After ten minutes, Chu Yi meets Ruzhen in a big office.

Now Ruzhen is quite different from before.

It's beautiful, it's young.

Moreover, her cultivation also broke through, and reached the yuan infant period.

"Disciple Ruzhen, meet the patriarch." Ruzhen made a big gift to Chu Yi.

"Don't be polite. Get up. I have been closed for ten years. It seems that we have changed a lot like longzong. " Chu Yi picked up Ruzhen and said something in surprise.

"Yes, suzerain, it has changed a lot in the past ten years. We, like the Dragon sect, have finally risen again. Now, countless talents want to worship us like dragon sect. And all this is because of the layout of the patriarch, so that we have the glory of the Dragon sect. " Ruzhen said excitedly, looking at Chu Yi's eyes, full of worship, very strong.

Chu Yi smoked the corner of his mouth, needless to say, it must be brainwashed.

Zhou Ke, what have they done?

"Tell me more about the changes in Zongli." Chu Yi felt that Ruzhen said it and didn't say it, so he asked directly.

"Five years ago, the wives of Xiyin and Xiyan, the two patriarchs, both broke through to the stage of being out of body and became their own disciples. Then, 300 spirit puppets with strength reaching the late stage of OBE were obtained from the treasure house. We got 50 spirit puppets in the middle of distraction, 10 spirit puppets in the middle of combination, and 3 spirit puppets in the early stage of Dongxu. "

"The strength of our dragon sect has skyrocketed, and that's the strength of the top ten sects."

Chu Yi was so stupid that he didn't expect that rulongzong had so many spirit puppets.

The so-called spirit puppet is actually a biochemical robot. However, the spirit puppets are made by real people, and they are made from the corpses of the strong.

Rulongzong, has he left such a large fortune?

With such a strong strength, no wonder such a strong rise as longzong.

Such a powerful power, not powerful, there is no reason.

After all, so many spirit puppets can crush the sects under the top ten sects.

Moreover, the top ten sects dare not besiege rulongzong.

After all, the mountain protection array of rulongzong is very strong. If you can't attack, you will be attacked by rulongzong.

However, what Chu Yi is curious about is how Xi Yin and Xi Yan break through.

Now, he is the strength in the later stage of the OBE. It took him ten years, and with the help of the system.

However, Xiyin and Xiyan broke through the period of emergence five years ago. How did they do that?

"Now what are the accomplishments of Xiyin and Xiyan?" Chu Yi is more curious about this.

"It should be in the late stage of out of body. I'm not very clear about the details." Ruzhen said it truthfully.

"Well, I'll be right back. By the way, how many such Dragon Square are there? " Chu Yi asked curiously.

"More than 900 are still under construction, and we are expanding very quickly. Such a mall is very attractive. The idea of the patriarch is too powerful. " Ruzhen looks at Chu Yi with adoration.

It's obvious that they gave this idea to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi didn't say anything, but left Rulong square, and then directly returned to Rulong Zong.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at rulongzong, Chu Yi was sent back to Qinchuan hall.

The third disciple of Rulong sect appeared. Both inside and outside Rulong sect were informed, and the whole sect was shocked.

Because it was their new patriarch who became a disciple of the book of changes.

Xiyin and Xiyan appear in Qinchuan hall for the first time. After all, only two of them can come in this place.

"My husband." Two people happily shout a, then hugged Chu Yi.

The three hugged each other for a while, then let go.

"You're both out of your wits?" Chu Yi felt it and asked.

"Yes, yes." Two people point the next, happy to say a word. Because, they feel, Chu Yi has been out of the late period, better than them.

"Come on, eat this and you can break through." Said, Xi Yan took out a pill, and then pried open Chu Yi's mouth, the pill to Chu Yi's mouth.

The entrance is melting, and Chu Yi has no time to repent.

Then, Chu Yi's body erupted a great power.

Middle distraction?

What kind of elixir is so overbearing?

"You are the only God Dan. Hee hee, husband, you are the strongest one in our family now. In the future, we should protect ourselves. " With that, Xi Yan kisses Chu Yi's face.

"The strongest, isn't it the spirit puppet with empty period?" Chu Yi asked.

"It's just a one-time one. Only my sister and I know the secret. Moreover, they can't leave rulongzong, so husband, you are our strongest force. " If Yan mischievous said a word.

"Well, I'll protect you. Besides, I don't have to go out to practice in the future. I can practice in the sect. " Chu Yi didn't ask much.

Those spirit puppets, even if they can't go out, only exist, which is the representative of the strength of rulongzong.

With this, rulongzong can accept those gifted disciples.

With the resources in the treasure house of rulongzong, the disciples in the sect can naturally become stronger.

In the future, rulongzong will be really strong.

Although it is very empty now, no one dares to deal with rulongzong.

So Chu Yi went to see his other women.

It took Chu Yi a year to practice with them.

His goal is the void period of the cave, so he always stays in the sect to practice and live the same life as his beauties.

50 years later, Chu Yi had two sons and two daughters, and his life became more complete.

(end of the book)

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