soul is out of my body?" Sitting up, Liu Zhen walked to the door and gently pulled it. The piercing light let Liu Zhen subconsciously block it with his hand.


A scream, accompanied by the sound of broken bowl.

"Who are you?" Liu took the lead in responding, but it sounded like he was not strong enough. He was really hungry.

"Ah... Thief, catch thief!" With a scream, a girl in pajamas, like an arrow, rushed to the door, opened the door and rushed out. Then she smashed the opposite door. She dared to say, "come and catch the thief!"

Liu wanted to shout out: "Miss Ben is not a thief", but her voice was so weak that it was not the same when she screamed at each other's high decibel.

Soon, a young man with an apron and a knife rushed out.

"Where is the thief. It's too bold. I dare to steal things from our Jinghua community. "

"In, in my house." The girl pointed to the open door, and then watched the man in the apron dart in with a kitchen knife.

At the sight of each other's appearance, Liu's heart became cold. I can't help but have a sentence in my mind: no matter how good my martial arts are, I'm afraid of kitchen knives.

"Spare your life, hero!" Hands forward a, Liu Li decisive choice of surrender.

"I'll spare you, because you look like a dog. It's better to sell meat than to be a thief. Go to the police station with me." The man cut the kitchen knife horizontally, which was quite chivalrous.

"No, no, no, listen to me. It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." Liu didn't understand why a girl suddenly appeared in moqiao's house, and she was a little too beautiful. Is she mojo's girlfriend?

"Bah, you still play the old routine. Zitong, did you call the police? " The man pointed the knife at Liu Li and asked.

"Yes, I did."

"That's good. I'll take her down now." The man suddenly felt that it was a good time for him to show his heroic side. He parted the kitchen knife to his waist and put his hand on Liu's shoulder.

"I went. Is this guy too timid to be scared out?" When she reached her shoulder with her own hand, she found that she was soft.

Fuck, Miss Ben is hungry, timid, your sister!

However, Liu's almost unconscious stupor had already been unable to make complaints about it, and tried to squeeze out a word "hungry" from his mouth.

At this time, the man realized that Liu's stomach seemed to be beating a drum, and he kept shouting.

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